monroe career technical institute

Monroe Career & Technical Institute Quality Career & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

East Stroudsburg Pleasant Valley Area School District School District Pocono Mountain Stroudsburg Area School District School District Monroe Career & Technical Institute Quality Career & Technical Education Our Mission: To

  1. East Stroudsburg Pleasant Valley Area School District School District Pocono Mountain Stroudsburg Area School District School District Monroe Career & Technical Institute Quality Career & Technical Education

  2. Our Mission: To provide training and education that prepares students both academically and technically for a career or post-secondary education

  3. Students will attend sending school for ½ day and MCTI for ½ day MCTI program will count as electives

  4. Auto Collision and Repair Graphic Communications   Automotive Technology Health Professions   Carpentry Horticulture (Floriculture & Landscaping)   Computer Networking and Security Hotel, Resort & Tourism Management   Cosmetology Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning   Criminal Justice Marketing   Culinary Arts Masonry   Diesel Technology Outdoor Power Equipment Technology   Drafting and Design Technology Plumbing Technology   Electrical Technology Precision Machining   Electronics Technology Welding Technology  

  5. Engineering Communications Transportation

  6. Construction  Carpentry Framing, construction materials, estimating, and blueprint reading   Electrical Technology Install, repair, read and understand wiring codes, maintenance of wiring   HVAC Technology Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems   Masonry Lay and/or set brick, concrete blocks, glass blocks, hard tile, and marble   Plumbing Technology Assemble/install fixtures for steam, natural gas, oil, hot water, heating,  cooling, and drainage

  7. Engineering  Drafting and Design Technology Prepare architectural, structural, and other drawings and sketches   Electronics Technology Digital circuits, optoelectronic devices, operational amplifiers, power supplies,  and AM, FM, PCM modulators  Precision Machining Operation of power saws, milling machines, grinders, drills, and computer  operated equipment  Welding Technology Gas, shielded/non-shielded metal arc, brazing, flame cutting, plastic welding 

  8. Services  Criminal Justice Entry level duties – patrolman, corrections officer, juvenile officer, etc.   Culinary Arts Plan, prepare, and serve food/food products, nutritive values, sanitation   Cosmetology Beauty treatments including the care of the hair, skin, and nails   Health Professions Skills in health/medical services, pharmaceutical, and clinical  laboratories  Horticulture (Floriculture & Landscaping) Greenhouse operation, landscape, nursery and turf operation/management   Hotel, Resort and Tourism Management Guest services, housekeeping, food and beverage, property security, resort  management  Marketing Techniques of selling, pricing, promotion, merchandising, and management 

  9. Communications  Computer Networking and Security System design, architecture, operating systems, security, network  management, troubleshooting/server optimization  Graphic Communications Visual image and print products using mechanical, electronic and  digital graphic and printing equipment

  10. Transportation  Auto Collision and Repair Estimate cost of repairs, repair and replace parts of the vehicle (glass,  upholstery, etc.)  Automotive Technology Examine malfunctions and repair engines, fuel, electrical, cooling and  brake systems and drive train and suspension systems  Diesel Technology Maintenance/repair of trucks, buses, and other commercial and  industrial vehicles with machines, hands, and power tools  Outdoor Power Equipment Technology Repair, service, and fix problems on small internal-combustion gasoline  engines and related systems - lawn and garden equipment, chain saws, snow mobiles, motorcycles, watercraft, pumps and generators

  11.  Think about what you enjoy  Consider your personality, interests, and skills  Take some interest inventories ▪ ▪  Talk to someone already in the field  Talk to your School Counselor  Talk to your parents/guardians

  12.  Jump start on Career choice  Cooperative Education  Diversified Occupations  Career Shadow/Internships  Scholarships  Industry Certifications  Student Organizations  Earn college credits

  13.  Nationally accredited dual enrollment program allowing students to take college courses while still in high school  Courses are taught by approved teachers at MCTI  Current programs: Carpentry, Culinary Arts, Diesel, Electronics, Horticulture, HVAC, Precision Machining  Open to 11th and 12th graders. Some courses open to 10th graders  To enroll, student must pass the Penn College reading placement test and meet any pre- or co-requisites required for the course  Credits and course grades appear on a Penn College transcript and may be applied toward Penn College degrees or transfer to other post-secondary institutions

  14.  TIME : Students can ease their workload at college OR complete their chosen degree quicker  MONEY : Since tuition is free for Penn College NOW courses, students save money by taking fewer courses later  CONFIDENCE : Students gain experience with college coursework in a supportive and familiar setting--MCTI  CONNECTION : Penn College NOW classrooms connect students to the "college experience”

  15.  AWS – American Welding Society DECA – An association of Marketing students  FFA - An agricultural education organization  HOSA – Health Occupations Students of America   NAHS – National Association of Home Builders  NTHS – National Technical Honor Society SkillsUSA – Prepare for careers in trade, technical and  skilled service occupations, including health occupations  Student Government/Interact – Encourage advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace

  16.  Northampton Community College  Baran Institute of Technology  Northwestern Ohio University  Bloomsburg University  Paul Smith College  East Stroudsburg University  Penn College of Technology  Illinois Institute of Art  Penn State University  Johnson and Wales University  Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology  Johnson College  Universal Technical Institute  Lincoln Technical Institute  Wilkes University  Luzerne Community College

  17. This means you will make approximately $15,000 a year

  18. High Priority Occupations (HPO) Entry Level Annual Average Automotive Body and Related Repairs $35,630 $44,170 Brick and Block Masons $46,310 $53,970 Bus/Truck Mechanics/Diesel Engine Specialists $31,090 $43,760 Carpenters $23,270 $35,280 Chefs/Head Cooks $36,100 $50,740 Computer System Analysts $53,740 $78,290

  19. High Priority Occupations (HPO) Entry Level Annual Average Electricians $39,260 $55,660 Heating/AC/Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers $31,690 $42,470 Paralegals and Legal Assistants $35,010 $37,080 Plumbers/Pipefitters/Steamfitters $30,840 $37,750 Registered Nurse $48,760 $64,930 Sales/Community Representatives $34,930 $77,960 Telecommunications Line Installers and Repairers $59,240 $68,530

  20.  It depends on the program you choose  You may need a uniform and different supplies

  21.  Meet with your School Counselor  Take a tour of MCTI  Talk with classmates who attend MCTI  Meet with MCTI Career and Transition Counselor (Yes, that is me! – Ms. Singer)  Speak with your parents/guardians

  22. Website: Like us on Facebook!

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