Adele Clausen Modelling of rMSW treatment systems Cyprus 2016 4th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management Modelling of residual MSW treatment systems - Linking unit processes to generic process chains for comparative carbon footprinting Limassol, 23-25 June 2016 Dr.-Ing. Adele Clausen
Adele Clausen Modelling of rMSW treatment systems Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems rMSW E Mat. Mech. treatment Bio. treatment Mech. treatment Incineration Mech. treatment Landfilling 2
Adele Clausen - Shredding - Conveyance Modelling of rMSW treatment systems - Screening - Transportation - Metals - Exhaust gas - Screening - Magnetic separation Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems - Metals - Eddy current separation - RDF - Shredding - Screening rMSW E Mat. - Wind sifting - Air sifting - Swim-sink separation - Air table class. - Plastics - Electricity - Air sifting Mech. treatment - Heat - Ballistic separation - NIR - Fe / Al / Cu Bio. treatment - Washing - PE / PP / PET - Drying - Shredding Mech. treatment - Granulation - Rotting / Drying - RTO / Biofilter Incineration - Efficiency - Mix energy recovery - Crushing Mech. treatment - Screening - Metals - Open dump / Sanitary landfill - LFG catchment Landfilling 3
Adele Clausen - Shredding - Conveyance Modelling of rMSW treatment systems - Screening - Transportation - Metals - Exhaust gas - Screening - Magnetic separation Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems - Metals - Eddy current separation - RDF - Shredding - Screening rMSW E Mat. - Wind sifting - Air sifting - Swim-sink separation - Air table class. As complex as necessary, - Plastics - Electricity gen. - Air sifting Mech. treatment as simple as possible! - Heat gen. - Ballistic separation - NIR - Fe / Al / Cu Bio. treatment - Washing - PE / PP / PET - Drying 1. On/Off for processes to reduce pathways - Shredding Mech. treatment - Granulation - Rotting / Drying - RTO / Biofilter 2. Unit Processes (UP) where necessary, Incineration - Efficiency Black Boxes (BB) where possible! - Mix energy recovery - Crushing Mech. treatment - Screening - Metals - Open dump / Sanitary landfill - LFG catchment Landfilling 4
Adele Clausen Modelling of rMSW treatment systems Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems rMSW E Mat. Mech. treatment Bio. treatment Mech. treatment Incineration Mech. treatment Landfilling 5
Adele Clausen Modelling of rMSW treatment systems Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems rMSW E Mat. Mech. treatment Bio. treatment Mech. treatment Incineration Mech. treatment Landfilling 6
Adele Clausen - Shredding - Conveyance Modelling of rMSW treatment systems - Screening - Transportation - Metals - Exhaust gas - Screening - Magnetic separation Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems - Metals - Eddy current separation - RDF - Shredding - Screening rMSW E Mat. - Wind sifting - Air sifting - Swim-sink separation - Air table class. - Plastics - Electricity - Air sifting Mech. treatment - Heat - Ballistic separation - NIR - Fe / Al / Cu Bio. treatment - Washing - PE / PP / PET - Drying - Shredding Mech. treatment - Granulation - Rotting / Drying - RTO / Biofilter Incineration - Efficiency - Mix energy recovery - Crushing Mech. treatment - Screening - Metals - Open dump / Sanitary landfill - LFG catchment Landfilling 7
Adele Clausen - Shredding - Conveyance Modelling of rMSW treatment systems - Screening - Transportation RDF refinery (BB) - Metals - Exhaust gas - Screening - Magnetic separation Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems - Metals - Eddy current separation - RDF - Shredding - Screening rMSW E Mat. - Wind sifting - Air sifting - Swim-sink separation - Air table class. - Plastics Fe separation (UP) - Electricity - Air sifting Mech. treatment - Heat NF separation (UP) - Ballistic separation - NIR Refinery (BB) - Fe / Al / Cu Bio. treatment - Washing - PE / PP / PET - Drying - Shredding Mech. treatment - Granulation - Rotting / Drying - RTO / Biofilter Plastics separation (BB) Incineration Refinary (BB) - Efficiency - Mix energy recovery - Crushing Mech. treatment - Screening - Metals - Open dump / Sanitary landfill - LFG catchment Landfilling 8
Adele Clausen Conveyance / exhaust gas: - Shredding - Conveyance Modelling of rMSW treatment systems - Screening - Transportation Included into treatment process - Metals - Exhaust gas - Screening Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems - Fe separation - Metals - NF separation Transportation: - RDF refinery - Fe refinery - Plastics Neglected rMSW E Mat. - NF refinery - Separation - Refinery - Electricity Mech. treatment - Heat Primary production: - Fe / Al / Cu Bio. treatment - PE / PP / PET Emission factors Mech. treatment - Rotting / Drying - RTO / Biofilter BB Incineration - Efficiency - Mix energy recovery - Crushing Mech. treatment - Screening - Metals IPCC FOD model - Open dump / Sanitary landfill - LFG catchment (incl. E-recovery) Landfilling 9
Adele Clausen - Shredding Modelling of rMSW treatment systems - Screening - Metals - Screening Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems - Fe separation - Metals - NF separation Screening: - RDF refinery - Fe refinery No Aggregation of UP, but: - Plastics rMSW E Mat. - NF refinery - Separation Aggregation of coarse material - Refinery (Only use of 1 screening process) - Electricity gen. Mech. treatment - Heat gen. Metals separation: Bio. treatment Mech. Post-treatment Mech. treatment Metals refinery: - Rotting / Drying - RTO / Biofilter Recycling Incineration - Crushing Mech. treatment - Screening - Metals Landfilling 10
Adele Clausen - Shredding Modelling of rMSW treatment systems - Screening - Screening Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems - Fe separation - NF separation - RDF refinery rMSW E Mat. - Electricity gen. Pre-treatment - Heat gen. - Fe separation Bio. treatment - NF separation - Plastics separation Post-treatment I - Rotting / Drying Post-treatment II - RTO / Biofilter Incineration I Incineration II - Fe refinery Recycling - NF refinery - Plastics refinery Landfilling 11
Adele Clausen Modelling of rMSW treatment systems Goal: Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems rMSW Shredding Pre-treatment Screening Rotting / Drying RTO / Biofilter Bio. treatment Screening Fe separation II Fe separation I Post-treatment NF separation II NF separation I Plastics separation RDF refinery MSWI II MSWI I Incineration Fe refinery NF refinery Recycling Plastics refinery Disposal Landfill II Landfill III Landfill I 12
Adele Clausen Modelling of rMSW treatment systems Generic flow chart rMSW treatment systems
Adele Clausen Modelling of rMSW treatment systems Contact details Dr.-Ing Adele Clausen Department of Processing and Recycling RWTH Aachen University Wüllnerstr. 2 D-52062 Aachen Germany Phone +49 241 80 96 123 Fax +49 241 80 92 232
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