measuring long wire leakage with ring oscillators in

Measuring Long Wire Leakage with Ring Oscillators in Cloud FPGAs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Measuring Long Wire Leakage with Ring Oscillators in Cloud FPGAs Ilias Giechaskiel Kasper B. Rasmussen Jakub Szefer 9 September 2019 University of Oxford Yale University Cloud FPGAs FPGAs now offered by cloud

  1. Measuring Long Wire Leakage with Ring Oscillators in Cloud FPGAs Ilias Giechaskiel Kasper B. Rasmussen Jakub Szefer 9 September 2019 †‡ † ‡ † University of Oxford ‡ Yale University

  2. Cloud FPGAs FPGAs now offered by cloud providers What about malicious designs? 1 → Virtex UltraScale+ on Alibaba, Amazon , Huawei → Kintex UltraScale on Baidu, Tencent → Intel Arria 10 on Alibaba, OVH → Hide physical aspects (DRAM, PCIe, Clock, . . . ) → Prohibit combinatorial loops (e.g., ring oscillators)

  3. Latch-Based RO Latches are level-sensitive, so they act as buffers: when the gate G is active, the output Q mirrors the input D . 2

  4. Flip-Flop-Based RO For a fmip-fmop-based buffer, use a Flip-Flop with Asynchronous Preset PRE : when PRE is high, the output Q is also high. When the clock C rises, Q mirrors the input D . 3

  5. Long Wire Leakage Earlier work: Virtex 5 & 6, Artix & Spartan 7 covert channels This work: Virtex UltraScale+ leakage (on the cloud!) 4

  6. Latch-Based Results Experiments with 1 Local, 8 Amazon, 2 Huawei FPGAs 5 LD (fs) Super Logic Region 8 Latch Per-Long Delay Di ff erence Δ d L 0 1 2 6 4 2 AWS 0 AWS 1 AWS 2 AWS 3 AWS 4 AWS 5 AWS 6 AWS 7 Huawei 0 Huawei 1 VCU118 FPGA Board → ∆ d LD L > 0 = ⇒ leakage detectable on all FPGAs → Process variations between FPGAs → Variations within FPGAs (between Super Logic Regions)

  7. Flip-Flop-Based Results Estimates with Flip-Flop ROs are very close:: Same with Lookup-Table ROs (all within 10%) 6 FF (fs) Super Logic Region 8 Reg. Per-Long Delay Difference Δ d L 0 1 2 6 4 2 AWS 0 AWS 1 AWS 2 AWS 3 AWS 4 AWS 5 AWS 6 AWS 7 Huawei 0 Huawei 1 VCU118 FPGA Board

  8. Conclusions combinatorial loop restrictions generations, but still leak information about their state Amazon, and Huawei FPGAs revealed process variations 7 → Latch-based and fmip-fmop-based ROs can overcome → Virtex UltraScale+ FPGA long wires different from earlier → The three RO designs provide identical leakage estimates → Comparison among 33 super logic regions in local, → Questions?

  9. Super Logic Regions

  10. Routing Example

  11. Virtex UltraScale+ Leakage Example 7,238,000 Transmitted Value 1 0 7,237,500 Ring Oscillator Count c i 7,237,000 7,236,500 7,236,000 7,235,500 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 Sample i

  12. Virtex UltraScale+ Leakage Characterization Femtosecond-scale change in delay is proportional to the overlap between the receiver and the transmitter × 10 − 14 6 Number of RO Longs v r Absolute Delay Difference ∆ d RO ( s ) 1 4 7 5 2 5 8 3 6 9 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Number of Buffer Longs v t

  13. Flip-Flop- and Lookup-Table-Based Ratios Super Logic Region Ring Oscillator Per−Long Delay Ratio 1.10 0 1 2 1.05 ∆ d L FDPE ∆ d L LUT Flip−Flop: LUT: ∆ d L LD ∆ d L LD 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 AWS 0 AWS 1 AWS 2 AWS 3 AWS 4 AWS 5 AWS 6 AWS 7 Huawei 0 Huawei 1 VCU118 Huawei 0 Huawei 1 VCU118 FPGA Board

  14. Property 12 2 2 2 VLONG s/CLB VLONG Bidirectional? 0 1 1 2 Virtex 5 VLONG Taps 18 Node Size (nm) 18 VLONG Length 16 28 40 65 16 Virtex 6 Series 7 Virtex US+ � � � × 2 × 8

  15. Metrics RO RO RO C 1 C 0 RO 2 f CLK n (2) RO RO (3) (1) RO RO C 1 2 RO RO − C 0 ∆ RC = C 1 � 1 � RO − f 0 = f 1 ∆ d RO = 1 − 1 f 0 f 1 2 f 0 RO f 1 ∆ d L = ∆ d RO RO − C 0 = 1 n · C CLK · C 1

  16. Relative Count Difference × 10 − 5 3 . 5 # Receiver Longs v r Relative Count Difference ∆ RC 1 4 7 3 . 0 2 5 8 3 6 9 2 . 5 2 . 0 1 . 5 1 . 0 0 . 5 0 . 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Number of Transmitter Longs v t

  17. Countermeasures users and potentially-malicious cores. bitstreams, including prohibiting combinatorial loops, latches, and non-shell clocks. response to detected malicious designs. → Routing Restrictions: Enforce physical isolation between → Design Rule Checks: Place restrictions on the generated → Runtime Protections: Gate clocks and clear the FPGA in

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