model based development

Model-Based Development To develop complex software systems Model - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Prahladavaradan Sampath Joint work with Rajeev A.C and Ramesh S * This work was carried out when the authors were part of General Motors India Science Lab Mathworks ECI Lab, General Motors R&D, Warren Model-Based

  1. Prahladavaradan Sampath † Joint work with Rajeev A.C † and Ramesh S ‡ * This work was carried out when the authors were part of General Motors India Science Lab † Mathworks ‡ ECI Lab, General Motors R&D, Warren

  2. Model-Based Development  To develop complex software systems  Model  Validate  Refine  Auto-generate code  Employs high-level modeling languages  Formal syntax  less ambiguous than natural language  Formal semantics  enables automated analyses  Highly tool intensive  Syntax checking, Simulation, Analysis, Test generation, Code generation (Collectively called model processors)  Advantages  Less development time, ease of re-design  Early verification and debugging  Model-based test-case generation  Automatic code generation

  3. Code Generator  Code generators are tools that take as input “models” in a modelling language and output various artifacts:  Code  Other models (one man’s model is another man’s code)  Examples of code-generators  Rhapsody code-generator  Matlab/Stateflow simulator  Lex/Yacc  Query optimizers  ...

  4. Approaches to Verify Code Generators  Formally verifying the code generator  White-box, one-time, interactive, strong guarantee  Testing the code generator  Black-box, one-time, automated, weak guarantee  Manual / automated test generation  Special ATG methods to handle syntactic and semantic structure of inputs and outputs  Model based testing (most common in practice)  Black-box, every-run, automated, weak guarantee  Translation validation  Black-box, every-run, automated, strong guarantee

  5. Different Approaches  Proving a code generator  m:models,  i:inputs: ModelExec(m, i)  CodeExec(CodeGen(m),i)  Testing a code generator Formany m:models, Formany i:inputs: ModelExec(m, i)  CodeExec(CodeGen(m),i)  Translation validation : fix a model m  i:inputs: ModelExec(m, i)  CodeExec(CodeGen(m),i)

  6. Translation Validation  Mathematical proof of equivalence between model and program  Every translation is followed by validation  Strengths  Strong guarantee  Does not require source code of translator  Automated  Weaknesses  Validation has to be done after every run of the translator  Computation intensive  Based on the following assumptions Formal semantics of the modeling and programming languages are available  Behaviours of the model and program are finite in number  A mapping can be identified between model elements and program elements  Verification conditions can be proved 

  7. Tool Architecture

  8. Step-1  Obtain all behaviours of the given Stateflow model  Using a formal semantics for Stateflow  Generate all possible inference trees corresponding to the given model  Using inference rules in semantics  Iterate over all “proofs” using a Hoare logic style semantics  Assumes “bounded” behaviour – no loops!

  9. Step-2  Generate verification conditions from inference trees  As Hoare tuples: {Pre-condition} Ch {Post-condition}  Active states before and after execution  Identify from the structure of the inference tree  Variable values before and after execution  Extract the sequence S of guards and actions from the inference tree  Guards: boolean conditions over variables, presence/absence of events  Actions: variable assignments, event broadcasts  Compute wp(S, true)  wp(x ← exp, P) = P[x/exp], wp(event + (e), P) = P && e + , wp(event - (e), P) = P && e -  Symbolically execute S with respect to wp(S, true)  Assuming wp(true, S) = P(x 1 , …, x n ), we compute symsim(P, S) = Q(x 1 , …, x n , x’ 1 , …, x’ n )

  10. Example: Shift_logic  37 inference trees = 37 unique behaviours  An inference tree:  Pre-condition: all states are inactive (WP calculation)  Post-condition: gear_state, first, selection_state and steady_state are active, gear == 1 (Symbolic simulation) {true} gear = 1 {true}

  11. Example: Shift_logic  37 inference trees = 37 unique behaviours  An inference tree:  Pre-condition: all states are inactive (WP calculation)  Post-condition: gear_state, first, selection_state and steady_state are active, gear == 1 (Symbolic simulation) {true} gear = 1 {gear == 1}

  12. Step-3  Identify the mapping between model elements and code elements  Files: md.c, md_data.c, md.h, md_private.h  Chart ch: function void md_ch(void)  Events: integer variable _sfEvent_md_ with values from {md_event_e1, …, md_event_en, CALL_EVENT}  State s: field is_active_s ( boolean ) and field is_s ( {md_IN_s1, …, md_IN_sn, md_IN_NO_ACTIVE_CHILD} ) in structure variable md_DWork  History junction in s: field was_s ( boolean ) in md_DWork  Local variables: fields in structure variable md_B  Inputs: fields in structure variable md_U

  13. Step-4  Prove the verification conditions on C code  Annotate the generated C code with {Pre-condition} and {Post- condition}  Use the mapping between model elements and code elements  Prove using C model-checker CBMC  Failed proof can provide a test-case showing the difference between the behaviours of model and code

  14. Annotated Code  C file: atc.c

  15. Some Case-studies  Shift_logic in ATC demo model: 37 verification conditions  A number of models with history junctions, event broadcasts, graphical functions, multi-level transitions, etc.  HVAC controller models

  16. Challenges  Semantics of modelling language  Is our formalization correct?  Binary Yes/No answer is not great  Can we do better?

  17. User Feedback  Generate test-cases from proofs  Any proof visualization techniques?  Tabulation of all cases and reporting?  …

  18. Testing the Semantics Formal Meta-model Test Specification What would we like to test? Syntax and Semantics of Test Generator Stateflow Model + Input/Output Input event / output Stateflow model action sequence Code Generator Under Test Test Harness

  19. Testing the Semantics Test case Expected Model Inputs Outputs ≡? Code Generator Under Test Actual Execution Code Outputs Test Harness

  20. Examples of Semantic Rules  Semantics for a lexical analyzer

  21. Examples of Semantic Rules  Semantics for a simple while-language

  22. Examples of Semantic Rules  Inference rules for Stateflow:  Entering an atomic state s by a transition  Entering an OR state by a transition, and its child state by default transition

  23. Generating Test-Cases  Generate a set of “proof - trees” based on coverage criteria  Given a particular behaviour as a generated “proof - tree”  Compute possible models, inputs and outputs that give rise to the given behaviour {b}  Invert semantics! If b then x := e1 else skip x := e2 {x = e2[e1[x’/x]/x]}

  24. Reveals Subtle Bugs/Issues History junction bug: Inputs: e1 e2 Expected: D2 C1 X1 T1 E1 Actual: D2 C1 X1 T1 C4 T4 E1 Above bug in V6.2.1, fixed in V7.0

  25. Reveals Subtle Bugs/Issues

  26. References  An Axiomatic Semantics for Stateflow. In preparation  Translation Validation for Stateflow to C. Under submission  CoGenTe: A Tool for Code Generator Testing. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE’10), Antwerp, Belgium, 2010.  Behaviour Directed Testing of Auto-code Generators. IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM'08), Cape Town, SA, 2008.  Verification of Model Processing Tools . Safety-Critical Systems Session, SAE World Congress & Exhibition ( SAE'08 ), Detroit, USA, 2008.  How to Test Program Generators? A Case Study using flex . IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM'07), London, UK, 2007.  Testing Model-Processing Tools for Embedded Systems . IEEE International Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium ( RTAS'07 ), Bellevue, WA, USA, April 2007.


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