min inis istry of f civ civil il av avia iatio ion global

Min inis istry of f Civ Civil il Av Avia iatio ion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Min inis istry of f Civ Civil il Av Avia iatio ion Global Passengers Number = 370

  1. يندملا ناريطلا ةرازو Min inis istry of f Civ Civil il Av Avia iatio ion

  2. Global Passengers Number ج نيلوقنملا نيرفاسملا ددع او ةيبرعلا تاراطملا يف = 370 رفاسم نويلم ملاعلا يف >4 رفاسم رايلم Arab Air irports = 370 Milli illion Glo lobally > 4 4 Billio illion

  3. نييلودلا نيرفاسملا دادعأ ومن International Passengers Growth Arab World World Jan-Aug 18/Jan-Aug 17 Jan-Aug 18/Jan-Aug 17 2017/2016 2017/2016 Source: IATA, AACO

  4. ةحايّسلا ومن Tourism Growth +7.2% 1322.8 M 79.8 M +6.8% 2017/2016 Arab World World Source: UNWTO, AACO

  5. ةحايسلاو يوجلا لقنلا عاطق ةمهاسمداصتقلئا يف Travel & Tourism Contribution to the Economy (% Contribution of Total) Source: WTTC, AACO

  6. Global Revenue Passenger Kilometers 9.0% 8.0% 7.9% (RPKs) Growth Y-o-Y 7.5% 7.4% 6.6% 6.0% 5.5% 5.8% 5.3% 2.1% Source: ICAO, AACO -1.1% Source: ICAO, AACO 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

  7. رارقتسلئا مدع يّدحت Challenge of Volatility ةيراجت بورح Trade Wars ةيئامح تاسايس Protectionism ةعفترم دئاوف بسن Higher Interest Rates

  8. ةيحاتفنإ تاسايس دامتعإ Adoption of Liberal Policies

  9. ةسفانملا Competition ةءافكلاو ةيلاعفلا Efficiency عادبلئا Innovation كلهتسملا اضر Customer Satisfaction نيكلهتسملا ةدعاق عيسوت Customer Base Expansion فيلاكتلا ةرادإ Cost Management

  10. ا ملاعلا يف ةيحاتفنلئا تاسايسلايبرعل Liberal Policies in the Arab World

  11. فيلاكتلا ةرادإ تامدخلا لضفأ Managing Costs Best Services جتنُملا يف عادبلئا راعسلؤا لضفأ Product Creativity Best Prices

  12. رايتخلئا قح هحنمو رفاسملا مارتحا Customer Respect and the Right to Choose ةيلاعف رثكأ تامدخ يدوزمو ناريط تاكرش More Efficient Airlines and Service Providers ةيداصتقلئا ةيمنتلا يف رفسلاو ةحايسلا ةعانص رود زيزعت Strengthening the Role of Travel and Tourism in Economic Development

  13. ماعلا لبق ةعانصلا لاح هيلع تناك اذام 1978 ؟ How was Air Transport Prior to 1978?

  14. ؟ةيئامحلا ىلإ ةدوعلا Back to Protectionism? قافتلئارفاسملل ةمدقملا تامدخلا ىلع لقنلا راعسأ ديدحت Agreement on Services Agreement on Passenger Fares Provided ءانبتافُرعتلاةهجو نم رثكأ ىلإ رفسلا لاح يف Constructing Fares in Case of More than One Destination

  15. ؟ةيئامحلا ىلإ ةدوعلا Back to Protectionism?

