micromon a monitoring framework for tackling distributed

MicroMon: A Monitoring Framework for Tackling Distributed - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MicroMon: A Monitoring Framework for Tackling Distributed Heterogeneity Babar Khalid*+, Nolan Rudolph+, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Sudarsun Kannan* *Rutgers University, University of Oregon (+co-primary authors) Background Modern

  1. MicroMon: A Monitoring Framework for Tackling Distributed Heterogeneity Babar Khalid*+, Nolan Rudolph†+, Ramakrishnan Durairajan†, Sudarsun Kannan* *Rutgers University, †University of Oregon (+co-primary authors)

  2. Background • Modern applications are increasingly becoming geo-distributed - e.g., Cassandra, Apache Spark • Geo-distributed datacenters (DCs) use heterogeneous resources - storage heterogeneity (e.g., SSD, NVMe, Harddisk) - WAN heterogeneity (e.g., fiber optics, InfiniBand) • Hardware heterogeneity in DCs avoids vendor lockout and reduces operational cost (by combining older/cheaper and newer/expensive hardware) • Careful provisioning can provide high performance at lower cost 2

  3. Problem With Current Systems • Current monitoring frameworks for geo-distributed applications are unidimensional - can only monitor hosts, storage devices, networks in isolation • Lack hardware heterogeneity awareness - e.g. no awareness for storage heterogeneity - could impact I/O intensive applications • Coarse-granular monitoring - unaware of host-level micro-metrics in software and hardware - e.g. page cache, node-level I/O traffic, node’s network queue delays 3

  4. Our Solution - MicroMon • MicroMon is a fined grained monitoring, dissemination, and inference framework • Collects fine-grained ( micrometrics ) software and hardware metrics in end-hosts and network - e.g., page cache utilization, disk read/write throughput in end host • Filters micrometrics into anomalies to efficiently disseminate • Enables replica selection for geo-distributed Cassandra • Preliminary study of Micromon integrated with geo-distributed Cassandra shows high throughput gains 4

  5. Outline • Background • Case Study • Design • Evaluation • Conclusion 5

  6. Case Study - Cassandra • Distributed NoSQL database system deployed geographically • Manages large amounts of structured data in commodity servers • Provides highly available service and no single point of failure • Typically focuses on availability and partition tolerance 6

  7. Cassandra – Replication Node 1 Node 5 Node 2 Update (key) Node 4 Node 3 Client Cassandra Cluster 7

  8. Cassandra – Replication Rack Awareness Rack 1 Node 1 Rack 1 Node 5 Node 2 Update (key) Rack 2 Node 4 Node 3 Client 8

  9. Cassandra – Replication DC Awareness Rack 1 Rack 1 Node 1 Node 1 Rack 1 Rack 1 Node 5 Node 5 Node 2 Node 2 Update (key) Rack 2 Rack 2 Node 4 Node 3 Node 4 Node 3 Client DC: US DC: Europe 9

  10. Cassandra’s Snitch Monitoring • Cassandra uses Snitch to monitor network topology and route requests across replicas • Also provides capability to spread replicas across DCs to avoid correlated failures • Snitch monitors (read) latencies to avoid non-responsive replicas • Different types: Gossiping, MultiRegionSnitch - Gossiping uses rack and datacenter information to gossip across nodes and collect latency information • Problem: No hardware heterogeneity awareness 10

  11. Analysis Goal and Methodology Goal: Highlight the lack of heterogeneity awareness • Replica Configuration • - SSD Replica: Sequential storage b/w - 600MB/s, rand b/w: 180 MB/s - HDD replica: Sequential storage b/w - 120MB/s, rand b/w: 10 MB/s Network latency across replicas same (for this analysis) • Workload – YCSB benchmark • - workload A (50% read and writes) - workload B (95% reads) - workload C (100% reads) 11

  12. Impact of Storage Heterogeneity Awareness 50000 HDD-only SSD-only Snitch 40000 OPS/sec 30000 20000 10000 0 A B C YCSB Workloads • Significant performance impact over optimal SSD-only configuration • Snitch: Lack of awareness to storage hardware heterogeneity 12

  13. Outline • Background • Case Study • Design • Evaluation • Conclusion 13

  14. Our Design: MicroMon • Monitoring and inference framework for geo-distributed applications • Performs micro-metrics monitoring at the host and network-level - micro-metrics includes fine-grained software and hardware metrics • Efficiently disseminates collected micro-metrics • Ongoing - Distributed inference engines to guide application requests to the best replica 14

  15. MicroMon Challenges • Selection Problem: What micrometrics to consider? • Dissemination Problem: How to send all micrometrics? • Inference Problem: How to quickly infer from micrometrics? 15

