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Arizona Marketing Association
Arizona Marketing Association
Arizona Marketing Association
Arizona Marketing Association
Arizona Marketing Association
Arizona Marketing Association
Advanced Adwords Arizona Marketing Association
Arizona Marketing Association
Arizona Marketing Association
Proven Call to Actions! 60 M Millio lion n in A n AdWords rds Spe pend d Ana nalysi ysis Averag erage e Click ick/Co /Conversion/Cost ersion/Cost pe per In Industry ustry The BEST word in CTA’s The e WORST RST word to us use e in in CT CTA Go Go N Neg egativ tive? e? Positi sitive? e? or Neutr eutral? al? Punctua ctuatio tion n Mar arks ks ! , ! , ? ? % $ % $ What is is the the Avera erage e Rea eadi ding ng Level? el?
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Chuck Trautman Blaine Oelkers
Chuck Trautman Blaine Oelkers Guests Mastermind
Business Press Conference Sh Showca wcase se You an and Y d Your r Busi siness ess You Inc. Arizona Marketing Association
Tell us one thing… abou bout t you u persona sonall lly abou bout t your ur bus usin iness you' u've do done th that at no o in th the room m knows ows abou bout You Inc. Arizona Marketing Association
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