May 2013
Disclaimer No stock exchange, securi8es commission, or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the informa8on contained in this presenta8on. This presenta8on includes certain “forward-looking statements.” All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this presenta8on, including, without limita8on, statements regarding poten8al mineraliza8on and reserves, explora8on results, and future plans and objec8ves of La Ronge Gold Corp., are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertain8es. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those an8cipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from La Ronge Gold Corp.'s expecta8ons include, among others, risks related to opera8ons, the actual results of current explora8on ac8vi8es, conclusions of economic evalua8ons, and changes in project parameters as plans con8nue to be refined as well as future prices of gold and silver. Although La Ronge Gold Corp. has aQempted to iden8fy important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as an8cipated, es8mated, or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those an8cipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. 2
Preview SW Project Highlights Preview SW Gold Deposit –43-101 Resource Es<mate (August, 2013) Mineral resources base case es.mate at a gold cut-off grade (COG) of 0.5 grams/tonne gold (g/t Au) • 843 hectares (2,083 acres) on 3 claims • Strike length increase by 145% (from historic 250 m to 612 m) • Depth increase by 50% (from historic 180 m to 270 m) • Only 12% of the 5.3 Km gold trend has been drilled • A 2,620 m Step out drill hole hit broad zone of 48.83 m of 3.64 g/t Au: Including 5.71 m of 17.98 g/t Au star<ng at 10m below surface; 5.66 m of 5.96 g/t Au star<ng at 19 m below surface; And 21.26 m of 1.88 g/t Au star<ng at 29 m below surface • The Preview SW gold deposit remains clearly open in all direc<ons • NI 43-101 Resource Es8mate completed on budget and on 8me • Metallurgical studies underway and economic studies to begin in the 2nd quarter of 2013 US$1,300/oz Au ( Exchange Rate USD:CAD 1.00), 90% Au recovery, $2.50/tonne mining cost, $2.00/tonne waste mining cost, $15.50/tonne process and G&A cost. No allowances have been made for mining losses and dilution. A pit slope angle of 45° was used. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. The claims are within the Mineral Disposition Zone of the Lac La Ronge Provincial Park. Mineral exploration and development is permitted within this park; other past producers are nearby . 3
Technical Team Rasool Mohammad, B.Sc. (Mining Engineering), President & CEO Mr. Mohammad has over 15 years experience in the mining and mineral explora8on industry. He has worked for companies such as BHP, Miramar Mining, Hunter Dickinson Inc., Cumberland Resources Ltd., and several other Vancouver-based junior explora8on companies and has worked on mining projects in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Peru, and Brazil. Douglas S. Turnbull, Director Mr. Turnbull received a B.Sc. (Honours in Geology) from Lakehead University in 1988 and is a Qualified Professional Geoscien8st recognized by the Associa8on of Professional Engineers and Geoscien8sts of Bri8sh Columbia. He is a consul8ng geologist with over 20 years experience in diamond, precious metal, and base metal explora8on. Mr. Turnbull was part of teams responsible for the explora8on and development of the Eskay Creek Gold Deposit in Bri8sh Columbia, Canada; the Petaquilla Cu-Au Porphyry Deposit in Panama; and the Mt. Kare Gold Deposit in Papua New Guinea. Mr. Jeffrey B. Aus<n, P. Eng . Mr. Aus8n serves as the President of Interna8onal Metallurgical and Environmental Inc. and Western Canada Limestone Ltd. Mr. Aus8n served as the President of Pacific Iron Ore Corpora8on un8l July 3, 2012. Mr. Aus8n has extensive laboratory research and full-scale opera8onal experience. He has been Chairman of the Canadian Mineral Processors (a technical division of The Canadian Ins<tute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum). He has been Member of Advisory Board at Commerce Resources Corp. since February 2006. He served as a Director of Great Western Minerals Group Ltd. since January 22, 2004. He served as a Director of Pacific Iron Ore Corpora8on from July 8, 2008 to July 3, 2012. He is a Metallurgist. He has been registered as a professional engineer since 1987. Mr. Aus8n received Bachelor of Applied Science from the University of Bri8sh Columbia (UBC) in Mineral Process Engineering in 1984. Raj Anand. M.Eng; P.Eng Raj has over 30 years of experience in the mining industry and oil and gas industry in North America and overseas. Raj holds a Master Degree in Structural Engineering from the University of Alberta. He is a registered Professional Engineer and has worked with reputed consul8ng engineering companies as well as with opera8ng companies. Consul8ng engineering companies experience ranges from Bechtel Canada to Dynatec Engineering and Canadian Mine Services. Opera8ng companies experiences ranges from Noranda Group of Mines, Corona Corpora8on, Homestake Mining, Kensigton Resources, Cumberland Resources to Imperial Metals Corpora8on where at the present he is focusing on the development of a major gold and copper mine in north- west Bri8sh Columbia. Through various posi8ons he has ac8vely par8cipated in comple8on of feasibility studies, environmental assessment, permijng, and comple8on of engineering, procurement and construc8on management efforts for the development of several mines in North America, naming a few Jolu Gold Mine in Saskatchewan, Santa Fe Mine in Nevada, Eskay Creek Mine in BC, Ruby Hill Mine in Nevada, and Meadowbank Mine in Nunavut. 4
Saskatchewan’s Resource Industry - Leader in the Canadian and Global Mining Sector ● Workforce – Saskatchewan has a well-trained, reliable, produc8ve workforce ● Significant mineral produc8on: World’s largest potash producer (~30%) – 1/4 of the world’s uranium – Second largest oil -producing province – Third largest for natural gas in Canada – Third largest for coal in Canada – World’s largest diamond -bearing kimberlite field – Three new gold mines opened in 2011 – ● The provincial mining industry is recognized as one of the most technologically advanced in the world ● The Fraser Ins8tute ranks Saskatchewan 13/96 in terms of overall policy aQrac8veness; 5/96 mineral poten8al; 2/96 poli8cal stability 5
Infrastructure, Location, and Access Loca<on: • 250 km north of Prince Albert • 370 km northeast of Saskatoon Infrastructure & Access: • The La Ronge Gold Projects benefit from well-established infrastructure, including easy access to the highway, water, and regional power grid • The La Ronge Airport is located 40 km south of the southernmost por8on of the projects 6
La Ronge Gold Belt – Major Gold Deposits 7
Preview SW Gold Deposit - Exploration Potential • Clearly open along strike, at depth, and in all direc8ons • Favourable structures extend for 5.3 km • Past Produc8on at Preview Adit (North Zone) in 1940’s –One brick of gold produced 8
Preview SW: Aeromagnetic Interpretation An airborne geophysical survey was completed over the en8re property. This, along with favourable host rock showings, historic and current drilling, and sampling, confirms a poten8al strike length of about 5,300 m 9
Preview SW: 2012/2013 Drill Holes on Total Magnetic Field Indicated Resources: 138,100 oz Au Inferred Resources: 257,300 oz Au OPEN OPEN 10
Preview SW Gold Deposit Initial Mineral Resource – Sensitivity Estimates 11
Preview SW Gold Deposit – Three-Dimensional View 2013 Area of Drilling and Gold Zones –Looking North 12
Preview SW and Preview A Drill Hole Plan Map 13
Preview SW Project – 2012/2013 Drilling Highlights Drill hole Results PR12- 120 213.9 m of 1.63 g/t Au star<ng at 11.70 m PR12- 121 196.78 m of 1.04 g/t Au star<ng at 7.92 m PR12-122 39.95 m of 2.24 g/t Au star<ng at 45 m Including 18.95 m of 1.15 g/t Au star8ng at 127.15 m PR12- 123 33.00 m of 6.41 g/t Au star8ng at 147.50 m PR12-124 2.80 m of 11.16 g/t Au star8ng at 55.30 m PR12- 130 21.52 m of 2.87 g/t Au star8ng at 40.22 m PR12- 131 19.6 m of 2.09 g/t Au star8ng at 62.55 m PR12- 132 36.1 m of 2.06 g/t Au star8ng at 96.1 m PR12- 134 30.79 m of 1.09 g/t Au star8ng at 45.96 m PR12- 137 12.80 m of 7.49 g/t Au star8ng at 196.80 m PR12- 139 41.50 m of 2.52 g/t Au star8ng at 201.85 m PR13- 150 12.59 m of 5.76 g/t Au star8ng at 164.90 m Including 4.24 m of 12.35 g/t Au PR13-151 4.08 m of 633.61g/t Au star<ng at 203.78 m Including 2.30 m of 1,123.25 g/t Au And 0.60 m of 4,279 g/t Au PR13-158 33.50 m of 2.31 g/t Au star8ng at 61.5 m Including 10.16 m of 3.22 g/t Au PR13-163 Broad Zone of 48.83 m of 3.64 g/t Au (Three new near- surface Including 5.71 m of 17.98 g/t Au star8ng at 10m below surface; gold zones;2,620m along 5.66 m of 5.96 g/t Au star8ng at 19 m below surface; strike) And 21.26 m of 1.88 g/t Au star8ng at 29m below surface 14
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