michigan population trends

Michigan Population Trends Eric Guthrie PhD State Demographer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Michigan Population Trends Eric Guthrie PhD State Demographer October 16, 2019 State Demographer Michigans liaison with the U.S. Census Bureau for most programs including population estimates, projections, data dissemination and the

  1. Michigan Population Trends Eric Guthrie PhD State Demographer October 16, 2019

  2. State Demographer • Michigan’s liaison with the U.S. Census Bureau for most programs including population estimates, projections, data dissemination and the decennial census • Advisor to state leaders, businesses, non-profits, the media, and the general public on issues related to population and the Census • Lead for the State Data Center (SDC) HELP. CONNECT. SOLVE.

  3. Subscribe to the Bureau’s Listserv for updates • I send out updates when there is a significant data release from the Census Bureau • The Bureau of Labor Market Information & Strategic Initiatives also sends out regular updates on a wealth of topics • You can sign up for those updates and pick what topics interest you at: https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/MIDEPTTMB/subscriber/new HELP. CONNECT. SOLVE.

  4. Michigan Population 10,100,000 10,055,315 10,050,000 9,995,915 10,000,000 9,952,450 9,950,000 9,900,000 9,877,535 9,850,000 9,800,000 9,750,000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Estimates Program HELP. CONNECT. SOLVE.

  5. Michigan Historic and Projected Population 10,800,000 10,646,000 10,600,000 10,606,000 10,425,000 10,400,000 10,200,000 10,055,315 9,995,915 10,000,000 9,952,450 9,800,000 9,877,535 9,600,000 9,400,000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Estimates Program; DTMB, Labor Market Information & Strategic Initiatives, 2045 Population Projections HELP. CONNECT. SOLVE.

  6. How Populations Change • There are only three things that affect a population size over time: – Births – Deaths – Migration Population 2 = Population 1 + Births – Deaths + (In-migration – Out-migration) Natural Change Net Migration HELP. CONNECT. SOLVE.

  7. Michigan Population and Components of Change Source: DTMB, Labor Market Information & Strategic Initiatives, 2045 Population Projections HELP. CONNECT. SOLVE.

  8. Michigan Age Structure Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) HELP. CONNECT. SOLVE.

  9. Michigan Age Structure Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) HELP. CONNECT. SOLVE.

  10. Michigan Age Structure Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) HELP. CONNECT. SOLVE.

  11. Projected Population Structure Source: DTMB, Labor Market Information & Strategic Initiatives, 2045 Population Projections HELP. CONNECT. SOLVE.

  12. Where to Get Projections Data from the State of Michigan HELP. CONNECT. SOLVE.

  13. Questions? HELP. CONNECT. SOLVE.

  14. Eric A. Guthrie, PhD State Demographer Department of Technology, Management & Budget Bureau of Labor Market Information & Strategic Initiatives Victor Office Building 201 N. Washington Square 5th Floor Lansing, MI 48913 (517) 241-8667 GuthrieE@Michigan.gov HELP. CONNECT. SOLVE.

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