minneapolis police department

MINNEAPOLIS POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief Medaria Arradondo Public Safety - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief Medaria Arradondo Public Safety O Over erview Immediate Near Term Long Term Crime Overview in Minneapolis MPD Dashboard (5-Yr Data) Homicides Imme mmediate Gun Shot Wound


  2. Public Safety O Over erview ⋅ Immediate ⋅ Near Term ⋅ Long Term

  3. Crime Overview in Minneapolis MPD Dashboard (5-Yr Data) Homicides Imme mmediate Gun Shot Wound Victims Assaults Domestics Robberies

  4. Homic icid ide 5 5 Year ar D Data City-wide Homicides 1/1 – 8/18 60 49 50 40 30 26 24 24 21 20 10 0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Count of Homicides Source: MPD Crime Data Dashboard 4

  5. Gunshot W t Wound V Victims 5 5 Year ar D Data City-wide Gunshot Wound Victims 1/1 – 8/17 400 338 350 300 250 222 184 200 174 150 150 100 50 0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Count of Gunshot Victims Source: MPD Strategic Operations Division Analysts 5

  6. Aggr gravated ed A Assaults 5 Y 5 Year ar Data City-wide Aggravated Assaults 1/1 – 8/17 2,000 1,835 1,800 1,596 1,540 1,529 1,600 1,400 1,301 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Count of Aggravated Assaults Source: MPD Crime Data Dashboard 6

  7. Domestics 5 Y 5 Year ar D Data *Subset o of Ag Aggr gravated Assa Assaults City-wide Domestic Aggravated Assaults 1/1 – 8/17 700 620 598 600 568 497 500 458 400 300 200 100 0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Count of Aggravated Domestic Assaults Source: MPD Crime Data Dashboard 7

  8. Robber eries es 5 5 Year ar D Data City-wide Robberies 1/1 – 8/17 1,200 1,138 1,092 1,028 1,000 767 763 800 600 400 200 0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Count of Robberies Source: MPD Crime Data Dashboard 8

  9. Cr Crime T Tren ends a and R Res esponse

  10. Vulnerable community members and those experiencing homelessness being victims of crime Aggravated Assaults/Robberies primarily along Nicollet Mall between 8 th & Grant Unlawful activity along the main public transportation stations (5 th & 8 th Nicollet-5 th & 7 th Hennepin) Youth and older adults engaged in narcotics dealing Nighttime includes robberies, narcotics and shots fired Crime Trends 1 st Precinct

  11. CRT focused on illegal handguns MPD coordinated crime reduction details with HCSO, MTPD and other LE partners Late Night Entertainment details with DID Utilizing cameras for crime prevention and apprehension of suspects Partner with OVP, MAD DADDS, & Mothers Love Response 1 st Precinct

  12. Robbery of businesses Aggravated Assaults Burglary of dwellings Nighttime includes Moped & Motorcycle Thefts, street racing, and gun violence Crime Trends 2 nd Precinct

  13. Robbery suppression detail Marcy Holmes CPS informational notifications to neighbors and information placed on Nextdoor CSO’s distribution of vehicle theft prevention placards 2 nd PCT squads conducting alley patrols Precinct Personnel attends regular neighborhood meetings and distributes crime alerts/advisories. Response 2 nd Precinct

  14. Robberies, Carjacking’s Gun Violence (Livability) Encampments Crime Trends 3 rd Precinct

  15. Coordinated crime suppression details Utilizing CRT & BRRT Teams Federal Task Force & MPD Weapons Team Assistance (Livability) Homeless Outreach Partner with OVP, MAD DADDS, & Mothers Love Response 3 rd Precinct

  16. Group Violence Gun Violence Narcotics/Drug sales Prostitution Reckless and erratic Vehicle patterns Crime Trends 4 th Precinct

  17. GIT team details CRT team details GVI Federal Task Force Partner with OVP, MAD DADDS, & Mothers Love Response 4 th Precinct

  18. Robberies Burglaries Youth Criminal Activity Nighttime includes Gun Violence, Assaults, and Drag racing Crime Trends 5 th Precinct

  19. Detailed Patrols Working with the Uptown Association & Nightlife Business Owners Combined details with other Precincts & Specialty Units Partner with OVP, MAD DADDS, & Mothers Love Response 5 th Precinct

  20. Inspector 5 Lieutenant 18 535 S 535 Sworn Patrol S Sta taff ff Sergeant 74 Officer 438

  21. 2020 Patrol Officers - 438 Total Pct 5 Pct 1 18% 22% Pct 2 Pct 4 16% 23% Pct 3 21%

  22. Response Times Preferred Study Session Tuesday September 15th

  23. Crime Overview in Minneapolis Reevaluating Successful Crime Reduction & Prevention Strategies Nea Near T Term Receiving Community Input Building Upon Relationship with OVP

  24. Public Health Lens Impacts of Intimate Partner Violence Partnership Offi ffice o of f Group Violence Intervention Violen ence e Prev evention Deescalating Incidents of Community Unrest Community Engagement

  25. “The Peoples Data”-The data must tell our story MPD will send our data to City IT and they will make it accessible to our Partnership communities. Cit ity IT IT Collaborate to provide real time data to the public and improve our dashboard.

  26. Crime Overview in Minneapolis Preplanning Safety Measures for 2021 Long Te Term Examining MPD Resources for best efficiency of operations Partnering with IT to create and expand transparent and user friendly community dashboards Continuing to partner with OVP to support alternatives to policing that fosters community safety

  27. Study dy S Session 9/15 first available time to target a council study session

  28. Thank you


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