  16. Design - Micrometrics Selection Huge combinations of micrometrics across app, host OS, and network • • Micrometrics could vary for different application-level metrics e.g. micrometrics for latency different than those for throughput • Our approach: Start with storage and network micrometrics • Identify hardware and software micrometrics using resource usage - e.g. high storage usage -> monitor page cache, read/write latency 16

  17. MicroMon High-level Design Enterprise DC A Enterprise DC B Enterprise Backbone Networking stack Storage stack Networking stack micrometrics at switches micrometrics at DC micrometrics at DC ----- Ingress/Egress ----- Page cache (SW) ----- Transport ----- Port File system (SW) Flags (syn, ack, etc.) Server Packet count Block device driver (SW) Window size Byte count Hard disk (HW) Goodput Drop count Switch Bytes transmitted/received Utilization Round-trip time ----- Buffer ----- ----- Application ----- Collected Avg. queue length Throughput micrometrics Queue drop count Congestion status 17

  18. Reducing Dissemination – Anomaly Reports • Problem: Prohibitive cost of dissemination across thousands of nodes - cost increases with hardware and software components - e.g., SSD’s SMART counters contain close to 32 counters • • Observation: OSes already expose anomalies (indirectly) - e.g. high I/O wait time of process -> higher page cache misses - e.g. sustained storage BW against max. hardware BW - e.g. network I/O queue wait time alludes to TCP congestion • Proposed Idea: Instead of sending thousands of micrometrics to decision agent, only report OS perceived anomalies 18

  19. Reducing Dissemination - Network Telemetry • Network telemetry offers aggregated stats about state of the network • Idea: co-design in-band network telemetry (INT) with end host OS - monitor packets at end host with anomaly reports as payload - get network anomaly reports using INT • Pre-established anomaly thresholds reduce total aggregated stats further INT payload INT header Network End-host anomalies anomalies 19

  20. Scalable Inference - Scoring-based Inference • Simple scoring–based inference in Cassandra - replicas sorted and ranked by network latency • Problem: for bandwidth sensitive applications, need higher weights for WAN-based micrometrics compared to host-level micrometrics • Our approach: - we assign equal weights to all software and hardware micrometrics - use collected micrometrics to calculate a replica score - route request to replicas with higher scores - flexibility to assign higher weights for WAN-based micrometrics • Ongoing: Designing a generic, self-adaptive inference engine 20

  21. Outline • Background • Case Study • Design • Evaluation • Conclusion 21

  22. Evaluation Goals Goals: Understand the impact of storage heterogeneity with Micromon • Understand the impact of storage heterogeneity + network latency • Analyze the page cache impact (see paper for details) • 22

  23. Analysis Methodology Multiple DCs from CloudLab Infrastructure • - three nodes located in UTAH, APT, and Emulab DCs Replica Configuration • - UTAH replica: NVMe storage (seq bw: 600MB/s, rand bw: 180 MB/s) - APT replica: HDD (seq bw: 120 MB/s, rand bw: 10 MB/s) - Emulab master node: HDD (same as above) Network Latencies • - 400us between UTAH (NVMe) replica and master node - 600us between APT (HDD) replica and master node Workload – YCSB benchmark • - workload A (50% read and writes) - workload B (95% reads) - workload C (100% reads) 23

  24. MicroMon’s - Storage Heterogeneity 50000 HDD-only SSD-only Snitch MicroMon 40000 Ops/sec 30000 20000 10000 0 32 64 128 32 64 128 32 64 128 clients clients clients clients clients clients clients clients clients Workload A Workload B Workload C • Snitch lacks storage heterogeneity awareness • MicroMon’s storage heterogeneity awareness provides performance close to SSD-only (optimal) configuration Performance improves by up to 49% for large thread configuration • 24

  25. Storage Heterogeneity + Network Latency Introduce network latency for SSD-only node • 9000 Throughput (ops/s) 7000 Snitch MicroMon 5000 3000 1000 -1000 0ms 1ms 2ms 5ms 10ms 15ms 25ms Network Latency For high network latencies (e.g., beyond 10ms) SSD benefits reduce • 25

  26. Conclusion Datacenter systems are becoming more and more heterogeneous • Deploying geo-distributed applications in heterogeneous datacenters • requires redesign of monitoring mechanisms We propose MicroMon, a fine-grained micrometric monitoring, • dissemination, and inference framework Our on-going work will focus on efficient dissemination and self- • adaptive inference mechanisms 26

  27. Thanks! Questions? Contact: sudarsun.kannan@rutgers.edu ram@cs.uoregon.edu 27

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