moordown st john s

Moordown St. Johns CE VA Primary School A Christian community where - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to Moordown St. Johns CE VA Primary School A Christian community where commitment to educational excellence changes lives Welcome to Moordown St. Johns Your Chair of Governors Mr. Simon Cull Academy Consultation Consultation

  1. Welcome to Moordown St. John’s CE VA Primary School A Christian community where commitment to educational excellence changes lives

  2. Welcome to Moordown St. John’s Your Chair of Governors Mr. Simon Cull Academy Consultation Consultation meeting for existing parents and new parents: Tuesday 23 rd June 2:15pm Or Thursday 25 th June 6:30pm Please take your letter & FAQs

  3. Introductions: Mr Simon Cull (Chair of Governors) Mr Peter Herbert ( Head teacher) The Foundation Stage Team Miss Leanne Siggins Class teacher in RS Mrs Diane Twomey Teaching assistant in RS Mrs Clare Ewels Class Teacher in RE Mrs Catherine Hunt – Teaching assistant in RE Other key staff present this evening: Mrs Emma Martin (Assistant Head teacher & Inclusion Leader) Mrs Sharon Abley (Swimming teacher) Mrs Nina Laing (First Aid and medical matters) Mrs Charlotte Ham/Mrs Hazel Foster (Key Stage 1/EYFS leader)

  4. Step 3: Step 4: Step 1: 10 Steps to ‘ Getting to know ‘Getting to know Step 5 : Parents a successful the classroom’ each other’ Workshop on Children & ‘ Getting to know Children in their Start to reading, Parents together classrooms writing and the school’ School at in groups of 15 Coffee & 25 th June your child’s Information for parents; Moordown 9 th & 11 th June 7pm for 7:30pm 2 nd hand uniform sale emotional 0930 or 10:45 (15 in each group) July 1 st : well-being St. John’s * Please reserve all morning 10 th July 9:30 or 10:45 • Parents to be notified of groupings w/c 19 th June 10am or 2pm Step 2:Children: Meetings with Step 8: Mr Herbert May-July Step 6: 2015 Children start ‘All About Me’ school part – booklets To be time Step 9: completed early September Step 10: and returned to school ‘Come dine with us!’ 15 children in a 10 th September group Children attend 6pm school full-time ( 5 mornings and 5 Hot school Meals afternoons ) from Step 7: tasting- Parents only Home visits (it’s advised not to From Monday 7 th Monday 21 st eat beforehand!) by your child’s September to September teacher and Parents Curriculum Friday 18 th Information Evening; teaching assistant September Moodle & Wisepay 2015 By appointment on 2 nd , 3 rd , or 4 th September Order by Sunday13 th September for meal of choice on 21 st Sept.

  5. Our Christian Values… The MSJ ‘Tree of Life’ God’s Love Knowing owing God We have rights and treat others how we wish to be treated

  6. We want every child to be successful in every way…

  7. Skills required for a life full of learning and healthy relationships

  8. Understanding and application of their knowledge

  9. Creativity to respond to problems and express themselves.

  10. Curiosity to explore, investigate & understand the world.

  11. Enjoyment of life and of learning.

  12. Spirituality where faith is nourished, respected, challenged & lived.

  13. Security in themselves and who they are and in their working environment .

  14. What are we aiming to do at Moordown St. John’s? Skills required for a life full of learning and healthy relationships Understanding and application of their knowledge. Creativity to respond to problems and express themselves. Curiosity to explore, investigate & understand the world. Enjoyment of life and of learning. Spirituality where faith is nourished, respected, challenged & lived. Security in themselves and who they are and in their working environment. SUCCESS!

  15. Relationships Parents at Moordown Moordown St.John’s St. John’s School

  16. Getting to know each other...

  17. Health & First Aid

  18. Swi Swimming mming at at Moordown St. John’s

  19. Swimming at Moordown St. Johns What? • Quality swimming instruction from age 4 to 8years – • Heated indoor teaching pool • Fully accessible changing facilities • Fully qualified swimming instructor & life guard Mrs Sharon Abley When? • Wednesday mornings from September 9 th 2015

  20. Swimming at Moordown St. Johns What happens? • Groups: decided after 1 st sessions • Children are brought to the changing rooms • Parents are responsible for changing their own children • NB. If you change a child not your own you must have the permission of the child’s parents • If you cannot change your child please ensure you have alternative arrangements. • TAs bring children back to the classroom.

  21. Swimming at Moordown St. Johns The cost! Includes: • Pool & facilities • Booster groups for non- swimmers • Fully qualified instructor & lifeguard • £12.00 per term ( £1.20 per lesson) • On-line Payment per term or by direct debit ( preferred ), gift aided.

  22. Getting your child ‘ready for School’ Meet the teachers: Miss Siggins & Mrs Ewels How you will know about your General School child’s progress? Information Every child matters Mr. Herbert at Moordown St.John’s Mrs. Martin, Mrs Ham & Mrs Foster

  23. • We encourage children to give & share with others in need & Children feel they can make a difference. • Michael’s Shelter ; child sponsorship in Uganda; Barnados ’ Poppy appeal & many others • Children run their own ‘competitions’ for good causes • The Welfare fund is a way of giving to the school community & those in need • Sharing your talents & time: – Helping at Summer and Christmas fayres – Helping in the classroom – Painting, decorating, carpentry, ‘odd jobs’ etc – Be a school governor “ Give and it will be given unto you” Luke 6:38

  24. On-line payments Pay on- line for….  Hot School Meals  Residential trips  Swimming lessons  Instrumental tuition  Welfare & development fund donations

  25. • Permission slips • Hot School Meals • Email/ Moodle 25 th June • Fortnightly newsletter 09:30 am Or 10:45 am - Parents to be notified w/c 19 th June


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