mini nima mal s l studies i in us n us treatme ment nt o

Mini nima mal s l studies i in US n US Treatme ment nt o of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Eating Disorder Treatment Cost Effectiveness Analyses Mini nima mal s l studies i in US n US Treatme ment nt o of A Ano norexia N Nervosa mo most e expens nsive, , driven b n by i y inpatient nt/resident ntial c l costs

  1. Eating Disorder Treatment Cost Effectiveness Analyses • Mini nima mal s l studies i in US n US • Treatme ment nt o of A Ano norexia N Nervosa mo most e expens nsive, , driven b n by i y inpatient nt/resident ntial c l costs • Cost p per a abstine nent nt B Buli limi mia N Nervosa p participant nt • $12,146 f for s stepped c care • $20,3 ,317 f for C CBT Crow SJ et al., Int J Eat Disord 2013;46:302-7; Crow S, Curr Psychiatry Rep 2014;16:454.

  2. Healthcare Costs for Binge Eating Disorder • Annu nnual d l direct he healt lth c h care c costs p per B BED p D patient nt: $2,3 ,372-$ -$3,7 ,731, e , ele levated c compared t to a age a and nd sex ma matche hed na nationa nal a l average • Cost d driven b n by ho y hospitali lization, e n, eme mergenc ncy y departme ment nt u use a and nd o outpatient nt c care Agh T et al., Eat Weight Disord 2015;20:1-12.

  3. Health Care Service Utilization Across Ethnic Groups in US Marques L et al., Int J Eat Disord 2011;44:412-20.

  4. Levels of Care for Adults in RI Inpatient Hospitalization Residential Program 24-H -Hour Da Day P y Program m Partial Hospitalization Intensive Outpatient Program • Medical: Primary or Subspecialty* Outpatient nt • Dietician* • Therapy: Individual* * available i e in R Rhode Is e Island

  5. Levels of Care for Adolescents in RI Inpatient Hospitalization* Residential Program 24-H -Hour Da Day P y Program m Partial Hospitalization* Intensive Outpatient Program • Medical: Primary or Subspecialty* Outpatient nt • Dietician* • Therapy: Individual and/or Family* * available i e in R Rhode Is e Island

  6. Overview of Eating Disorders Workshop • Di Diagno nosis, Ind , Individual P l Psycho hothe herapy: C y: Chr hristina na Bo Bois isseau, P , PhD hD • Psychi hiatric T Treatme ment nt: T : Teri P Pearls lstein, M n, MD D • Medical C l Compli lications ns, In , Inpatient nt C Care: A : Abigail Do l Dona nald ldson, M n, MD D • Fami mily ly-B -Based T Treatme ment nt: C : Chr hristina na Tortola lani ni, P , PhD hD • Role le o of Di Dietician: A n: Adriana na Brayma yman, R , RD, L D, LDN DN, C , CNSC • 7:0 :00-7 -7:3 :30: C : Conversation w n with a h a P Patient nt • 7:3 :30-8 -8:0 :00: Q : Q&A w with a h all s ll speakers


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