ms mshs hsaa k 8 aft 8 after s school ool p progr ograms

MS MSHS HSAA & K- 8 Aft 8 After S School ool P Progr - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MS MSHS HSAA & K- 8 Aft 8 After S School ool P Progr ograms E Evaluation on 2018 2018-19 19 MS MSHSAA Program Perf rform rmance Summari ries and Program Playbooks Pattonville High School Simple Grade Point Average Based on

  1. MS MSHS HSAA & K- 8 Aft 8 After S School ool P Progr ograms E Evaluation on 2018 2018-19 19

  2. MS MSHSAA Program Perf rform rmance Summari ries and Program Playbooks

  3. Pattonville High School Simple Grade Point Average Based on MSHSAA Program Participation 2018-19 School Year 1st Semester Grade Point Average 2nd Semester Grade Point Average 5 3.57 3.56 Level of MSHSAA Program Participation 4 3.34 3.33 3 3.18 3.13 2 3.13 3.05 1 2.92 2.84 0 2.43 2.42

  4. MSHSAA Program Participation for the 2018-19 School Year by Demographic Group One or More MSHSAA Activity No MSHSAA Activity Pacific Islander (n=2) 50.00% 50.00% 50.98% 49.02% Multiracial (n=51) Hispanic (n=143) 38.46% 61.54% 56.42% 43.58% Caucasian (n=833) Asian (n=75) 64.00% 36.00% American Indian (n=4) 75.00% 25.00% African-American (n=577) 50.61% 49.39%

  5. MSHSAA Program Participation for the 2018-19 School Year by Gender Females Males 380 410 No MSHSAA Activity 478 417 One or More MSHSAA Activity Number of Students

  6. Comprehensive School Improvement Plan

  7. MSH MSHSAA 9 9-12 A 12 Areas of of F Focu ocus f for t or the 2019 2019-20 20 Sch School ool Y Year Maryland Heights Healthy Rosters Game Changer Summer Camp Arbiter Partnership Professional Facilities Sports Officiating Development Upgrades

  8. K –8 A K 8 After Sch r School ool P Prog ogrammi mming 2018-19 Highlights 2019-2020 Update • Dance offered and taught by PHS • Partnering with Rockwood Alumni VDT Thunder volleyball • Partnered with the following • Continuing to seek additional providers to enhance quality of quality organizations to partner after school programming: with to provide quality programming at discounted • Vetta Sports rates to Pattonville students Larry Hughes Basketball • • Team Snap communication tool Academy for parents Scott Gallagher Soccer Club • FAST Swim Club • RUSH Lacrosse Club •

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