monmouth county board of chosen freeholders

Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders 1 2 Purposes County - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2010 Budget Presentation Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders 1 2 Purposes County 17% General Property Taxes Municipal Purposes 23% 2009 Schools 60% Cost savings efforts 2008 to present Fulfilled 100% of pension

  1. 2010 Budget Presentation Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders 1

  2. 2 Purposes County 17% General Property Taxes Municipal Purposes 23% 2009 Schools 60%

  3. Cost savings efforts – 2008 to present � Fulfilled 100% of pension obligation for 2009, not opting to take the state authorized reduction � Suspended employee tuition reimbursement program unless contractually required � Capped increase in allocations to educational institutions at 4% (Brookdale & Vocational schools) � Instituted Shared Services agreement with Middlesex County for Medical Examiner’s services � Eliminated “summer youth” program � Reduced individual department allocations � Changed county employee healthcare administrators 3

  4. Cost savings efforts – 2008 to present � Instituted a county-wide hiring freeze for non-essential positions. Each vacancy is reviewed to determine if the position can be abolished, consolidated or reduced to part-time � Froze wages of 1,087 non-union county employees at 2008 levels � Proposed wage freeze to 2,414 county employees in bargaining units / Units that did not accept freeze underwent layoffs Net impact ($3,038,743) County workforce reduced by 248 full-time workers 34 part-time workers 4

  5. 2010 Budget preparation actions � Departments requested to submit 2010 budget with 5% reduction � Shared Services agreement with Middlesex County to house the juveniles from the YDC � Looking for new sources of revenue � Anticipate capital surplus as a direct offset to the debt service � Anticipate increased 911 fees as a result of a new Shared Services formula � Shifting expenses in operating budget to capital budget 5

  6. 2010 Financial situation � County revenues down Real estate recording Interest income One-time reserves used in 2009 � Fixed costs continue to increase 6

  7. Fixed Costs 2009 2010 Insurance $ 56,186,950 $ 63,000,000 State Rebate Costs $ 25,525,374 $ 25,604,780 Pension $ 32,450,000 $ 34,750,000 Debt Service $ 48,095,712 $ 49,717,468 Total $162,258,036 $173,072,248 Increase in 4 categories above $ 10,814,212 Estimated union contractual obligation $ 2,953,000 Total increase in fixed costs $ 13,767,212 7

  8. Monmouth County’s Ratable base in billions $130.0 $129.0 $127.4 $125.0 $126.6 $120.0 $119.3 $115.0 $110.0 $105.0 $105.0 $100.0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 8

  9. Budget Increases 1999 - present Percent Percent Dollar Increase Increase Dollar increase Increase Year Adopted Budget Budget Budget Raised by Taxation Tax Levy Tax Levy 1999 $315,241,549.58 $193,900,000.00 2000 $335,231,758.88 $19,990,209.30 6.34% $201,529,528.00 $7,629,528.00 3.93% 2001 $351,846,971.61 $16,615,212.73 4.96% $218,585,192.00 $17,055,664.00 8.46% 2002 $376,321,895.37 $24,474,923.76 6.96% $236,020,000.00 $17,434,808.00 7.98% 2003 $392,441,251.85 $16,119,356.48 4.28% $250,251,000.00 $14,231,000.00 6.03% 2004 $415,955,391.77 $23,514,139.92 5.99% $260,752,374.00 $10,501,374.00 4.20% 2005 $435,548,908.96 $19,593,517.19 4.71% $269,650,000.00 $8,897,626.00 3.41% 2006 $457,032,323.51 $21,483,414.55 4.93% $278,540,000.00 $8,890,000.00 3.30% 2007 $471,854,000.00 $14,821,676.49 3.24% $286,504,000.00 $7,964,000.00 2.86% 2008 $481,114,000.00 $9,260,000.00 1.96% $286,504,000.00 $0.00 0.00% 2009 $487,500,152.00 $6,386,152.00 1.33% $294,784,152.00 $8,280,152.00 2.89% 2010* $496,000,000.00 $8,499,848.00 1.74% $305,500,000.00 $10,715,848.00 3.64% * Proposed budget as of 02/08/10 9

  10. Adopted budget 1999- 2010(proposed) $600,000,000 $500,000,000 $400,000,000 $300,000,000 Adopted Budget $200,000,000 Raised by taxation $100,000,000 $0 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10

  11. Annual budget change 1999 – 2010(proposed) 2010 11 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0

  12. Budget Overview 2009-2010 Financial Comparison 2009 Budget $487,500,152 2010 Budget $496,000,000 Increase 1.74 % $ 8,499,848 12

