mongodb in enterprise

MongoDB in Enterprise Companies - Use Cases Adamo, Dimitri We.. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MongoDB in Enterprise Companies - Use Cases Adamo, Dimitri We.. Adamo Tonete Dimitri Vanoverbeke Support Engineer Solutions Engineer So Paulo, Brazil Bruges, Belgium @dim0 on twitter Agenda Security Auditing Other

  1. MongoDB in Enterprise Companies - Use Cases Adamo, Dimitri

  2. We.. Adamo Tonete Dimitri Vanoverbeke Support Engineer Solutions Engineer São Paulo, Brazil Bruges, Belgium @dim0 on twitter

  3. Agenda ● Security ● Auditing ● Other features ● Support ● Tools

  4. Users and Roles

  5. Use Case ● Data access processes are essential for compliance ○ Eg. Health care data is not only sensitive but is protected by laws ○ Roles can define which user/group can access the sensitive data ● Data access roles are essential for security ○ Your organisation has an support team, they need to be able to read the information. But full access might open a new can of worms. ○ Roles can protect you again user errors (PEBKAC situations)

  6. Default Roles ● read ● hostManager ● readWrite ● backup ● dbAdmin ● restore ● dbOwner ● readAnyDatabase ● userAdmin ● readWriteAnyDatabase ● clusterAdmin ● userAdminAnyDatabase ● clusterMonitor ● dbAdminAnyDatabase ● clusterManager ● root ● __system

  7. Default Roles use admin db.createUser({user :'admin', pwd: '123', roles : ["root"]})

  8. Default Roles use admin db.createUser({user :'intern', pwd: '123', roles : ["readAnyDatabase"]})

  9. Default Roles db.createRole({ role : 'write_foo2_Collection', privileges : [ {resource : {db : "percona", collection : "foo2"}, actions : ["insert","remove"]} ], roles : ["read"] })

  10. Personalized Role creating-your-first-personalized-role/

  11. LDAP

  12. Use case ● Large amount of MongoDB servers, simple authentication would require you to maintain each servers user/group list ● Removing access to the infrastructure might be troublesome ● Compliancy reasons might require you to centralise access credentials

  13. LDAP Authorization vs Authentication While authentication proves who you are , the authorization checks what can be done under a specific account .

  14. LDAP ● LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol and it is a open source protocol to allow applications share users thought the network. ● Microsoft has their own service called Active Directory, IBM TDS, OpenLDAP, ...

  15. LDAP LDAP Tree/Domain

  16. Log Redaction

  17. Use case Access to the database is not the only venue to steal information Logs can have sensitive data to a company and if this data is not completely protected we can have a data breach

  18. Log Redaction - Raw { name: "MongoDB Internal Client", version: "3.6.7-1.5" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Ubuntu", architecture: "x86_64", version: "16.04" } } 2018-10-22T13:06:45.770+0000 I COMMAND [conn1] command appName: "MongoDB Shell" command: find { find: "foo", filter: { credit_card: "734310273827328", name: "Adamo" }, $db: "percona" } planSummary: COLLSCAN keysExamined:0 docsExamined:1167744 cursorExhausted:1 numYields:9123 nreturned:0 reslen:84 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 18248 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 9124 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { r: 9124 } } } protocol:op_msg 567ms

  19. Log Redaction 2018-10-22T13:11:00.023+0000 I COMMAND [conn1] command appName: "MongoDB Shell" command: find { find: "###", filter: { credit_card: "###", name: "###" }, $db: "###" } planSummary: ### keysExamined:0 docsExamined:1167744 cursorExhausted:1 numYields:9123 nreturned: 0 reslen:84 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 18248 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 9124 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { r: 9124 } } } protocol:op_msg 572ms

  20. Log Redaction 2018-10-22T13:00:23.530+0000 I COMMAND [conn2] command appName: "MongoDB Shell" command: insert { insert: "###", ordered: "###", $db: "###" } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:29 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 1 } } } protocol:op_msg 11ms

  21. Auditing

  22. Use Case Databases are there to be used, however it’s difficult to keep track of actions of the infrastructure. ● Drop collection/data situations ● Security and access compliance ● Analysing application behaviour

  23. Auditing ● Percona Server for MongoDB ● MongoDB enterprise

  24. Auditing ● Auditing allow us to only record certain types of queries and commands. ● We can choose between saving into a text file, bson file or json. ● Lately the data can be processed and generate useful information to the security team.