  16. ؟ةيئامحلا ىلإ ةدوعلا Back to Protectionism? ةكرتشملا قيدانصلا Pool Agreements

  17. ؟ةيئامحلا ىلإ ةدوعلا Back to Protectionism? ةواتأ

  18. حاتفنلئا ةسايس Liberalization

  19. Jobs Generated Contribution 66 Million to GDP 3.6%

  20. Jobs Generated Contribution 6 Million to GDP 7.8%

  21. يبرعلا ملاعلا يف نيرفاسملا ةكرح روطت 1966-2016 Arab Market Passenger Traffic Evolvement 1966-2016 35% 30% 25% 20% 11.8% 10.0% 15% 10% 5.5% 14.4% 5% 6.4% 0% 196619761986199620062016 -5% -10% Growth Y-o-Y Past 10 Yrs, Average Growth -15% Source: IATA, AACO

  22. 2017/2016 +7.7% Arab Market +4.7% Jan-Aug 2018/2017 Passenger Numbers Avg. 2006-2016 +10.0% 2017/2016 +6.8% AACO Members ’ Jan-Aug 2018/2017 +4.8% RPKs +14.0% Avg. 2006-2016 Source: IATA, AACO

  23. يبرعلا ملاعلا نمض يلودلا لقنلا International Air Transport within the Arab World

  24. داحتلئا ءاضعلؤ ةنرملا ةسايسلا AACO Members Adopting a Flexible Strategy 12% Increase in 2017/2016 Billion USD $2.5 77% $2.30 $2.02 76% $2.0 $1.83 $1.64 75% $1.47 $1.5 $1.38 74% $0.91 $1.01 $1.0 $0.69 $0.65 73% $0.53 $0.39 $0.5 72% $0.05 $0.0 71% -$0.18 -$0.5 70% -$0.57 -$0.54 -$1.0 69% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Operating Result Net Result PLF% (right) Source: AACO

  25. نم رثكأ 60 % ملاعلا ناكس نم ـلا رمع تحت مه يبرعلا 25 اماع More than 60% of the Arab Population is Under the Age of 25

  26. Average Daily Average Daily Flights 4,048 Seats 882,098 Destinations Countries Served 443 Served 127

  27. لصاوتلا تاّينقِت ةروث Revolution In Communication Technologies

  28. ةيسيئرلا انلمع تلباجم Major Areas of Our Work

  29. ةيوجلا تاسايسلا ىوتسم ىلع On The Aeropolitical Level

  30. نوناقلا ةعجارم 2004/868 ةلداع ةسفانملا عوضوملا عم لماعتلل راكفأ Ideas to deal with the Issue Competition is Fair Revision of Regulation 868/2004

  31. ماعل لايرتنوم ةدهاعم 1999 ماعل لايرتنوم لوكوتوربو 2014 Montreal Convention of 1999 and Montreal Protocol of 2014

  32. ICAO Global Scheme إلئا ةيقافتةئيبلا لوح واكي MRV 2033 - 2035 2nd Phase Mandatory Participation MRV 2030 - 2032 2nd Phase Mandatory Participation MRV 2027 - 2029 2nd Phase Mandatory Participation Monitor & Report 2024 - 2026 1st Phase Voluntary Participation MRV 2019 - 2020 Monitoring Reporting & Verification MRV

  33. نيلِّغشُملاو تاراطملا موسر Airports and User Charges

  34. فيلاكتلا ديشرت يف ءاضعلؤا ةنواعم Assisting Member Airlines in Rationalizing Their Costs

  35. ناريطلا طئارخ دوقولا Flight Charts Fuel ةنايصلا ةيضرلؤا تامدخلا ةسدنهلاو Ground Services MRO بيردتلا زكرم اهريغ Training Others ةينورتكللئا ناريطلا طئارخ ةينملؤا تامولعملا يقلت Electronic Flight Charts Security Information

  36. ئراوطلل ةباجتسلئا طيطخت عورشم Emergency Response Planning Project

  37. نمأ تامولعم لدابت ةعومجم ناريطلا Security Information Exchange Group

  38. Arab Air Carriers Organization Arabaircarriers AACO AACO ArabAirCarriers

  39. يوجلا لقنلا تاءاصحلئ ةيونسلا ةرشنلا داــحتلئل يونـــــــســـلا ريرقـتلا Arab Air Transport Statistics AACO Annual Report

  40. مكــــــــــــــتمدبدبد زتعن We are re pro roud ud to to se serv rve you


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