
Motivation The innovation and implementation of new ideas, or - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

F INANCIAL F RICTIONS , I NNOVATION , AND E CONOMIC G ROWTH C Jonathan Chiu esaire Meh Randall Wright Bank of Canada Bank of Canada University of Wisconsin FRB of Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 19 November 2009 1

  1. F INANCIAL F RICTIONS , I NNOVATION , AND E CONOMIC G ROWTH C´ Jonathan Chiu esaire Meh Randall Wright Bank of Canada Bank of Canada University of Wisconsin FRB of Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 19 November 2009 1

  2. Introduction Motivation ⋄ The innovation and implementation of new ideas, or knowledge, are key for economic growth (Schumpeter 1934). ⋄ A big issue: Technology Transfer - How to get ideas into the hands of those best suited to implement them? ⋄ Financial development plays a key role in facilitating this process (Levine 2004). ⋄ This project is an attempt to contribute to these issues.

  3. Introduction What We Do Build a growth model where advances in knowledge lead to increases in productivity ⋄ Individual producers have access to the frontier technology Z , which is in the public domain. ⋄ They also come up with ideas for innovations that increase their own knowledge and productivity z . ⋄ This new idea can also be transferred to other better implementors. ⋄ Financial frictions can impede this idea market and hence hinder the advancement of knowledge and economic growth.

  4. Introduction Related Work ⋄ Transfer of Ideas: e.g. Holmes and Schmitz (1990), Chatterjee and Rossi-Hansberg (2007), Silveira and Wright (2008), Chiu and Meh (2008). ⋄ Ideas and Growth: e.g. Romer (1990), Jones (1997), Kortum (1997), Lucas (2008). ⋄ Financial Development and Growth: e.g. Greenwood and Jovanovic (1990), Greenwood and Smith (1997), Levine (2004). ⋄ Monetary Policy and Growth: e.g. Gomme (1993), Boyd and Champ (2003), Berentsen, Breu and Shi (2009).

  5. Introduction Overview 1. Basic Growth Model 2. Technology Transfer 3. Financial Frictions 4. Modeling Financial Activity 5. Some Empirical Evidence 6. Conclusion and Extensions

  6. Basic Growth Model

  7. Basic Growth Model Environment ⋄ Infinite horizon: t = 1 , 2 , 3 , ... ⋄ Measure 1 of agents ⋄ Preference: u ( c ) − χh, where c : consumption, h : labor supply ⋄ Technology y = zf ( H ) , where z : individual productivity, H : labor demand

  8. Basic Growth Model Innovation ⋄ At the beginning of each period, every agent has access to the fron- tier technology Z . ⋄ Each agent is a potential innovator, coming up with a new idea every period. The idea can be implemented to increase individual productivity z . t t+1 coming up with an idea

  9. Basic Growth Model Innovation ⋄ At the beginning of each period, every agent has access to the fron- tier technology Z . ⋄ Each agent is a potential innovator, coming up with a new idea every period. ⋄ The idea can be implemented to increase individual productivity z . t t+1 implementation coming up and production with an idea

  10. Basic Growth Model Idea Implementation ⋄ Successful idea implementation can improve individual productivity:  Z (1 + η )  w/prob. λ z = Z w/prob. 1 − λ  where Z : frontier productivity z : individual productivity after implementation ⋄ λ ∼ F i ( λ ) : capture the match between idea and agent’s skill ⋄ Successful implementation increases individual profit in the short-run

  11. Basic Growth Model Technology Diffusion ⋄ At end of the period, knowledge will enter the public domain, freely available to other agents to imitate/learn ⋄ As a result, all agents will start the next period with the same frontier technology Z t +1 t t+1 learning/ implementation comes up imitation and production with an idea

  12. Basic Growth Model Technology Diffusion ⋄ At end of the period, knowledge will enter the public domain, freely available to other agents to imitate/learn ⋄ As a result, all agents will start the next period with the same frontier technology Z t +1 t t+1 z t = Z t (1 + η ) Z t +1 Z t z t = Z t idea implementation learning/imitation

  13. Basic Growth Model Technology Diffusion (Cont’d) Assume the learning/imitation process is captured by � 1 �� 1 ε z t ( j ) ε dj Z t +1 = ρ , 0 where : z t individual productivity at the end of t : frontier productivity at the beginning of t + 1 Z t +1 Our result relies only on: ⋄ Aggregate productivity Z t +1 increasing in individual productivity z t ( j )

  14. Basic Growth Model Technology Diffusion (Cont’d) Assume the learning/imitation process is captured by � 1 �� 1 ε z t ( j ) ε dj Z t +1 = ρ , 0 where : z t individual productivity at the end of t : frontier productivity at the beginning of t + 1 Z t +1 Our result relies only on: ⋄ Frontier technology Z t +1 increasing in individual productivity z t ( j )

  15. Basic Growth Model Technology Diffusion (Cont’d) � 1 �� 1 ε z t ( j ) ε dj Z t +1 = ρ , 0 • ε = ∞ : frontier technology is determined by the most productive agent. • ε = −∞ : frontier technology is determined by the least productive agent. • ε = 1 : frontier technology is the average of all agents’.

