
MovingOn2gether 5 year Big Lottery Funded project- Empowering Young - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MovingOn2gether 5 year Big Lottery Funded project- Empowering Young People. SIMON DARBY AND LAURENA KANE- YOUNG PERSONS SOCIAL WORKERS WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO: Outcome 1- YP with cancer across NI will have maintained/accessed

  1. MovingOn2gether 5 year Big Lottery Funded project- ‘Empowering Young People’. SIMON DARBY AND LAURENA KANE- YOUNG PERSON’S SOCIAL WORKERS

  2. WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO: • Outcome 1- YP with cancer across NI will have maintained/accessed education, employment, social activities during and post treatment. • Outcome 2- YP with cancer will be equipped to manage the transitions between home, community and hospital setting. By providing: • One to One case work- needs assessment, care planning and reviewing during and post treatment. • Group work • Promoting opportunities e.g conferences

  3. EXAMPLES OF HOW WE DID IT: Outcome 1- maintain/access education, employment and training: • we worked with young people across the organisation to develop a new young person’s assessment tool. We also trialled - Rickter Scale and Support Star (Outcome Star) methods of empowerment. • Dongles, Laptops and iPads were provided to young people on the ward so they could maintain their education. These were then provided to rurally isolated young people who couldn’t attend school. • Group work opportunities were offered and run across the province. Opportunities to attend groups on the mainland were also provided. • A new survivorship group piloted- ‘Thrive’ to promote life skills learning. • New fitness program started for young adult cancer survivors- MOVE Forward/Fitness4survivors

  4. EXAMPLES OF HOW WE DID IT: 2- manage transition between home, community and hospital setting • Ward inductions prior to treatment. • VR Radiotherapy project • Group nights on the ward and in the community • Referrals to community based resources • Instrumental in developing the Regional TYA Cancer Service for Northern Ireland.

  5. Thank you for your time.
