medway middle school 2020 2021 program of studies

Medway Middle School 2020-2021 Program of Studies Proposed Updates - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Medway Middle School 2020-2021 Program of Studies Proposed Updates School Committee Presentation January 23, 2020 History/Social Sciences New Civics Course in 8th Grade 2019-2020 Revised scope and sequence in 6th-7th Grade

  1. Medway Middle School 2020-2021 Program of Studies Proposed Updates School Committee Presentation January 23, 2020

  2. History/Social Sciences ● New Civics Course in 8th Grade 2019-2020 ● Revised scope and sequence in 6th-7th Grade History/Social Sciences Full year implementation of the DBQ ● Curricular (Document Based Question) Project focusing on argumentative writing Priority Areas Mathematics ● Full year pilots of Ready Mathematics in Grade 5 and Big Idea s and IXL in Grades 6-8 ● Newly redesigned 7th Grade Accelerated and Grade Level Math classes Science/Technology/Engineering ● New Science resources in Grade 5 English/Language Arts ● Grade 6-12 Curriculum Review Process underway Social and Emotional Learning ● Grade 5-8 SEL Steering Committee learning and prioritization of actions

  3. 2020-2021 Respond to English / ● Language Arts Curriculum Curricular Review Process, 6-8 ● Enhance use of ELA and Priorities in Mathematics data to inform Support of instruction and small group instructional practices Improved ● Maximize opportunities to Student engage students in meaningful, aligned, relevant Learning learning

  4. 2020-2021 Program of Studies’ Recommendations 1. Mathematics Course Leveling Shift in Grade 8 2. Addition of “Flex” Block Within the Schedule

  5. ● This year 8th Graders were enrolled in the previously defined Grade Level and Recommendation 1: Accelerated levels. Mathematics Course ○ Focus on 8th grade standards, different pacing Leveling Shift in Proposed Grade 8 Accelerated Math for ● Grade 8 2020-2021 8th grade will address remaining 8th ○ grade standards and 9th Grade Standards ○ opportunity to accelerate math coursework entering high school Grade 8 Grade Level Math ● ○ Grade 8 Standards Grade Level Math still provides a ○ pathway to HS Calculus and Statistics

  6. Recommendation 1: ● Grasps concepts quickly; self directed ● Demonstrates fluidity with difficult math Mathematics Course skills and concepts ● Attempts and motivated by challenge Leveling Shift in ● Solves problems in creative, resourceful, or efficient ways demonstrating analytical, Grade 8 symbolic and/or abstract reasoning ● Tackles multi-step problems in a focused, and exploratory way ● Readily applies concepts to new contexts; makes connections between concepts and real-world examples ● Thirsts for greater knowledge and/or depth, and pursues it independently Accelerated Learner ● Asks questions that push learning beyond comprehension Characteristics

  7. Recommendation 1: ● Moving forward with 8th Grade selections, we will continue to: Mathematics Course ○ Assess performance based criteria to provide well rounded picture of Leveling Shift in student ○ Not “lock” students into either Grade 8 pathway ○ Monitor student performance in first trimester to ensure proper placement ○ Placement decisions will occur in May and June. ● Students can gain entry by meeting specified criteria and/or by completing Course Selection Criteria and summer work on the content not covered in previous grade level class Process for Grade 7 and 8

  8. ● For Current 7th Graders, student Recommendation 1: placement was based on: ○ MCAS Performance Mathematics Course ○ Class Performance Leveling Shift in ○ iReady Data ○ Characteristics of a Learner Grade 8 ● This criteria will be re-evaluated this Spring based on current student performance to ○ ensure proper placement of students. ○ provide an accurate Criteria to be Finalized for performance picture of each student. Leveling Recommendations

  9. ● If placement decision based on criteria Recommendation 1: is not in line with parent and/or student aspirations, an “override” can be Mathematics Course requested ● Override process Leveling Shift in ○ consultation with Curriculum and Grade 8 Instruction Leader and/or building administrator and parent/student ○ Examination of student performance information ○ Student Input ○ Input from previous year’s teacher ● Overrides granted on a case by case basis Course Leveling Input from Parents & Students

  10. Recommendation#2: Goal: Provide Addition of “Flex” students with Block Within the additional time for Schedule intervention and enrichment within the school day

  11. Desire to reduce number of ● Recommendation#2: students pulled from Allied Arts and World Languages for Addition of “Flex” support classes Block Within the Students being supported with ● Schedule “check-out” accommodation leave class early ● Limited time in current schedule for extra help, pre-teaching and re-teaching ● Recommendation from the Superintendent’s Task Force on Current Reality Student Stress focused on providing additional time for students

  12. Special meetings and programs (with a ● Recommendation#2: high level of discretion) Special student experiences to enrich ● Addition of “Flex” or enhance such as: Expanding WEB Leaders work in ○ Block Within the Grade 5 Peer Leaders’ work in Grade 6 ○ Schedule ● Small group, targeted support outside of Allied Arts block ○ Organizational Support ○ Math/Reading support both tutorial and with online intervention platforms ○ Social-Emotional small groups providing Tier #2 support Anticipated Benefits

  13. Reduce each class length by ~ five ● Recommendation#2: minutes to provide an additional period of time in the day Addition of “Flex” ○ School start and end times Block Within the would not be impacted. “Flex” time would be designed ○ Schedule so that it is included in Time on Learning calculations Final “Flex” Block parameters to be ● determined as part of collaborative process in late winter/early spring ○ Length and frequency Location within daily schedule ○ Vision for Structure and Clarity of expectations for ○ Function of “Flex” Block students and teachers

  14. Questions? Thank you!


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