  13. Financial Highlights Expenditures (1 of 3) Nam e 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 Difference General Governm ent $8,211,660 $7,397,989 ($813,671) Land Use Adm inistration $136,385 $130,655 ($5,730) Code Enforcem ent & $2,161 $1,375 ($786) Adm inistration I nsurance $56,186,950 $63,000,000 $6,813,050 Public Safety Functions $15,056,285 $15,552,062 $495,777 Public W orks Functions $14,119,624 $12,947,310 ($1,172,314) Hum an Services & Health $57,086,484 $58,947,390 $1,860,906 13

  14. Financial Highlights Expenditures (2 of 3) Nam e 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 Difference Parks & Recreation $1,679,098 $1,679,098 0 Functions Education Functions $ 45,134,840 $44,894,032 ($240,808) Other Com m on $ 85,080 $ 8,339 ($76,741) Operating Functions Utility Expenses & Bulk $13,575,000 $ 12,608,200 ($966,800) Purchases Contingent $ 169,930 $ 160,000 ($9,930) Statutory Expenditures $ 32,450,000 $ 34,750,000 $2,300,000 Federal & State Grants $ 13,331,302 $12,545,211 ($786,091) 14

  15. Financial Highlights Expenditures (3 of 3) Nam e 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 Difference Capital $3,100,000 $2,750,000 ($350,000) I m provem ents Debt Service $48,095,712 $49,717,468 $1,621,756 Deferred Charges $25,000 0 ($25,000) Salaries & W ages $179,054,641 $178,910,871 ($143,770) $487,500,152 $496,000,000 $8,499,848 Totals 15

  16. Revenues Nam e 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 Difference $44,850,000 $44,850,000 0 Fund Balance $49,091,868 $46,557,765 ($2,534,103) Miscellaneous Revenues Monm outh County Care $23,700,000 $24,215,000 $515,000 Centers Total State & Federal Revenues Offset W ith $12,031,302 $11,245,211 ($786,091) Appropriations $ 48,973,610 $50,011,241 $1,037,631 New Jersey State Aid $ 14,069,220 $13,620,783 ($448,437) Other Special I tem s Am ount to be raised by taxation – $ 294,784,152 $305,500,000 $10,715,848 County Purpose Tax $ 487,500,152 $496,000,000 $8,499,848 Total 16

  17. Revenue Shift 10,996,000 9,574,283 10,715,848 2008 1,404,068 2009 0 2010 -314,283 -786,091 -1,429,909 -3,298,068 Other Grant Tax Revenue Revenue Revenue 17

  18. Tax Levy 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 $294,784,152 $305,500,000 Increase of 3.6 % or $ 10,715,848 300 2010 2009 Amount in millions 200 100 18

  19. 19 Monmouth County’s 1999 to 2009 Bond Rating

  20. Finance Officers NJ County Source: 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 0.00% Ocean 2009 County Comparisons Atlantic Middlesex 77.97% 75.99% Somerset 75.86% Camden 75.82% Mercer 74.19% Burlington Amount to be Raised as Percentage of Total Budget Hunterdon 72.76% 72.38% Passaic Gloucester 72.02% 71.78% Bergen 71.31% Morris 70.70% Sussex 67.20% Cape May 66.41% Salem 63.13% Warren Cumberland 63.03% 60.94% Monmouth 60.53% Union 60.47% Hudson 59.89% Essex 57.87% 52.43% 20

  21. Finance Officers NJ County Source: Salem 0.8662 Cumberland 2009 County Comparisons 0.8457 Camden 0.5593 Gloucester 0.5097 Warren 0.4940 Passaic 0.4937 Mercer 0.4500 Hudson 0.3830 Essex 0.3784 Tax Rate per $100 Union 0.3381 Sussex 0.3307 Burlington 0.3098 Hunterdon 0.2878 Somerset 0.2652 Middlesex 0.2650 Ocean 0.2540 Atlantic 0.2492 Monmouth 0.2285 Morris 0.1950 Bergen 0.1820 Cape May 0.1610 21

  22. Budget Meetings Presentations March 2 7 pm Monmouth County Library Headquarters, Manalapan March 9 7 pm Monmouth County Library Eastern Branch, Shrewsbury Scheduled Budget Adoption March 11 7 pm Hall of Records, Freehold 22

  23. Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders Lillian G. Burry, Director Robert D. Clifton, Deputy Director John D'Amico Amy A. Mallet John P. Curley 23

  24. 24

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