montenegro presentation

MONTENEGRO PRESENTATION Prof. Perko Vukotic (MASA) Ms. Natasa - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Regional Training Workshop on Developing and Implementing National Programs for Control of Public Exposure to Radon . MONTENEGRO PRESENTATION Prof. Perko Vukotic (MASA) Ms. Natasa Bjelica (EPA) 13 - 17 October 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria I. FIRST

  1. Regional Training Workshop on Developing and Implementing National Programs for Control of Public Exposure to Radon . MONTENEGRO PRESENTATION Prof. Perko Vukotic (MASA) Ms. Natasa Bjelica (EPA) 13 - 17 October 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria

  2. I. FIRST ASSESSMENT OF THE RADON RISK IN THE COUNTRY 1. Government, Authorities, Legislation First assessment of the radon risk in the country, and Preparatory phase for radon action plan (first and second phase of RAP document) in Montenegro are being simultaneously conducted through the realization of MNE9004 project activities. � Based on radon survey carried out for a half of Montenegro territory, it was estimated that 70% of the total radiological burden of the population is a result of radon inhalation. Having this in mind, as well as the results of regular yearly monitoring of radioactivity in environment which also treat radon issues, Montenegro government is very much aware about radon issues and started to pay a special attention to the building of an efficient national system for radon protection, supporting application of the IAEA TC MNE9004 project and financing its realization with 115 000 € (219 600 € will be procured by IAEA). � Four main objectives of MNE9004 are: 1. radon survey in Montenegro, 2. raising public awareness of radon, 3. strengthening institutional and human capabilities for radon measurement and mitigation, 4. drafting national radon action plan and updated legislation for controlling and reducing indoor radon exposure. Regional Training Workshop on Developing and Implementing National Programmes for Control of Public Exposure to Radon, Sofia, Bulgaria 13-17 October 2014.

  3. 2. Radon and other relevant data � During 2002–2003, radon measured indoors in the Coastal and Central region (50% of MNE territory, 70% of total population and dwelling stock in MNE). � Sampling of rural homes based on a regular grid with 5 x 5 km squares. One home randomly selected in each of the 207 squares. In urban areas the basic grid subdivided into 0.5 x 0.5 km squares. In each of them one building randomly selected and one dwelling within the building (355 dwellings). � Average annual radon level 105 Bq/m 3 (GM = 49.6 Bq/m 3 ). Average effective dose to population due to radon indoors estimated to be 2.6 mSv/y. � Within the Project MNE9004 the rest of the country will be surveyed for radon indoors. Regional Training Workshop on Developing and Implementing National Programmes for Control of Public Exposure to Radon, Sofia, Bulgaria 13-17 October 2014.

  4. II. PREPARATORY PHASE FOR RADON ACTION PLAN 1. Government, Authorities, Legislation � Main counterparts of MNE9004 project: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ministry of Sustainable development and Tourism (MSDT), Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts. � Partner institutions: Centre for Ecotoxicological Investigation (CETI), Bureau of Metrology (BoM), University of Montenegro, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education. � Project team of 13 members (physicists, mathematician, geologist, civil engineer, system engineer and two high representatives of the Government) is established and became operational from the beginning of February 2014. � Cooperation with OSCE, EC, WHO and UNDP offices in Montenegro, then with Statistical Office of Montenegro, with media and NGOs which are active in the areas of human health and environmental protection. � Group for revising existing radon legislation and drafting new one formed in June. It is coordinated by Project team and composed of the representatives of the Ministry of Health, Institute for Public Health, Directorate of the environment and Directorate of construction. � 22 technical staff selected and trained for field work of radon survey. � Next year: 1. CETI will be enabled to perform radon measurements with charcoal detectors, 2. Fisibility study for a small radon calibration lab at BoM will be finished, and 3. First mitigation team will be established and trained. Regional Training Workshop on Developing and Implementing National Programmes for Control of Public Exposure to Radon, Sofia, Bulgaria 13-17 October 2014.

  5. 2. Measurement � Activities on radon survey in Montenegro started in February 2014 , and will be finished in May 2016 . � Measurement protocol and accompaining questionary are developped. � All year round radon measurements will be conducted in about 500 selected dwellings, commencing in October 2014. � Regular and control dosimeters, together with service for etching and read-out of the exposed detectors are procured from reliable contractor. � Estimation of the effective dose for population due to radon inhalation, identification of radon prone areas and radon maps will be completed until May 2016. Regional Training Workshop on Developing and Implementing National Programmes for Control of Public Exposure to Radon, Sofia, Bulgaria 13-17 October 2014.

  6. 3. Communication / Awareness � April 11, at the press conference organized by MSDT and EPA, Project leader presented radon project to the representatives of NGOs an media. � May 7, press conference on the Project was held and heads of the three main project counterparts signed in public the Memorandum of Cooperation. � September 18, press conference was held to announce beginning of radon measurements in homes and to call citizens for cooperation. � Educational leaflet about radon and its impact on human health written and printed in 5000 copies and more than 1000 of them already distributed to the participants of press conferences and public lectures, members of the Government and NGOs. Radon leaflet, in electronic form, distributed to all medical centers and family doctors in Montenegro. � Page about radon has been created within the EPA website as well as the e-mail address at which the citizens may ask questions about radon. � Project team organized and held public lectures on radon in all 13 municipalities in the north of Montenegro, with interviews for 2 radio and 3 TV local stations, reemitted on 2 nationwide TV programs. The same will be done during October in the rest of 10 municipalities in Montenegro. � Anonymous entry pool on radon carried out in the Parliament of Montenegro. UNDP office in Podgorica supports the first general public poll which starts these days . Regional Training Workshop on Developing and Implementing National Programmes for Control of Public Exposure to Radon, Sofia, Bulgaria 13-17 October 2014.

  7. III. Main problems on the way to establish radon action plan 1. The greatest problem could be availability of financial means which have to be provided by the Government of Montenegro, or interruption in the continuous financing. However, having in mind that Montenegro as the candidate country for joining the EU has an obligation to adopt and implement the EU Directives, a strong commitment of the Government in finding resources for accomplishment of its financial obligations towards establishing RAP is expected and confirmed in the last 9 months since the Project has started. 2. The other major problem could be possible loss of a high percentage of detectors placed in homes for radon survey. This problem is managed by efforts to persuade residents, through public radon awareness program (press conferences, public forums etc.) and direct contacts during door-to-door approach of placing detectors, that measuring radon in their homes brings only benefits and no harm to them. 3. After professional drafting of the national RAP, a procedure of its adoption by the Government could be slow. This problem could be managed by timely informing members of the Government about radon caused health risks and by a wide discussion on the draft RAP among general public and professional associations (e.g. builders) before the RAP becomes a topic in the Government. Regional Training Workshop on Developing and Implementing National Programmes for Control of Public Exposure to Radon, Sofia, Bulgaria 13-17 October 2014.

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