  16. Basic Growth Model Real Asset ⋄ To facilitate later discussion, introduce a fixed stock A of real asset. ⋄ Each share, a , has a price φ and yields dividend δ . ⋄ Dividend δ can be turned into Zδ consumption good.

  17. Basic Growth Model Balanced Growth Path Aim to construct the BGP s.t. • 1 + g = Z t +1 = Y t +1 = C t +1 = w t +1 = φ t +1 φ t . Z t Y t C t w t • Utility function: u ( c ) = log( c )

  18. Basic Growth Model Agent’s Problem After z realizes, each agent solves: c,h,a ′ { u ( c ) − χh + βV ( a ′ , Z ′ ) } W ( a, z ; Z ) = max wh + ( φ + δ a Z ) a + π ( z ) , s.t. c + φa ′ = where V is the value function at the beginning of the next period. � 1 V ( a, Z ) = 0 λW ( a, Z (1+ η ); Z )+(1 − λ ) W ( a, Z ; Z ) dF i ( λ ) π ( z ) = max H { zf ( H ) − wH }

  19. Basic Growth Model Agent’s Problem After z realizes, each agent solves: c,h,a ′ { u ( c ) − χh + βV ( a ′ , Z ′ ) } W ( a, z ; Z ) = max wh + ( φ + δ a Z ) a + π ( z ) , s.t. c + φa ′ = where V is the value function at the beginning of the next period. � 1 V ( a, Z ) = 0 λW ( a, Z (1+ η ); Z )+(1 − λ ) W ( a, Z ; Z ) dF i ( λ ) π ( z ) = max H { zf ( H ) − wH }

  20. Basic Growth Model Return to implementing idea Expected gain from implementing an idea with λ λ ∆ ≡ λ ( π 1 − π 0 ) χ , w � �� � ∆ where π 1 : profit for high productivity agents π 0 : profit for low productivity agents.

  21. Basic Growth Model Result The equilibrium growth rate of the economy is: 1 + g = ρ [ N (1 + η ) ε + (1 − N )] 1 /ε where N is the measure of ideas successfully implemented: � 1 N = E λ = λdF i ( λ ) 0 Note: N is determined only by the exogenous distribution F i ( λ )

  22. Technology Transfer Technology Transfer

  23. Technology Transfer Entrepreneurs ⋄ Introduce measure n e of entrepreneurs (endogenize later) ⋄ Entrepreneurs do not innovate. ⋄ But potentially better in implementing ideas: λ e ∼ F e ( λ e ) .

  24. Technology Transfer Entrepreneurs ⋄ Introduce measure n e of entrepreneurs (endogenize later) ⋄ Entrepreneurs do not innovate. ⋄ But potentially better in implementing ideas: λ e ∼ F e ( λ e ) . Market for Market for Ideas Goods/Labor/Asset t+1 t implementation i comes up with an idea and production i and e learning/ imitation trade ideas

  25. Technology Transfer Market for Ideas ⋄ Bilateral random matching: – e meets with i w/prob. α e – i meets with e w/prob. α i ⋄ Terms of trade determined by Nash bargaining. [ λ e ∆ − p ] θ [ p − λ i ∆] 1 − θ max p ⋄ No financial frictions

  26. Technology Transfer λ e λ e = λ i 1 A 1 A 0 : No trade A 1 : Trade A 0 λ i 1 0 An idea is traded whenever λ e > λ i .

  27. Technology Transfer Result ⋄ Growth rate: 1 + g = ρ [ N (1 + η ) ε + 1 − N ] 1 /ε ⋄ Only difference is more ideas are successfully implemented: n e α e ˆ N = E λ i + E ( λ e − λ i ) , � �� � Additional success due to trade where ˆ E ( λ e − λ i ) = E ( λ e − λ i | λ e > λ i ) Pr( λ e > λ i ) .

  28. Technology Transfer Result • Transferring ideas increases growth rate. • Growth rate depends on ⋄ number of innovators and entrepreneurs ( n i , n e ) ⋄ quality of innovation ( η ) ⋄ matching frictions between agents ( α i , α e ) ⋄ matching distribution between ideas and agents ( F i , F e ) ⋄ diffusion technology ( ρ, ε ) • Growth rate independent of Aδ

  29. Technology Transfer Free Entry of Entrepreneurs Endogenize n e • Suppose e has to pay cost κ to enter the idea market. • Free entry equates entry cost to the expected gain from trade: κ = α e θ ∆ˆ E ( λ e − λ i ) . • Exogenous drop in κ (e.g. gov’t subsidy): ⋄ More entrepreneurs ( n e ) ⋄ More ideas successfully implemented ( N ) ⋄ Higher economic growth ( g )

  30. Credit Frictions Financial Frictions

  31. Credit Frictions Liquid Asset ⋄ Suppose a fraction A 0 of the asset is liquid : can be traded in the idea market. Remaining fraction is illiquid. ⋄ The rate of return on liquid asset: 1 +˜ i = φ ′ + Z ′ δ . φ ⋄ The rate of return on illiquid asset: 1 +¯ i = 1+ g β . ⋄ Define the interest spread as ¯ i − ˜ i s = i, 1 +˜ measuring the cost of holding liquid asset a 0 .


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