modular tree automata

Modular Tree Automata Deriving Modular Recursion Schemes from Tree - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Modular Tree Automata Deriving Modular Recursion Schemes from Tree Automata Patrick Bahr University of Copenhagen, Department of Computer Science 11th International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction Madrid,

  1. Modular Tree Automata Deriving Modular Recursion Schemes from Tree Automata Patrick Bahr University of Copenhagen, Department of Computer Science 11th International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction Madrid, Spain, June 25 - 27, 2012

  2. Goals Syntax-directed computations on ASTs program analysis complex program transformations compiler construction in general 2

  3. Goals Syntax-directed computations on ASTs program analysis complex program transformations compiler construction in general Desired properties extensibility modularity reusability build complex programs by combining simple ones 2

  4. Goals Syntax-directed computations on ASTs program analysis complex program transformations compiler construction in general Desired properties extensibility modularity reusability build complex programs by combining simple ones Embed the solution into Haskell. 2

  5. How do we achieve these goals? 3

  6. How do we achieve these goals? Locality simple syntax-directed functions are local in nature 3

  7. How do we achieve these goals? Locality simple syntax-directed functions are local in nature Compositionality syntax-directed functions can be combined and composed 3

  8. How do we achieve these goals? Locality simple syntax-directed functions are local in nature Compositionality syntax-directed functions can be combined and composed Contextuality syntax-directed functions may depend on (the result of) others 3

  9. How do we achieve these goals? Locality simple syntax-directed functions are local in nature Compositionality syntax-directed functions can be combined and composed Contextuality syntax-directed functions may depend on (the result of) others NB: This breaks locality and has to be carefully restricted! But it is convenient/necessary for ◮ compositionality ◮ expressivity 3

  10. Locality Tree automata Computation according to a set of rules. Applicability of rules depend only on “local” information. The effect of a rule application is locally restricted. 4

  11. Locality Tree automata Computation according to a set of rules. Applicability of rules depend only on “local” information. The effect of a rule application is locally restricted. q f f q 1 q 2 . . . q n f ( x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) − → t [ x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ] 4

  12. Locality Tree automata Computation according to a set of rules. Applicability of rules depend only on “local” information. The effect of a rule application is locally restricted. q f f q 1 q 2 . . . q n f ( q 1 ( x 1 ) , q 2 ( x 2 ) , . . . , q n ( x n )) − → q ( t [ x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ]) 4

  13. Compositionality We shall compose tree automata along 3 different dimensions. 5

  14. Compositionality We shall compose tree automata along 3 different dimensions. sequential composition : a.k.a. deforestation � A 1 � � A 2 � µ F 1 µ F 2 µ F 3 5

  15. Compositionality We shall compose tree automata along 3 different dimensions. sequential composition : a.k.a. deforestation � A 1 � � A 2 � µ F 1 µ F 2 µ F 3 � A 1 ◦ A 2 � 5

  16. Compositionality We shall compose tree automata along 3 different dimensions. sequential composition : a.k.a. deforestation � A 1 � � A 2 � µ F 1 µ F 2 µ F 3 � A 1 ◦ A 2 � input signature : the type of the AST � A 1 � : µ F → R � A 2 � : µ G → R 5

  17. Compositionality We shall compose tree automata along 3 different dimensions. sequential composition : a.k.a. deforestation � A 1 � � A 2 � µ F 1 µ F 2 µ F 3 � A 1 ◦ A 2 � input signature : the type of the AST � A 1 � : µ F → R = ⇒ � A 1 + A 2 � : µ ( F + G ) → R � A 2 � : µ G → R 5

  18. Compositionality We shall compose tree automata along 3 different dimensions. sequential composition : a.k.a. deforestation � A 1 � � A 2 � µ F 1 µ F 2 µ F 3 � A 1 ◦ A 2 � input signature : the type of the AST � A 1 � : µ F → R = ⇒ � A 1 + A 2 � : µ ( F + G ) → R � A 2 � : µ G → R output type : tupling / product automaton construction � A 1 � : µ F → R � A 2 � : µ F → S 5

  19. Compositionality We shall compose tree automata along 3 different dimensions. sequential composition : a.k.a. deforestation � A 1 � � A 2 � µ F 1 µ F 2 µ F 3 � A 1 ◦ A 2 � input signature : the type of the AST � A 1 � : µ F → R = ⇒ � A 1 + A 2 � : µ ( F + G ) → R � A 2 � : µ G → R output type : tupling / product automaton construction � A 1 � : µ F → R = ⇒ � A 1 × A 2 � : µ F → R × S � A 2 � : µ F → S 5

  20. Contextuality tupling / product automaton construction � A 1 � : µ F → R = ⇒ � A 1 × A 2 � : µ ( F ) → R × S � A 2 � : µ F → S 6

  21. Contextuality tupling / product automaton construction A 1 : F → R = ⇒ A 1 × A 2 : F → R × S A 2 : F → S 6

  22. Contextuality tupling / product automaton construction A 1 : F → R = ⇒ A 1 × A 2 : F → R × S A 2 : F → S mutumorphisms / dependent product automata A 1 : F → R A 2 : R ⇒ F → S 6

