module 14 procurement methods and iecc overview

MODULE 14: PROCUREMENT METHODS AND IECC OVERVIEW A c c r e d i t e d - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MODULE 14: PROCUREMENT METHODS AND IECC OVERVIEW A c c r e d i t e d T e x a s E n e r g y M a n a g e r Outline Procurements & Delivery Methods Procurement Methods Professional Services Procurement Methods Performance

  1. MODULE 14: PROCUREMENT METHODS AND IECC OVERVIEW A c c r e d i t e d T e x a s E n e r g y M a n a g e r

  2. Outline ❯ Procurements & Delivery Methods ❯ Procurement Methods – Professional Services ❯ Procurement Methods – Performance Contracts ❯ IECC Overview 2012 ❯ IECC Building Envelope Requirements (Section C402) ❯ IECC Building Mechanical Systems (Section C403) ❯ IECC Simple Mechanical Systems (Section C403.3) ❯ IECC Complex Mechanical Systems (Section C403.4) ❯ IECC Service Water Heating Systems (Section C404) ❯ IECC Power and Lighting Systems (Section C405) A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  3. Procurement & Delivery Methods ❯ Construction Projects Delivery Methods -Recap (Project Delivery, Financing/Funding) › Design-Bid, Design-Build, PC, CMR, JOC, Cooperative Purchasing Agreement › Reference Project Delivery & Financing section for more information and excepts from the Texas Government Code ❯ Procurement Methods - Competitive Process - Consult Purchasing Officials A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  4. Procurement Methods – Professional Services ❯ The following Texas Government Codes provide guidance when procuring Professional and Consulting Services ❯ Education Code -Title 2, Subtitle I, Chapter 44 Fiscal Management ❯ Government Code -Title 10, Subtitle F, Chapter 2254 Professional and Consulting Services A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  5. Procurement Methods – Professional Services (cont.) ❯ “Professional Service” is defined as services provided by the following licensed or registered professionals - CPA - Architect and Landscape Architect - Land Surveyor - Physician and Surgeon - Optometrist - Professional Engineer - Real Estate Appraiser - Registered Nurse A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  6. Procurement Methods – Professional Services (cont.) ❯ Key Guidelines When Procuring Professional Services ❯ Under the Texas Government Code, when procuring professional services from an Architect, Engineer, or Surveyor, a public entity shall: -First select the most highly qualified provider, based on qualifications and demonstrated competence -Then attempt to negotiate on price ❯ If no agreement is met, the public entity must select the next highest qualified professional and repeat steps 1 and 2 ❯ Lastly, a public entity shall not undergo contract negotiations with more than one professional at the same time A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  7. Procurement Methods – Performance Contracts ❯ Local Government Code ❯ Title 9, Subtitle C, Chapter 302 Energy Service Performance Contract for Local Governments ❯ Title 2, Subtitle I, Chapter 44 Fiscal Management -Subchapter Z – Miscellaneous Provisions ❯ Provides guidance when undergoing a Performance Contract with an Energy Service Contractor (ESCO) ❯ Contract shall not exceed 20 years ❯ Describes basis for guarantee, required performance bonds and method of financing ❯ Verification shall be in accordance with IPMVP and DOE guidelines A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  8. IECC Overview 2012 ❯ Commercial Buildings ❯ Chapters -1: Scope & Administration -2: Definitions -3: General Requirements -4: Commercial Energy Efficiency for Buildings -5: Referenced Standards -Index A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  9. IECC Overview 2012 ❯ Compliance Paths -Prescriptive Method › Requirements must be in every building design, unless an approved tradeoff is utilized or there is specific exemption in the code -Mandatory › Requirements must be met in every building design, no matter which compliance path is chosen -Performance Based › An overall performance requirement for the building that replaces individual prescriptive for systems and components A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  10. IECC Overview 2012 A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  11. IECC Overview 2012 ❯ Texas Climate Zones -2, 3, 4 › Warm-Humid › Moist (A) › Dry (B) ❯ Climate zone used to determine application requirements A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  12. Building Envelope Requirements (Section C402) ❯ Insulation of Envelope (Prescriptive) -Table C402.1.2 (U-Values) and/or C402.2(1) (R-Values) ❯ Fenestrations (Windows, Non-Opaque Doors, Sky Lights) -Table C402.3 ❯ Air Leakage (Mandatory, section C402.4.1) -Air barrier caulking and weather stripping, outdoor air intakes and exhaust, loading dock seals, vestibules, etc. A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  13. Building Mechanical Systems (Section C403) ❯ Mandatory Requirements for all Mechanical Systems -HVAC Load Calculations and System Sizing › Comply with ASHRAE standard 183 -Performance Requirements › Table C403.2.3(1 through 8) -HVAC System Controls -Demand Control, Energy Recovery Ventilation System -Duct/Plenum Insulation & Sealing, Piping Insulation -Air, Hydronic System Balancing Requirements -Fan Motor Requirements A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  14. Simple Mechanical Systems (Section C403.3) ❯ Simple Systems -Unitary or packaged HVAC equipment -Serves one zone and controlled by a single thermostat ❯ Economizer Operation -Economizer Requirements Table C403.3.1(1) -Systems in Zones 2B, 3B, and 4B are exempt, if the minimum cooling efficiency is improved by 10%, 15%, and 20%, respectively ❯ Hydronic System Control A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  15. Complex Mechanical Systems (Section C403.4) ❯ Complex Systems - Systems not covered under the “Simple” Systems definitions ❯ Prescriptive System Requirements -Economizer operation -Variable Air Volume (VAV) fan control -Hydronic System Control -Hydronic Heat Pump Systems -Heat Rejection Systems -Multi-zone Systems › Single and Dual Duct Systems -Heat Recovery A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  16. Service Water Heating Systems (Section C404) ❯ Service Water Heating Equipment & Insulation (Mandatory Requirements) ❯ Performance Requirements -Table C404.2 ❯ Temperature Controls -Outlet temperature to lavatory in public facility shall be limited to 110  F ❯ Heat Traps ❯ Piping Insulation ❯ Hot Water System Controls ❯ Pools A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  17. Power and Lighting Systems (Section C405) ❯ Mandatory Interior, Automatic, Daylight, and Exterior Lighting Controls ❯ Interior Lighting Power Requirements -Building Area Method (Table C405.5.1) -Space-By-Space Method (Table C405.5.2) ❯ Exterior Lighting Mandatory Requirements (C405.6) -Minimum Efficacy of 60 Lumens/Watt (Lamps operating over 100W) -Maximum Watts/Square of Linear foot, depending on Lighting Zone and Application (Table C405.6.2(1&2)) A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  18. Sections C406 – 408 ❯ Additional Energy Efficiency Package Options (C406) ❯ Total Building Performance (C407) -Mandatory Requirements (C407.2) -Performance-based Compliance (C407.3) › Proposed building design should be shown to have an annual energy cost that is less than or equal to the annual energy cost of a standard building ❯ System Commissioning (C408) -Mechanical Systems Cx (C408.2) -Lighting System Functional Testing (C408.3) A c c re d i t e d Tex a s E n e rg y M a n a ge r

  19. questions Ashley Williams, MCRP & ATEM ❯ Texas Energy Managers Association ❯ Director of Curriculum and Certification ❯ Texas Energy Managers Association ❯ e n e r g y m a n a g e m e n t p r o g r a m : f u n d a m e n t a l s a n d d e v e l o p m e n t


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