Mearns Castle High School Pupil Leadership Senior School Blazers
S5&6 Blazer • The body remains black with red braiding on the collar and periphery representing S5&6 • The sleeves will be used to signify a Position of Responsibility • The pockets will be used to show Colours
S5&6 Blazer with Half Colours • The breast pocket should have blue braiding attached to recognise Half Colours
S5&6 Blazer with Full Colours • The breast pocket and both jacket pockets should have blue braiding attached to recognise Full Colours
S5&6 Prefect Blazer • The sleeves should have red braiding added to signify that you are a Prefect
S5&6 Prefect Blazer with Half Colours • Obviously if you have Half Colours you will add the blue braiding to the breast pocket
S5&6 Prefect Blazer with Full Colours • Obviously if you have Full Colours you will add the blue braiding to the breast pocket and the jacket pockets
S6 House Captain Blazer • If you become a Vice- Captain then you will add silver braiding • BUT will include red braiding as you will also have Prefect responsibility
S6 House Captain Blazer with Half Colours • If you have Half Colours then add the blue braiding to the breast pocket
S6 House Captain Blazer with Full Colours • If you have Full Colours then add the blue braiding to the breast pocket and jacket pockets
Head or Depute Head Blazer • If you are elected to be part of the Pupil Leadership Team then you will add gold braiding
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