Your First MongoDB Environment: What You Should Know Before Choosing MongoDB as Your Database
Me - @adamotonete Adamo Tonete Senior Technical Engineer Brazil
Agenda ● What is MongoDB? ● The good side of MongoDB with details. ● What you should be aware of. ● Q&A.
The good side of it ✓ Free ✓ Different storage engines ✓ Simple ✓ Document-oriented database ✓ Safe ✓ Special indexes ✓ Fast ✓ Cutting edge technology ✓ Easy to scale ✓ Designed for cloud computing 4
The good side of it Free of charge and simple! MongoDB is an open source database → you can use it in production free of charge. There are a lot of communities supporting Mongodb for free as well and there are also paid support services.
The good side of it It is incredibly fast! MongoDB is a really fast database. By the concept all the information will be found in one document, there are, of course some caveats to be mentioned later.
The good side of it Easy to scale MongoDB is made for the web, It is a easy to scale database, ways to scale are replica-sets and shards No need to buy a USD 100k machine to run a multiple TB databases.
The good side of it Schema free
The good side of it ● What is a replica-set? High availability with auto elections. Instances can be primary or secondary or even only arbiters. Applications will automatically recognize the new primary instance in case of fail. It is possible to have delayed instances. It is not a backup!
The good side of it
The good side of it ● What is a Sharded Cluster? In sum, it is a combination of multiple replica-sets working as a single database. There are config servers and mongos processes at the top of the replica-sets to make those instances act as if they were a single process.
The good side of it
The good side of it Safe Although we had a few issues in the past, since earlier versions mongodb is a secure database. Collection level security. User roles. Percona Server for MongoDB features enhanced security with LDAP integration and Auditing.
The good side of it Geo-Indexes A lot of features are available, and one of most used ones is geo-indexes. MongoDB offers a complete library to find nearby places, distance calculation and so on...
What you should be aware of
What you should be aware of ● Different paradigm ● Learn curve can be high ● Reporting can be a pain ● Hard to scale down ● No transactions yet
What you should be aware of ● Different paradigma It is very different than relational databases, while for relational databases we use normalization, tables, rows to save our data MongoDB uses documents which are "javascript objects".
What you should be aware of ● Different paradigm This is what a document looks like:
What you should be aware of ● No ANSI SQL Language Additionally to the differences in how the data are stored. People who are used to SQL may find MongoDB commands odd. This is how an insert looks like in MongoDB use percona db.my_collection.insert({name : 'percona'})
What you should be aware of
What you should be aware of ● Reporting Using a complex javascript document with lots of subdocuments, arrays, and non- standard field names to create a tabular report can be really complicated. Grouping can be a pain, as the aggregation framework works well but sometimes not as easily and quickly as we would like.
What you should be aware of ● No transactions Current version doesn't support transactions, if your application relies on multi statement transactions MongoDB 3.6 or less is might a bad decision.
Wrapping up ● As every database there are pros and cons ● It is not a silver bullet ● NoSQL and SQL are not enemies
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