modelling of residual msw treatment systems linking unit

Modelling of residual MSW treatment systems - Linking unit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Adele Clausen Modelling of rMSW treatment systems Cyprus 2016 4th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management Modelling of residual MSW treatment systems - Linking unit processes to generic process chains for comparative

  1. Adele Clausen Modelling of rMSW treatment systems Cyprus 2016 4th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management Modelling of residual MSW treatment systems - Linking unit processes to generic process chains for comparative carbon footprinting Limassol, 23-25 June 2016 Dr.-Ing. Adele Clausen

  2. Adele Clausen Modelling of rMSW treatment systems Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems rMSW E Mat. Mech. treatment Bio. treatment Mech. treatment Incineration Mech. treatment Landfilling 2

  3. Adele Clausen - Shredding - Conveyance Modelling of rMSW treatment systems - Screening - Transportation - Metals - Exhaust gas - Screening - Magnetic separation Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems - Metals - Eddy current separation - RDF - Shredding - Screening rMSW E Mat. - Wind sifting - Air sifting - Swim-sink separation - Air table class. - Plastics - Electricity - Air sifting Mech. treatment - Heat - Ballistic separation - NIR - Fe / Al / Cu Bio. treatment - Washing - PE / PP / PET - Drying - Shredding Mech. treatment - Granulation - Rotting / Drying - RTO / Biofilter Incineration - Efficiency - Mix energy recovery - Crushing Mech. treatment - Screening - Metals - Open dump / Sanitary landfill - LFG catchment Landfilling 3

  4. Adele Clausen - Shredding - Conveyance Modelling of rMSW treatment systems - Screening - Transportation - Metals - Exhaust gas - Screening - Magnetic separation Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems - Metals - Eddy current separation - RDF - Shredding - Screening rMSW E Mat. - Wind sifting - Air sifting - Swim-sink separation - Air table class. As complex as necessary, - Plastics - Electricity gen. - Air sifting Mech. treatment as simple as possible! - Heat gen. - Ballistic separation - NIR - Fe / Al / Cu Bio. treatment - Washing - PE / PP / PET - Drying 1. On/Off for processes to reduce pathways - Shredding Mech. treatment - Granulation - Rotting / Drying - RTO / Biofilter 2. Unit Processes (UP) where necessary, Incineration - Efficiency Black Boxes (BB) where possible! - Mix energy recovery - Crushing Mech. treatment - Screening - Metals - Open dump / Sanitary landfill - LFG catchment Landfilling 4

  5. Adele Clausen Modelling of rMSW treatment systems Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems rMSW E Mat. Mech. treatment Bio. treatment Mech. treatment Incineration Mech. treatment Landfilling 5

  6. Adele Clausen Modelling of rMSW treatment systems Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems rMSW E Mat. Mech. treatment Bio. treatment Mech. treatment Incineration Mech. treatment Landfilling 6

  7. Adele Clausen - Shredding - Conveyance Modelling of rMSW treatment systems - Screening - Transportation - Metals - Exhaust gas - Screening - Magnetic separation Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems - Metals - Eddy current separation - RDF - Shredding - Screening rMSW E Mat. - Wind sifting - Air sifting - Swim-sink separation - Air table class. - Plastics - Electricity - Air sifting Mech. treatment - Heat - Ballistic separation - NIR - Fe / Al / Cu Bio. treatment - Washing - PE / PP / PET - Drying - Shredding Mech. treatment - Granulation - Rotting / Drying - RTO / Biofilter Incineration - Efficiency - Mix energy recovery - Crushing Mech. treatment - Screening - Metals - Open dump / Sanitary landfill - LFG catchment Landfilling 7

  8. Adele Clausen - Shredding - Conveyance Modelling of rMSW treatment systems - Screening - Transportation  RDF refinery (BB) - Metals - Exhaust gas - Screening - Magnetic separation Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems - Metals - Eddy current separation - RDF - Shredding - Screening rMSW E Mat. - Wind sifting - Air sifting - Swim-sink separation - Air table class. - Plastics  Fe separation (UP) - Electricity - Air sifting Mech. treatment - Heat  NF separation (UP) - Ballistic separation - NIR  Refinery (BB) - Fe / Al / Cu Bio. treatment - Washing - PE / PP / PET - Drying - Shredding Mech. treatment - Granulation - Rotting / Drying - RTO / Biofilter  Plastics separation (BB) Incineration  Refinary (BB) - Efficiency - Mix energy recovery - Crushing Mech. treatment - Screening - Metals - Open dump / Sanitary landfill - LFG catchment Landfilling 8

  9. Adele Clausen Conveyance / exhaust gas: - Shredding - Conveyance Modelling of rMSW treatment systems - Screening - Transportation  Included into treatment process - Metals - Exhaust gas - Screening Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems - Fe separation - Metals - NF separation Transportation: - RDF refinery - Fe refinery - Plastics  Neglected rMSW E Mat. - NF refinery - Separation - Refinery - Electricity Mech. treatment - Heat  Primary production: - Fe / Al / Cu Bio. treatment - PE / PP / PET Emission factors Mech. treatment - Rotting / Drying - RTO / Biofilter  BB Incineration - Efficiency - Mix energy recovery - Crushing Mech. treatment - Screening - Metals  IPCC FOD model - Open dump / Sanitary landfill - LFG catchment (incl. E-recovery) Landfilling 9

  10. Adele Clausen - Shredding Modelling of rMSW treatment systems - Screening - Metals - Screening Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems - Fe separation - Metals - NF separation Screening: - RDF refinery - Fe refinery  No Aggregation of UP, but: - Plastics rMSW E Mat. - NF refinery - Separation  Aggregation of coarse material - Refinery (Only use of 1 screening process) - Electricity gen. Mech. treatment - Heat gen. Metals separation: Bio. treatment  Mech. Post-treatment Mech. treatment Metals refinery: - Rotting / Drying - RTO / Biofilter  Recycling Incineration - Crushing Mech. treatment - Screening - Metals Landfilling 10

  11. Adele Clausen - Shredding Modelling of rMSW treatment systems - Screening - Screening Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems - Fe separation - NF separation - RDF refinery rMSW E Mat. - Electricity gen. Pre-treatment - Heat gen. - Fe separation Bio. treatment - NF separation - Plastics separation Post-treatment I - Rotting / Drying Post-treatment II - RTO / Biofilter Incineration I Incineration II - Fe refinery Recycling - NF refinery - Plastics refinery Landfilling 11

  12. Adele Clausen Modelling of rMSW treatment systems Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems rMSW Shredding Pre-treatment Screening Rotting / Drying RTO / Biofilter Bio. treatment Screening Fe separation II Fe separation I Post-treatment NF separation II NF separation I Plastics separation RDF refinery MSWI II MSWI I Incineration Fe refinery NF refinery Recycling Plastics refinery Disposal Landfill II Landfill III Landfill I 12

  13. Adele Clausen Modelling of rMSW treatment systems Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems

  14. Adele Clausen Modelling of rMSW treatment systems Contact details Dr.-Ing Adele Clausen Department of Processing and Recycling RWTH Aachen University Wüllnerstr. 2 D-52062 Aachen Germany Phone +49 241 80 96 123 Fax +49 241 80 92 232


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