Meeting: Strategic Commissioning Board Meeting Date 03 February 2020 Action Receive Confidential / Freedom Item No 14 No of Information Status Title Revised Neighbourhood Model Presented By Lynne Ridsdale, Deputy Chief Executive, Bury Council Author Lynne Ridsdale, Deputy Chief Executive, Bury Council Dr. Jeffrey Schryer, CCG Chair, NHS CCG Bury / Dr. Cathy Fines, Clinical Clinical Lead Director, NHS CCG Bury Council Lead Lynne Ridsdale, Deputy Chief Executive, Bury Council Executive Summary An update to Board on the recent discussions and activity in relation to developing an overall neighbourhood model for public services in Bury Recommendations It is recommended that the Strategic Commissioning Board: Review the presentation slides and provide their strategic input into the proposals. Links to Strategic Objectives/Corporate Plan Yes Does this report seek to address any of the risks included on the No Governing Body / Council Assurance Framework? If yes, state which risk below: Add details here. Implications Are there any quality, safeguarding or Yes No N/A ☒ ☐ ☐ patient experience implications? Has any engagement (clinical, stakeholder or public/patient) been undertaken in Yes No N/A ☒ ☐ ☐ relation to this report? Have any departments/organisations who Yes No N/A ☒ ☐ ☐ will be affected been consulted ? Are there any conflicts of interest arising Yes No N/A ☐ ☒ ☐ from the proposal or decision being Date: 3 rd February 2020 Page 1 of 3
Implications requested? Are there any financial implications? Yes No N/A ☐ ☒ ☒ Are there any legal implications? Yes No N/A ☐ ☒ ☒ Are there any health and safety issues? Yes ☐ No ☒ N/A ☐ The proposals focus on targeted (early) How do proposals align with Health & intervention through risk stratification Wellbeing Strategy? underpinned with promoting prevention The Locality Plan refresh referenced steps towards neighbourhood working including INTs, though recognised the plan was a moment in How do proposals align with Locality Plan? time and the model of wider neighbourhood working was still in development. Bury Strategy will provide the strategic vision for the Borough for the next decade, articulating the How do proposals align with the key outcomes for the people of the Borough Commissioning Strategy? which should sit centrally within future commissioning plans. Are there any Public, Patient and Service Yes ☒ No ☐ N/A ☐ User Implications? Focus on intelligence driven, target intervention will ensure activity focuses on areas needed to How do the proposals help to reduce drive necessary increases in quality of life and health inequalities? outcomes for residents of the Borough and prioritise resources accordingly. Is there any scrutiny interest? Yes No N/A ☒ ☐ ☐ Discussions continue to take place as to IG What are the Information Governance/ requirements and support is being provided by Access to Information implications? Greater Manchester Combined Authority in relation to this. Has an Equality, Privacy or Quality Impact Yes No N/A ☐ ☐ ☒ Assessment been completed? Is an Equality, Privacy or Quality Impact Yes No N/A ☒ ☐ ☒ Assessment required? Are there any associated risks including Yes ☐ No ☒ N/A ☐ Conflicts of Interest? Are the risks on the CCG /Council/ Strategic Commissioning Board’s Risk Yes ☒ No ☐ N/A ☐ Register? Additional details Date: 3 rd February 2020 Page 2 of 3
Governance and Reporting Meeting Date Outcome CabJET 20/01/2020 At time of writing, report still tot take place JET 13/01/2020 Noted and comments fed back on Revised Neighbourhood Model 1. Introduction and background 1.1 This report is to outline proposals on a framework for public service delivery in Bury. The model take accounts of both existing good practice locally, regionally and nationally and recognises the varying levels to which integration and partnership working within neighbourhoods is taking place currently. 1.2 The model is crucial to enable the best use of our collective resource in the Borough, to manage demand in a sustainable manner and to be able to deliver on the Bury 2030 strategy. 2. Presentation slides 2.1 The slides provide an overview on work to date, including the outcome of discussions at the Public Sector Reform Board on 18 th December 2019 which included representation from Bury Council, Bury CCG, Bury LCO, GMP, Six Town Housing and the Voluntary Community and Faith Alliance (VCFA) 2.2 The presentation outlines proposed model and next steps required for further development and implementation. 3. Recommendations 3.1 It is recommended that the respective Members of the Board review the proposals outlined in the slides and provide their strategic input into the proposals. 4. Actions Required 4.1 To review this report and to provide strategic input into the development of the Bury Neighbourhood Model with any specific contributions to be sent to Lynne Ridsdale Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Core) January 2020 Date: 3 rd February 2020 Page 3 of 3
The Bury Neighbourhood Model? Active case mgt through Health & Care INTs Data-Informed Neighbourhood Model: Engine Room: Data Overlaps & opportunities matching of s ystem-wide data risk stratification Active case mgt of other Targeted universal & complex case work in 3 VCFA services through Complex x all-age Early Help pan-public service & pilot hubs: Chesham; VCFA Neighbourhood Victoria & Coronation case mgt “fora” for place-based Rd (housing; Working issues & community Well; Police; Fire; Early engagement Help; Early Years) Targetted Targetted Prevention D Complex Children’s Early Help / Troubled a Families; Adult’s Integrated From T Neighbourhood Teams a Population-wide here …. Population-wide Services &Health Partner Housing; green space; community safety; Services & Health PSR Regeneration/economic development; To here …. Board community capacity; professional prevention (Team Around the School); VCFA Systems leadership: VCFA; GPs; HTs; Council; LCO Asset-Based Community & Workforce Development: Keep well / self care; Early (reduced) Intervention; co-design; empowerment; gratitude One Commissioning Organisation Economic development including social value strategy & Regeneration of place
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