  23. Contextuality tupling / product automaton construction A 1 : F → R = ⇒ A 1 × A 2 : F → R × S A 2 : F → S mutumorphisms / dependent product automata A 1 : F → R = ⇒ A 1 × A 2 : F → R × S A 2 : R ⇒ F → S 6

  24. Contextuality tupling / product automaton construction A 1 : F → R = ⇒ A 1 × A 2 : F → R × S A 2 : F → S mutumorphisms / dependent product automata A 1 : S ⇒ F → R = ⇒ A 1 × A 2 : F → R × S A 2 : R ⇒ F → S 6

  25. Outline Introduction 1 State Transition Functions 2 Composing State Spaces Compositional Signatures Tree Transducers 3 Bottom-Up Tree Transducers Decomposing Tree Transducers Conclusions 4 7

  26. Terms in Haskell Data types as fixed points of functors data Term f = In ( f ( Term f )) 8

  27. Terms in Haskell Data types as fixed points of functors data Term f = In ( f ( Term f )) Functors class Functor f where fmap :: ( a → b ) → f a → f b 8

  28. Bottom-Up State Transitions in Haskell q f f q 1 q 2 . . . q n . . . 9

  29. Bottom-Up State Transitions in Haskell q f q 1 q 2 . . . q n 9

  30. Bottom-Up State Transitions in Haskell q f q 1 q 2 . . . q n q 1 q 2 q n 9

  31. Bottom-Up State Transitions in Haskell q f q 1 q 2 . . . q n q 1 q 2 q n Bottom-up state transition rules as algebras type UpState f q = f q → q 9

  32. Bottom-Up State Transitions in Haskell q f q 1 q 2 . . . q n q 1 q 2 q n Bottom-up state transition rules as algebras type UpState f q = f q → q runUpState :: Functor f ⇒ UpState f q → Term f → q runUpState φ ( In t ) = φ ( fmap ( runUpState φ ) t ) 9

  33. Bottom-Up State Transitions in Haskell q f q 1 q 2 . . . q n q 1 q 2 q n Bottom-up state transition rules as algebras a.k.a. catamorphism / fold type UpState f q = f q → q runUpState :: Functor f ⇒ UpState f q → Term f → q runUpState φ ( In t ) = φ ( fmap ( runUpState φ ) t ) 9

  34. Composing State Spaces – Motivating Example A simple expression language data Sig e = Val Int | Plus e e 10

  35. Composing State Spaces – Motivating Example A simple expression language data Sig e = Val Int | Plus e e Task: writing a code generator type Addr = Int data Instr = Acc Int | Load Addr | Store Addr | Add Addr type Code = [ Instr ] 10

  36. Composing State Spaces – Motivating Example A simple expression language data Sig e = Val Int | Plus e e Task: writing a code generator type Addr = Int data Instr = Acc Int | Load Addr | Store Addr | Add Addr type Code = [ Instr ] The problem codeSt :: UpState Sig Code codeSt ( Val i ) = [ Acc i ] codeSt ( Plus x y ) = x + + [ Store a ] + + y + + [ Add a ] where a = . . . 10

  37. Composing State Spaces – Motivating Example A simple expression language data Sig e = Val Int | Plus e e Task: writing a code generator type Addr = Int data Instr = Acc Int | Load Addr | Store Addr | Add Addr type Code = [ Instr ] Sig Code → Code The problem codeSt :: UpState Sig Code codeSt ( Val i ) = [ Acc i ] codeSt ( Plus x y ) = x + + [ Store a ] + + y + + [ Add a ] where a = . . . 10

  38. Tupling Tuple the code with an address counter codeAddrSt :: UpState Sig ( Code , Addr ) codeAddrSt ( Val i ) = ([ Acc i ] , 0 ) codeAddrSt ( Plus ( x , a ′ ) ( y , a )) = ( x + + [ Store a ] + + y + + [ Add a ] , 1 + max a a ′ ) 11

  39. Tupling Tuple the code with an address counter codeAddrSt :: UpState Sig ( Code , Addr ) codeAddrSt ( Val i ) = ([ Acc i ] , 0 ) codeAddrSt ( Plus ( x , a ′ ) ( y , a )) = ( x + + [ Store a ] + + y + + [ Add a ] , 1 + max a a ′ ) Run the automaton code :: Term Sig → ( Code , Addr ) code = runUpState codeAddrSt 11

  40. Tupling Tuple the code with an address counter codeAddrSt :: UpState Sig ( Code , Addr ) codeAddrSt ( Val i ) = ([ Acc i ] , 0 ) codeAddrSt ( Plus ( x , a ′ ) ( y , a )) = ( x + + [ Store a ] + + y + + [ Add a ] , 1 + max a a ′ ) Run the automaton code :: Term Sig → ( Code , Addr ) code = fst . runUpState codeAddrSt 11

  41. Tupling Tuple the code with an address counter codeAddrSt :: UpState Sig ( Code , Addr ) codeAddrSt ( Val i ) = ([ Acc i ] , 0 ) codeAddrSt ( Plus ( x , a ′ ) ( y , a )) = ( x + + [ Store a ] + + y + + [ Add a ] , 1 + max a a ′ ) Run the automaton code :: Term Sig → Code code = fst . runUpState codeAddrSt 11


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