Moringa leaves- Nutritional Value- Cont. MatO than half of all ,hUdtOn', doath in tho thi,d WOtld atO dna to Malnnt,itian', intata,tiva aIT.." on di..a..", ill Ghana malnntritian" ana of tho loading ta"'" of doath among tldldtOn < 1 to 14 ym' of ago", Maringa laav" ,an pta,titally wipa ant malnnt,itian on on, planat, " tho Export' ag<" that tho lang-t..m ..Intian to malnntritian n.. of food, ri,h in tho "..ntial nntrian" often latking in poopla', dia", Madam ..iantifi, to"at,h" ptOving that Maringa laav" ata ana of tho ri,h"t of ..,h nntrian", Evan Small amann" of tho laav" tOnld ptOt..t than..nd, of Poopla ftOm ..ffaring and doath, Poopla in tOnntri" have fannd that MOtinga loa", "" qnita at"ptabla to t..te, "padally whan addad to tOmman food" 'ec~o 'e<e"pmece ,cOe, <«<
";FM, oleifera leaves have become ~'k( i1. . recommended food supplement Clmloal ,upplement fo, oatoh-up Mo,'noa leaf powde' ,upplement omwth In malnou,',hed ohlldnm Whole milk powde,-""o Spoonful th,'oe dally (total 250) SUO"- '"0 along with millet Omth 011-3110 - '"ml Ele"mlyte/mlne<al Madeupwithwale, to '"""ml Sou"e, Pcof.0, Klau, Eeoke, O."'"m.",-Oi""-"""'m"""",,,-",A~ 'w,m,",mm," ""'wo'""' "',"m '"""'"""'"",,'"m,,' ,","'w,.""" 'm,", 'm'"'""_""@,,"""."m
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