michigan college access network

Michigan College Access Network Resources for Community Colleges - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Michigan College Access Network Resources for Community Colleges Our Mission To increase college readiness , participation and completion in Michigan, particularly among low- income students, first generation college-going students, and

  1. Michigan College Access Network Resources for Community Colleges

  2. Our Mission To increase college readiness , participation and completion in Michigan, particularly among low- income students, first generation college-going students, and students of color.

  3. Our Goal: Sixty by 30 Increase the percentage of Michigan residents with degrees or postsecondary certificates to 60 percent by 2030. Aligns with the Governor’s Goal announced in February 2019.

  4. *Note: Since 2014, workforce-relevant certificates have been included in the total of postsecondary credentials. Lumina Foundation, Stronger Nation Report 2019

  5. Michigan Attainment Rates: Current vs. Need Level of education for Michigan residents, ages 25-64 2015 2020

  6. Theory of Change Increase College Completion by lowering barriers that prevent students from getting to and through college: • Social Capital • Academic Preparation • College Knowledge – Navigating the Process • Affordability

  7. Our Work

  8. Innovative Program Grants • Funds programming that increases college readiness, enrollment, persistence and completion in local communities and across the state • Sparking new activity, Leveraging other resources • Up to $10,000 per grant is available • Grants require 50 percent match funding, of which 50 percent can be in-kind and at least 50 percent must be cash • Non-renewable • Available on a rolling admission • Funded by the State of Michigan

  9. Previous Grantees • WSU – Raise.Me Platform Adoption • Michigan Center for Student Success – Student Transfer Research • EMU – Graduate Assistant College Advisors • UM – Research/Training on Undocumented Students • CF of St. Clair – Wraparound Advisor plus Emergency Funds • MMC – Provide courses in Huron Co.

  10. Application Components: • Identify one or more metrics from MCAN’s dashboard that your program/project will affect. It’s best to choose the metrics closest to the grant timeframe. • Describe what the program is. Be concise and specific. • Describe what problem you’re solving. What’s the need? Cite data.

  11. Application Components: • What are your project goals? What are some intermediate indicators of success? How will you know if you’ve achieved what you were setting out to achieve? Bullet points are great in this section. • How will the project move Michigan toward Sixty by 30? If it’s not aligned to this goal, it’s not a good fit for this grant.

  12. Application Components: • How will the project reach students of color, first-generation college-going students and low-income students? How will your project design take this into consideration. Don’t rely on the “all students matter” argument. • Share your timeline. Bullets encouraged here. Attach a full timeline.

  13. Application Components: • Why is this project innovative? Is it new? Is it unique? Is it an expansion? • How will you share results? The MCAN Conference is a great option here as is any of your professional associations and events. We don’t want to keep the good news secret! • Who are your partners? • How can MCAN support the project?

  14. Application Components: • Provide a snapshot of the applicant organization. Basically, do you have the ability to carry out this project? • Choose whether to share learnings. We could call upon you to present to constituents. • Budget – No more than $10,000 request. Must match at least 50%. 25% can be documented in-kind. • Budget Match: Whatever you include must be documented.

  15. Application Components: • Bonus Points for a letter of support from a partner • Bonus Points for a letter of support from an LCAN • (Not listed) Bonus Points for a letter of support from a Community Ambassador – Delta and Bay Counties

  16. Academic Transitions Grants • Larger grants - $25,000+ for community colleges to partner with high schools to build stronger pipelines between the institutions. • Project funded by the Kresge Foundation • Will be launched in 2020 with support from the Michigan Center for Student Success

  17. Stackable Credentials

  18. Stackable Credentials

  19. Stackable Credentials • Hot Jobs – Requiring college – Expected growth in Michigan – High Wage • Video Series – Student, Community College, Business • One-Pager • Professional Development (TBD)

  20. Stackable Credentials • First to Roll Out: – Carpentry – Information Technology – Insurance – Physical Therapy Assistant • In Development: – HVACR – Dental Hygienist – Electrical Technology

  21. Save the Date! MCAN’s Annual Conference March 26-27, 2020 College Access Advocacy Day April 2020

  22. Success Corps • Launching Fall 2020 • Partially funded by AmeriCorps • Planning Grant for 2019-2020 from the Michigan Community Service Commission • We need your feedback!

  23. MCAN Staff Ryan Fewins-Bliss Jessica Soja Interim Executive Director Strategy Manager for ryan@micollegeaccess.org Community & Partner Mobilzation Jessica@micollegeaccess.org Emily Halling Assistant Director of AdviseMI Melissa Steward emily@micollegeaccess.org Director, AdviseMI Melissa@micollegeaccess.org Jamie Jacobs Senior Director of High School Innovation Christopher Tremblay jamie@micollegeaccess.org Director of External Engagement christopher@micollegeaccess.org Tony Parsons Strategy Assistant for High School Innovation Emma Walter tony@micollegeaccess.org Strategy Assistant for External Engagement emma@micollegeaccess.org Karla Perez Garza Program Supervisor, West Michigan (AdviseMI) Marilyn Washington karla@micollegeaccess.org Operations Assistant Marilyn@micollegeaccess.org Jahshua Smith Program Supervisor, Detroit (AdviseMI) Vicky Wright jahshua@micollegeaccess.org Director of Operations Vicky@micollegeaccess.org


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