Für Mensch & Umwelt LOAD 7-2014: Thematic session on monitoring and assessment of atmospheric inputs to the Baltic Maximising the benefits of the implementation of the Gothenburg Protocol for the achievement of the nitrogen reduction targets of the Baltic Sea Action Plan Wera Leujak on behalf of Markus Geupel Fachgebiet II 4.3 / Air Pollution Control and Terrestrial Ecosystems
Maximising the benefits of the implementation of the Gothenburg Protocol for the achievement of the nitrogen reduction targets of the Baltic Sea Action Plan Background 1. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition is accounted for since HELCOM ministerial meeting 2013 2. A large share of the requirements stemming from airborne pollutants will be achieves through the implementation of the UNECE CLRTAP Gothenburg Protocol (GP) 3. Reduction commitments of non-HELCOM countries are taken into account and are substracted from CPs obligations 4. Current assumptions of achievements through GP- implementation are based on EMEP linear source receptor relationships 5. Reduction commitments under GP are national targets 14.03.2014 / Thematic session on monitoring and assessment of atmospheric inputs to the Baltic 2
Maximising the benefits of the implementation of the Gothenburg Protocol for the achievement of the nitrogen reduction targets of the Baltic Sea Action Plan Assuming linear relationship: German contribution to the airborne reduction in the Baltic Proper as calculated by EMEP Baltic Proper 2005 2020 DE GP D GP N red 12330.8 11714.2 616.6 5 % D GP N ox 10480.8 6393.3 4087.5 39 % D GP N total 22811.6 18107.5 4704.1 21 % Baltic Proper CART DE 7187 100% EU20 GP 1188 OC GP 166 BS Ship 528 DE GP 4704.1 14.03.2014 / Thematic session on monitoring and assessment of atmospheric inputs to the Baltic 3
Maximising the benefits of the implementation of the Gothenburg Protocol for the achievement of the nitrogen reduction targets of the Baltic Sea Action Plan Challenges 1. Non-linear atmospheric chemistry 2. Non-linear national implementation of measures, as GP (and NEC so far) are national commitments without regional reference 3. GP (and new NERC) targets are flexible targets 14.03.2014 / Thematic session on monitoring and assessment of atmospheric inputs to the Baltic 4
Maximising the benefits of the implementation of the Gothenburg Protocol for the achievement of the nitrogen reduction targets of the Baltic Sea Action Plan Distribution of livestock and ammonia emissions in Germany (A) Livestock units in German counties 2007 [GV (B) Ammonia Emissions in German counties [kg km -2 ] ha -1 a -1 ] Quelle: vTI – P. Kreins, 2011 [9] Quelle: vTI – C. Rösemann, 2011 [10] Daten: RAUMIS; EASYSTAT 14.03.2014 / Thematic session on monitoring and assessment of atmospheric inputs to the Baltic 5
Maximising the benefits of the implementation of the Gothenburg Protocol for the achievement of the nitrogen reduction targets of the Baltic Sea Action Plan Distribution of NO X emissions in Germany Nitrogen Oxide Emissions in Germany – distribution an emission height for the year 2005: Builtjes, P., et al. (2010). Strategien zur Verminderung der Feinstaubbelastung - Zusammenfassender Abschlussbericht - FKZ 206 43 200/01. UBA-Forschungsbericht, Umweltbundesamt, BMUB. 14.03.2014 / Thematic session on monitoring and assessment of atmospheric inputs to the Baltic 6
Maximising the benefits of the implementation of the Gothenburg Protocol for the achievement of the nitrogen reduction targets of the Baltic Sea Action Plan Flexibility of reduction targets: Example emission factors for mineral fertilizer 1. The EMEP guidebook for emission inventories (2013) contains new (higher) emission factors for mineral fertilizer (for Germany : +70 Kt (+13 %) NH 3 ) 2. Scientific discussion still ongoing, with importance for NEC targets (emission ceilings [kT]) 3. With less importance for flexible reduction targets (flexible means that changes are also considered for the reference, so that % reduction stays the same) 4. Importance for Baltic Sea unclear…, in EMEP model calculations increase in deposition 14.03.2014 / Thematic session on monitoring and assessment of atmospheric inputs to the Baltic 7
Maximising the benefits of the implementation of the Gothenburg Protocol for the achievement of the nitrogen reduction targets of the Baltic Sea Action Plan Proposal how to assure compliance with the objectives of BSAP Further instrument(s) are needed, that guarantee implementation of measures where the benefit of BSAP is maximised: a. Planning in the context of WFD management plans b. Regional planning in the context of a national framework program (NERC Directive) for the reduction of atmospheric emissions c. Change NERC to comply with BSAP targets (but target year of NERC is 2030) Role of HELCOM in these options? c) Limited a) and b) active proposal to support the process? 14.03.2014 / Thematic session on monitoring and assessment of atmospheric inputs to the Baltic 8
Thank you for your attention! Markus Geupel markus.geupel@uba.de www.uba.de/themen/luft 14.03.2014 / Hier steht der Veranstaltungstitel in 12 Punkt 9
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