mill town mixed use

Mill Town Mixed-Use Direct to Ordinance Zoning Map Amendment City - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mill Town Mixed-Use Direct to Ordinance Zoning Map Amendment City Council March 6, 2018 Tiffany Antol, AICP Current Planning Manager Mill Town Mixed-Use Property 1801 S Milton Road APNs 103 -21-001 & 103-21-002 18.11 acres Proposed

  1. Mill Town Mixed-Use Direct to Ordinance Zoning Map Amendment City Council March 6, 2018 Tiffany Antol, AICP Current Planning Manager

  2. Mill Town Mixed-Use Property 1801 S Milton Road APN’s 103 -21-001 & 103-21-002 18.11 acres Proposed Use A horizontal and vertical mixed-use development consisting of 48,400 square feet of commercial space with a 340-dwelling unit, 1,221-bed Rooming and Boarding Facility Request 1. Direct to Ordinance Zoning Map Amendment from Rural Residential (RR) and Public Facility (PF) to Highway Commercial (HC) with the Resource Protection Overlay (RPO).

  3. Mill Town Mixed-Use Site Plan Direct to Ordinance Zoning • Map Amendment Process Site Plan approved subject • to the approval of the Zoning Map Amendment. Mixed-use development • consisting of 48,400 square feet of commercial development in conjunction with a 340-unit, 1,221 bed Rooming and Boarding Facility.

  4. Mill Town Mixed-Use Site Plan 3 Commercial Pads • along Milton Road Surface parking • separates the pad and the mixed-use building creating an internal main street. 26,200 square feet of • garage dedicated to the commercial uses.

  5. Mill Town Mixed-Use Site Plan Five-story building except • for the portion facing Milton that is six-stories. 25,000 square feet of • ground floor commercial with a 15-foot plate height and a 60-foot depth. Total FAR just under 3.0 • Gross density is 19 units • per acre (18.11 acres). Net density is 34 units per • acre (10.10 acres).

  6. Transportation Improvements Primary factor driving this • request is the City’s goal to realign University and extend Beulah. Increase regional • connectivity, improve safety, and facilitate development and activation of under-utilized parcels. New University will be • constructed as a four-lane roadway. Beulah will be constructed • as a two-lane roadway with the right-of-way provided for the ultimate four-lane roadway.

  7. Flagstaff Regional Plan 2030 Neighborhood Suburban Activity Center Mixed-use centers at intersections of circulation corridors and access roads with access to surrounding neighborhoods providing local goods and services and public spaces accessible to transit and the FUTS.

  8. Flagstaff Regional Plan 2030 Supporting Points Non-Supporting Points The property is considered • The project does not include • redevelopment, is within the Urban residential or office uses over the Growth Boundary, and can be efficiently commercial buildings fronting and effectively provide with facilities and the Milton Road corridor. services by the City. The project does not include • The project will complete regional • employment type uses within this transportation system improvements that Activity Center. serve other areas in the City. The project will provide open space The project does not provide • • amenities and extension f the FUTS in affordable housing or a mix of addition to a pedestrian underpass across housing types. Milton Road. Adding high density residential to an • Activity Center where the character is currently low intensity commercial. Mill Town is a centrally located project • with convenient access to many required resources, including transit.

  9. Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) • Beulah-University Alignment Study, prepared by Kimley Horn on behalf of the City, included a Regional Traffic Impact Analysis of the proposed transportation improvements – 20 year horizon. • Vintage prepared a TIA for the proposed development of the site. TIA was reviewed and approved by the City and ADOT – 5 year horizon. • The proposed transportation improvements off set most of the traffic impacts affiliated with the Mill Town development. • Other planned transportation improvements in the general vicinity help to alleviate regional transportation issues as well.

  10. Pedestrian/Bicycle • Enhanced pedestrian and bicycle facilities • Underpass on the north leg of Milton • FUTS (ten foot sidewalk) on north side of University and the west side of Beulah • Eight foot sidewalk on east side of Beulah and along Milton frontage • Pedestrian connection through the site from the southwestern corner along the along the adjacent parcel into the commercial core of the mixed-use project

  11. Transit • City, Vintage and NAIPTA working together to support the permanent transit system and future high frequency transit within the proposed transportation improvements. • Served by three permanent transit lines, 4,14, and 10 with capacity to serve the proposed development. • Vintage has committed to purchasing bus passes for each resident.

  12. Water and Sewer Impact Analysis • New water and sewer infrastructure will be constructed as part of the transportation improvements. • Water services is contributing $300,000 for the upsizing a sewer main as part of the transportation improvements.

  13. Stormwater Analysis Transportation Development • Includes routing of impervious • Consists of both detention roadway surfaces to subsurface and retention drainage systems that split the • Impervious surface areas will roadway project between two route runoff to landscaped watersheds. areas and subsurface • Discharge from the eastern half of collection systems. the property is directed to the existing detention facility behind • Discharge from the Target. containment system will be • Discharge from the western portion through low flow outlets of the property is directed to an designed to slow discharge existing detention facility that will for a 24 to 36 hour drain time. require an expansion.

  14. Zoning Code • Landscaping – Mix of urban and suburban features • Lighting – Lighting Zone II • Natural Resource Protection 30% of tree resources/slope areas outside of right-of-way limits • • Parking Parking Demand Study for Rooming & Boarding • Parked at 79% or 965 spaces for 1,221 beds • • Open Space/Civic Space • Compatibility Patterns of Development • Scale • Continuity • • Architectural Design Standards

  15. Development Agreement Deal Points • Provides for the sequence of approvals necessary for the project. • Allows for the extended time frames – 3 years for preliminary plat, 5 years for the CUP and Zoning Map Amendment. • Establishes maximum unit count of 340 or 1221 beds. • Provides for the dedication of right-of-way and easements, allows for the exchange of the remnant University Avenue piece, and allows for minor changes to the right-of-way. • Establishes the procurement of the transportation improvements project and the underpass which will all be constructed by Vintage. • Provides for two funding phases of the road and underpass project • Includes the City’s budget for the road project and recognizes that overages in relation to the project will be the responsibility of the City.

  16. Development Agreement Deal Points • Includes Vintage’s budget for the underpass, recognizes that overages in relation to the underpass will be the responsibility of Vintage minus the City’s $250,000 contribution. Vintage will also provide funds for twenty years of operation and maintenance of the underpass. • Acknowledges the City sewer line project as part of the road improvements, estimated at $300,000. • Provides for a payment of $150,000 to Vintage to account for the lost assessment incurred in moving the Harkins. • Establishes performance obligations and timeframes for construction. • Acknowledges Vintage’s responsibility to complete the Milton turn lane into the Mill Town site as well as frontage improvements along Milton Road. • Provision of bus passes for residents

  17. Recommendation Direct to Ordinance Zoning Map Amendment – PZ-16-00239-02 The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously approved forwarding the Direct to Ordinance Zoning Map Amendment request to the City Council with a recommendation for approval subject to conditions of approval: 1. The subject property must be developed in accordance with the approved site plan and conditions of approval dated February 6, 2018. Modifications (other than minor modifications) to the approved site plan will require an amendment to this Direct to Ordinance Zoning Map Amendment request. 2. All other requirements of the Zoning Code and other City Codes, ordinances and regulations, shall be met by the proposed development. 3. A materials management plan shall be prepared for the Mill Town project to be submitted in conjunction with building permits to enhance optimum waste management options including recycling. The mixed-use vertical building shall include chutes for both general waste and recycling materials.


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