me meet eting ing 20 2019 19

Me Meet eting ing 20 2019 19 Welcome and Chairs report - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

An Annua ual l Ge General ral Me Meet eting ing 20 2019 19 Welcome and Chairs report Treasurers Report Elect ection ion of Tr Trustees ees an and Off Officer icers Qu Ques estions ions & A & Ans

  1. An Annua ual l Ge General ral Me Meet eting ing 20 2019 19

  2. •Welcome and Chair’s report •Treasurer’s Report • Elect ection ion of Tr Trustees ees an and Off Officer icers • Qu Ques estions ions & A & Ans nswers ers

  3. Po Port rtla land nd Road Road Com Commu munit nity y Ga Garde rden

  4. Port rtla land nd Ro Road Community nity Gard rden Our Trees s Have Survi vived ved For Two Summers ers Summ mmer r 20 2019 Fe February ary 2018

  5. Port rtla land nd Ro Road ad Co Comm mmunity nity Gar arden en We e provi ovide de the e habitat tat, , the e wi wildlife fe wi will com ome! e! This year we saw new bugs & wildlife Jersey sey Tiger ger Moth th Baby Black ackbir bird Large ge Red d Damselfl elfly And a Whit ite Squir irre rel

  6. Port rtla land nd Ro Road ad Co Comm mmunity nity Gar arden en Last yea ear ou our first st acor orns ns This year our first t Rowan berri ries es ! Septem tembe ber r 2019 An And ou our ow own n com ompo post! st!! Octob ober er 2019

  7. Port rtla land nd Ro Road ad Co Comm mmunity nity Gar arden en Th Than ank k yo you to o ou our regular gular litter tter pickers ckers at at the he gar arden den Bria ian n an and d Jo John hn 👎👎👐

  8. Sta tatio tion P n Plan lanters ters PPR team am wo work rking ing to re rene new w & ca & care re for r the plants ants at Norw rwood d Ju Junc nctio tion n Statio tion n

  9. Po Portland tland Ro Road ad in in Bl Bloom om Ju July ly 2019 19 The he judges ges said d "A small ll fron ont t garden en wh whic ich alwa ways ys looks oks very attracti active. e. An addit itio iona nal l space ce with h trel ellis lis has been created for extra colour. There’s also an arrangem gement t of attract ctively ely plante nted d pots. s. Really welcoming and beautifully kept.“ 325 Portland tland Road

  10. Por ortla tland nd Ro Road ad Rai Railw lway ay Bri ridge dge Lig ighting hting Public lic cons nsult ltation ion May 2019 Th The e peo eople le have sp e spoken ken

  11. The he So South h No Norw rwood ood Tre reas asure re Hu Hunt nt Summer mer 201 019 Thank nk you ou to o o our loc ocal l busin inesses esses wh who o don onated ted prizes zes “We have had great fun following your treasu sure re hunt t and learn rnt t lots ts of intere eresti sting g thin ings gs about t South th Norwood.” “This was really fun, my girlfriend and I loved ed it, thank nk you for putti ting g it together!”

  12. Ot Other r Ac Activ tivities ities We help lped ed fund the e plan anter ers that at bega gan n to Sout uth Norwoo rwood Communi unity appear ear – Summ mmer er 2019 19 Festival stival – June e 2019 19 Helpe lped to fund additi itiona onal Christ istmas as lights ghts Decemb cember er 2019 019 Natio iona nal l Park City Foundat dation on suppor porte ter – Sprin ing g 2019 Green en Space ces s Respons sponse July 2019

  13. Cl Clos ose e Li Links s wi with th ▪ Created d Communit munity y Economic onomic Develop lopment ment Pla lan ▪ Mem ember er of SE f SE25 5 To Town wn Te Team ▪ Acted d as fi s financier ncier until il We Love SE25 5 se set u up their ir own wn bank k account unt

  14. Re Regene generatio ration

  15. Com Coming up ing up in 2 in 2019 019-20 20

  16. Port rtla land nd Ro Road Community nity Gard rden Our ongoin going g project oject First st & Th & Third rd Sat aturda urdays ys of f the he month th

  17. Port rtla land nd Ro Road Community nity Gard rden Adv dventu enture re Pl Play ay Area ea

  18. Clif liffo ford rd Ro Road Artwo twork rk Mariela ela Quem emard ard – Ar Artist t

  19. Ne New Pla laque que to to C Com ommemo memorate ate Suffr fragis agists ts and nd Suf uffragette ragettes On n the e cloc ock k step eps, s, suffr frag agist ist Ethel el Fe Fenn nnings ngs and nd her er sisters ers spok oke e reg egularl arly y in n support port of of vot otes es for or wo women en

  20. Ma Mark rket et Par arad ade e Tre rees es Ne Need ed He Help

  21. Mo More re Tr Trees? es??? ??

  22. Un Underp derpass ass Ar Artwor work As it it wa was We could………….

  23. Ca Can n yo you help? u help? We need ‘project leaders’ to help us do more do mo re wo work rk for for ou our comm r community unity

  24. Tha Thank nk yo you! u!


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