Mental Illness: It’s not always what you think. Sacramento County Department of Health and Human Services Division of Behavioral Health Services MHSA Steering Committee October 20, 2016 This program is funded by the Division of Behavioral Health Services through the voter approved Proposition 63, Mental Health Services Act (MHSA).
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Project Goals Reduce stigma and discrimination Promote health and wellness Inspire hope and recovery
Project Activities • Speakers Bureau, with more than 127 trained speakers • Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages • Personal stories from local Sacramento residents • Program materials and educational outreach, including brochures, tipcards, TV and radio PSAs, outdoor ads (including our billboards) • Over 100 stakeholder partnerships • News stories within multiple media outlets, including ethnic media
Stop Stigma Sacramento Speakers Bureau
Research Findings • Youth Focus Group Feedback o Many members of the youth focus group said that if they found a positive video or meme about mental illness, they would share it with their friends and post it on their social media channels • Wave 4 Survey Findings o Youth remain more likely to engage in behaviors consistent with the campaign goals than older individuals o Youth are more accepting of people with mental illness and are more likely to take action to stop stigma and discrimination surrounding mental illness
Youth PSA
PSA Promotional Activities • A. Benjamin Health Professions High School event • Paid promotions on social media • Movie theatre promotions (aired on 80 movie screens in Sacramento County from Oct. 7-13) • Stakeholder outreach • City and Board of Supervisor toolkits • Social media influencer outreach • Media outreach surrounding the youth PSA and MIAW, generating seven media placements from traditional and ethnic media outlets, such as KFBK, KCRA, radio TNT and more • School outreach
If you’re interested… • Share the Youth PSA with your broader networks • Invite a speaker to come speak at an upcoming meeting or event • Visit for more information • Follow the project on Twitter @StopStigmaSac and ‘like’ the project on Facebook
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