Medical Device Packaging UW-Stout Course A S T M C O M M I T T E E F 0 2 O N F L E X I B L E B A R R I E R P A C K A G I N G
Background Development started 2012 Focus on industry involvement First taught, fall 2013 Participants ¡ Dan Burgess, Boston Scientific ¡ Bill Daeschler, Oliver-Tolas ¡ Aaron Guggemos, Boston Scientific ¡ Don Handrow, Prent ¡ Stacy, Kromenhoek, Boston Scientific ¡ Curt Larsen, Consultant ¡ Mark Ralph, Medtronic ¡ Jane Severin, DuPont ¡ Richard Tuma, Boston Scientific ¡ Kevin Zacharias, Oliver-Tolas
Overview Course initially being taught by industry Students learn about medical device development process beginning to end Presentations include; mock design reviews and final presentation For more information contact: Dan Burgess E-mail:
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