memory and beyond

Memory and Beyond USC December 2016 Maurice Herlihy public void - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Hardware Transactional Memory and Beyond USC December 2016 Maurice Herlihy public void LeftEnq(item x) atomic { Qnode q = new Qnode(x); q.left = left; left.right = q; left = q; } } code in block executed atomically Apps, Apps,

  1. Hardware Transactional Memory and Beyond USC December 2016 Maurice Herlihy

  2. public void LeftEnq(item x) atomic { Qnode q = new Qnode(x); q.left = left; left.right = q; left = q; } } code in block executed “atomically”

  3. Apps, Apps, Apps

  4. High-Level Languages (actual Haskell code) 4

  5. A tale of injustice Not Exactly. and long-deferred revenge?

  6. Just a Passing Fad?

  7. Privatization & Publication?

  8. Basic Language Support

  9. Isolation Levels

  10. Does STM have a Future?

  11. Hybrid TM?

  12. Escape Actions?

  13. Progress?

  14. Too Big

  15. Too Slow

  16. Just Not in the Mood

  17. Distributed TM?

  18. New Architectures?

  19. Accelerators?

  20. Transactions! Locks!

  21. Transactions! Locks!

  22. The Takeaway?

  23. 293,000 Google 109,000 Bing 106,000 Yahoo!

  24. Correctness Properties

  25. Impossibility Results


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