Moving Towards a Green Economy Ghana’s Approach in the Bia Biosphere Reserve Presented at the 4 th World Congress of Biosphere Reserves, Lima - Peru March 2016 SHEILA ASHONG Ghana MAB National Committee /AfriMAB Secretariat s
Content • Sharing some perspectives of a Green Economy (Ref: AFRIMAB initiatives and approaches) • Our approach to attaining a Green economy • Blue Economy • Ensuring Sustainability
What is a Green Economy? • A green economy is one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, which significantly reduces environmental risks and ecological scarcities .” [UNEP 2011]. • Due consideration of the characteristics of BRs based and their functions
Some Green Economy Principles (UNCSD 2012) • Help to achieve sustainable Development • Addresses Equity(among groups, nations, generations) • Foster prosperity and promote general wellbeing • Improve Ecological integrity • Promote inclusive and participatory decision-making • Accountability in Governance • Build social, economic and environmental resilience • Deliver sustainable production and consumption patterns • Investing for the future
Provide a comprehensive approach to attaining sustainable development through: • Protecting the Environment VS Protecting People • Knowledge – Education, Awareness raising, Sensitization • A ttitudes – Self interest, Ownership, Skills • P ractices – Enabling conditions
Green Economy in Biosphere Reserves: • Knowledge building: What Ø Understanding ¡the ¡situa.on ¡-‑ ¡stakeholders, ¡incen.ves, ¡issues ¡ Ø Dialogue ¡-‑ ¡mutual ¡learning ¡& ¡exchange ¡ Ø Iden.fying ¡entry ¡points ¡-‑ ¡, ¡partners, ¡gaps, ¡constraints ¡ Educa.on, ¡Awareness ¡raising, ¡ ¡ Ø ¡ How ¡ ¡people ¡– ¡Religious ¡and ¡community ¡leaders, ¡elderly ¡ Ø Trainings ¡ ¡-‑ ¡Workshops ¡ Ø Mass ¡media ¡ ¡-‑ ¡Community ¡Radios ¡ Ø Educa.on ¡System ¡– ¡Lower ¡& ¡Secondary ¡schools ¡ Ø
Green Economy in Biosphere Reserves: • P ractices – Enabling environment Ø Mobilizing capacities : § Tradi&onal ¡Knowledge ¡ ¡ § Leaderships ¡ § Women ¡ ¡ Ø Facilitating partnerships: § Promo&ng ¡collec&ve ¡ac&on-‑ ¡ economy ¡of ¡scale ¡ § Public-‑ ¡Community-‑ ¡Private ¡partnerships ¡ § Market ¡Linkages ¡ Ø Improving Skills: § Entrepreneurial ¡ ¡capaci&es ¡-‑ ¡ ¡ business ¡planning ¡and ¡management ¡ § Technical ¡competences ¡-‑ ¡ ¡ ¡ § Organiza&onal ¡abili&es ¡– ¡ forma4on ¡of ¡associa4on ¡
Green Economy in Biosphere Reserves : RESULT ??????? “ Economically empowered communities protect • their ecosystems!”
Blue Economy or Blue Growth • Originates from the broader green movement but with emphasis on human impacts on ocean ecosystems through activities like overfishing, habitat destruction, pollution, climate change impacts • Ref: COP 21, SDG(14)s • Blue Economy business model will shift society from scarcity to abundance with what is locally available by tackling issues that cause environmental and related problems. PIBR, MWBR
Some Actions at the Regional Level on Green Economy • 3 rd AfriMAB general Assembly recommended each member country to implement a green economy project . • As a follow up recommendation, regional workshop on green was organized in Sao Tome and Principe in December, 2015 • International Review workshop on GEBR in Tanzania, February, 2016 • Key thematic Area of AfriMAB, formation of a Green Economy Working Group
Green Economy in Biosphere Reserves (GEBR Project) • Goal : • Conserve biodiversity, reduce poverty and contribute to susta -inable development in sub-Saharan Africa • Objectives: v Diversification of the economy through improved and alternative biodiversity related livelihoods. v Reduce the pressure on forest resources as a result of fuel wood extraction for heating and cooking purposes. v Build the capacity of communities in a holistic manner to ensure the sustainability of the biodiversity businesses and to conserve the resource-base of their business.
Our Approach • Strengthen conservation through enhanced enforcement and awareness creation and capacity building • Reinforce logistic function through research and monitoring of biodiversity • Underscore the relevance of ecosystem services provided • Provide complimentary livelihoods through biodiversity businesses meaning enterprise development in: v Bee ¡keeping ¡ v Mushroom ¡Farming ¡ ¡ v Snail ¡Rearing ¡ v Palm ¡oil ¡produc&on ¡
Our Approach 2 • Strengthen conservation through enhanced enforcement and awareness creation and capacity building • Reinforce logistic function through research and monitoring of biodiversity • Underscore the relevance of ecosystem services provided • Provide complimentary livelihoods through biodiversity businesses v Bee ¡keeping ¡ v Mushroom ¡growing ¡ v Snail ¡rearing ¡ v Palm ¡oil ¡produc&on ¡ v Business ¡management ¡skills ¡
Visibility Actions • Various platforms such as Facebook, website, newspapers, FM, TV and community workshops, newsletter, and fora were used to publicize and disseminate information about the project in all the countries. • programme/networks/afrimab/gebr-project
Achievements • To ensure sustainability: v Forma&on ¡of ¡local ¡management ¡team ¡and ¡inaugura&on ¡ v Crea&on ¡of ¡a ¡revolving ¡fund ¡(HFC ¡Bank ¡partners) ¡ v Provision ¡of ¡bank ¡account ¡and ¡support ¡for ¡financial ¡management ¡ v Forma&on ¡and ¡registra&on ¡of ¡Green ¡Economy ¡livelihood ¡associa&ons ¡ v Provision ¡of ¡full ¡set ¡of ¡equipment ¡for ¡all ¡trainees ¡to ¡be ¡paid ¡back ¡into ¡revolving ¡ v Crea&on ¡of ¡marke&ng ¡link ¡for ¡products ¡ v Publica&ons ¡ v Provision ¡of ¡equipment ¡to ¡enhance ¡management: ¡GPS ¡laptops, ¡phones ¡
Benefits • All stakeholders: Management Authority, partner institutions, local communities, • Indirect: service providers, hotels, restaurants, churches, media, etc • Enhanced conservation education
Constraints • Seasonality of biodiversity products and life cycles causing delays • Local content • Delay in customized fabrication of equipment • Full value chain development • Marketing
Next Steps • Full operationalisation of enterprises • Repayment into revolving fund • Upscaling to bring on board new beneficiaries • Publication of trainers’ manuals and other information • Support for BR Branding
CONCLUSION • Its anticipated that opportunities will be created for entrepreneurs and social enterprises in BRs(Ref: Lima Action plan). • Enterprises established to be models for emulation in other sites
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