monitoring and controlling the mental states of others

Monitoring and controlling the mental states of others Stephen A. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Monitoring and controlling the mental states of others Stephen A. Butterfill & Ian A. Apperly !"#$%&'$"#()*'+&,)-.#/%'$"-/.%0)$&*'#$,) 122&%30)4)567&%833)9:;;<=) !"#$%&'()*& )

  1. Monitoring and controlling the mental states of others Stephen A. Butterfill & Ian A. Apperly

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  14. Ayesha believes Ayesha will cycle up Hármashatár hill Steve desires s/he will cycle up Hármashatár hill that Henry intends Henry will win the lottery ... ... ... Subject Attitude Content

  15. Ayesha believes Ayesha will cycle up Hármashatár hill Steve desires s/he will cycle up Hármashatár hill that Henry intends Henry will win the lottery ... ... ... Subject Attitude Content

  16. Ayesha believes Ayesha will cycle up Hármashatár hill Steve desires s/he will cycle up Hármashatár hill that Henry intends Henry will win the lottery ... ... ... Subject Attitude Content

  17. minimal theory of mind

  18. Your field = a set of objects related to you by proximity, orientation, lighting and other factors You encounter an object = it is in your field You register an object at a location = you most recently encountered the object at that location

  19. Your field = a set of objects related to you by proximity, orientation, lighting and other factors You encounter an object = it is in your field You register an object at a location = you most recently encountered the object at that location proximity orientation lighting barriers trajectory

  20. Your field = a set of objects related to you by proximity, orientation, lighting and other factors You encounter an object = it is in your field You register an object at a location = you most recently encountered the object at that location proximity orientation lighting barriers trajectory

  21. Your field = a set of Principle 1: one can’t goal- objects related to you by directedly act on an object unless proximity, orientation, one has encountered it. lighting and other factors Principle 2: correct registration is a You encounter an object = condition of successful action. it is in your field Principle 3: when an agent performs You register an object at a a goal-directed action and the goal location = you most specifies an object, the agent will recently encountered the act as if the object were actually in object at that location the location she registers it at. proximity orientation lighting barriers trajectory

  22. Your field = a set of Principle 3: one can’t goal- objects related to you by directedly act on an object unless proximity, orientation, one has encountered it. lighting and other factors Principle 2: correct registration is a You encounter an object = condition of successful action. it is in your field Principle 3: when an agent performs You register an object at a a goal-directed action and the goal location = you most specifies an object, the agent will recently encountered the act as if the object were actually in object at that location the location she registers it at. proximity orientation lighting barriers trajectory

  23. Your field = a set of Principle 1: one can’t goal- objects related to you by directedly act on an object unless proximity, orientation, one has encountered it. lighting and other factors Principle 2: correct registration is a You encounter an object = condition of successful action. it is in your field Principle 3: when an agent performs You register an object at a a goal-directed action and the goal location = you most specifies an object, the agent will recently encountered the act as if the object were actually in object at that location the location she registers it at. proximity orientation lighting barriers trajectory

  24. Your field = a set of Principle 1: one can’t goal- objects related to you by directedly act on an object unless proximity, orientation, one has encountered it. lighting and other factors Principle 2: correct registration is a You encounter an object = condition of successful action. it is in your field Principle 3: when an agent performs You register an object at a a goal-directed action and the goal location = you most specifies an object, the agent will recently encountered the act as if the object were actually in object at that location the location she registers it at. proximity orientation lighting barriers trajectory


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