  25. Auditing {"atype":"authenticate","ts":{"$date":"2017-02- 14T14:11:29.975+0100"},"local":{"ip":"","port":27017 },"remote":{"ip":"","port":42634},"users":[],"roles" :[],"param":{"user":"root","db":"admin","mechanism":"SCRAM- SHA-1"},"result":18}

  26. TDE - Transparent Data Encryption

  27. TDE - use cases A required feature for PCI/HIPAA/GDPR compliance and a good practice in security. Eg. System engineers on your infrastructure do not need access, DBA’s do. TDE is one of the most demanded featured for enterprise companies.

  28. TDE Percona server for MongoDB 3.6.8-2.0 now offers TDE using LOCAL KEY management. This is the first step of us to fully support all the major enterprise features and we are working to have 3rd party key management in future releases. MongoDB enterprise offers TDE with local key or third party vaults.

  29. TDE ● Some overhead may be more visible when using LUKS (disk encryption) but the overwall overhead in wiredTiger can be negligible as we are trading speed per security

  30. TDE Consequences ● Added complexity during DR ● If encryption key is lost no one can read the files.

  31. TLS/SSL

  32. Use cases Encryption at Rest only protects access on the server. Encryption in transit protects you against breaches on other servers. Eg. One of your monitoring server is in the same subnet as your database environment, sniffing will give the ability to read the transactions.

  33. TLS/SSL By default all the communication between mongod instances and clients are not encrypted which leaves some space to sniff packages. And this is as easy as: sudo tcpdump dst port 27017 -A -s 1240 -ttt -w tcpdump.tcp -i eth0

  34. TLS/SSL I've run an insert in the database with the following values: > use percona switched to db percona >{number : '123456753443435', code : '123', name : 'Adamo'}) WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 }) > exit

  35. TLS/SSL

  36. TLS/SSL

  37. Backups

  38. Use case Do we really need to explain?

  39. MongoDump Standard utility for making a binary export of MongoDB data Output is: <directory> ------> Mydatabase (folder) -----> Mycollection.bson -----> Mycollection.metadata.json -----> system.indexes.bson

  40. Consistent Backup ● Works on repl, sharded servers ● Creates consistent backups ● Runs multiple mongodumps ● Keeps track of changes in oplog ● (oplogtail) ● Labs ● Upload to S3 possible

  41. Atlas (MongoDB) ● Fully managed backup solution ● $$$ ● Continuous backups ○ Consistent backups using marker on shards (mongos) ● Cloud snapshots (AWS and Azure)

  42. Hot Backup (PSMDB) ● Included in Percona server for mongodb ● Lightweight backup solution ● Point in time backup ● Performs wiredtiger snapshots (LVM snapshot comparable but on a database level)

  43. Specific use cases Storage Engine

  44. Use cases In some cases you have a specific workload: ● Massive inserts, sporadic data access ● Significant caching requirements ● Requiring predictable latency for reads

  45. Percona Memory Engine 100% open source solution Focuses on delivering: ● High performance reads with predictable latency ● Can replace memcached for sessions ● High speed data manipulation

  46. Support Just come to us! Compare on our website if you want!

  47. Tools

  48. Tools ● mongostat ● mongotop ● mongoreply ● PMM and QAN ● $ MongoDB Cloud ● Compass ● 3rd party tools (

  49. Wrapping up

  50. Wrapping up It is possible to have almost the same as MongoDB Enterprise features for free using Percona Server for MongoDB. There are some useful tools free and also paid. A safe environment depends on the company policies. A lot of root users means no root user

  51. Features comparison

  52. Features comparison LDAP does offer authentication but not authorization. Every user must exists in the mongodb database with a role assigned. It is possible to have a script sync’ing users from a ldap to mongodb.

  53. Questions

  54. Rate My Session 54

  55. Thank You Sponsors!! 55


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