master plan

Master Plan Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting 02.20.2014 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

City of Burlingame Community Center Facilities Master Plan Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting 02.20.2014 AGENDA 1. Introduction - Overview - Building Program - Parking Approach - BCCMP Statements 2. Master Plan Options - Site

  1. City of Burlingame Community Center Facilities Master Plan Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting 02.20.2014

  2. AGENDA 1. Introduction - Overview - Building Program - Parking Approach - BCCMP Statements 2. Master Plan Options - Site Options - Parking Options - Building Options 3. Design Values Exercise - Site Design Values - Landscape Design Values - Building Design Values 4. Report Back 5. Next Steps 2 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 4 B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N

  3. BURLINGAME COMMUNITY CENTER PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE 2013 2014 AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY MAR - MAY JUNE JULY 1. PROJECT INITIATION T • Prepare draft project controls: schedule, directory, workplan • Review City provided documents • Collect project information & develop exhibit backgrounds • Prepare draft public outreach strategy & meeting schedule F 2. NEEDS ASSESSMENT & BUILDING PROGRAM • Analysis of existing programs, services, & facilities • Recreation space needs assessment • Revenue/operations/maintenance analysis • Recreation trends, uses, & priorities survey & service delivery alternatives • Recreation Center Kiosk A • Comparable communities (sf/cap) • Building & site program options • Online Community Survey 3. SITE PLAN OPTIONS R • Physical conditions, land use, circulation, • Anticipated parking demand; parking ratios; parking management strategies environmental • Existing parking analysis & available traffic data • Comparative cost & operational models • Bike & pedestrian paths & trails • Analyze each alternative based on • Site challenges & opportunities evaluation criteria D • Draft project goals & objectives — site & building • Prepare up to 4 site alternatives addressing combinations of highest & best uses for the site 4. DESIGN CONCEPT & IMPLEMENTATION PLAN • Integrate input from CAC & community input process • Circulation, access, and connectivity • General design/public realm concepts, goals, & strategies • Sustainability • Building form, orientation, scale, & compatibility w/ surrounding • Coordinate with staff & prepare neighborhood presentation & exhibits for public hearings • Sustainability, accessible design • Prepare final version of Master Plan • Implementation plan • Integrate input received from stakeholders, CAC, & community input process into the draft master plan • Planning Process • Preferred layout of proposed facilities & park amenities PROJECT PARTICIPATION FOCUS GROUPS & WORKSHOPS PROJECT TEAM MEETINGS COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (TOURS) (TBD) (TBD) COMMUNITY MEETINGS (TBD) (TBD) PRESENTATIONS & PUBLIC HEARINGS P+R (P.C., TBD) NEEDS COMMUNITY CHARRETTE COMMUNITY VISION 2 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 4 B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N

  4. DRAFT RGCFP Funding Program Design Construction phase Master Plan & Concept Detailed Building Need Funding Analysis Building Program Schematic Design Bidding and Award ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Program Vision Capital Campaign Conceptual Design Design Construction ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Conceptual Design General Program Assessment Development Commissioning ƒ ƒ Opening!! Site Options Grants Assessment Construction ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ tasks Parking Strategy Funding Strategy Documents ƒ ƒ Building Permit Design Values Ballot Measure ƒ ƒ ƒ Cost Planning ƒ Entitlements(CEQA) ƒ COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Commissions + Voter Surveys Commissions + Commissions + ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ public input LARC Foundations Advisory Advisory ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Focus Groups Other Committee Committee ƒ ƒ Community Mtgs Focus Groups Community Mtgs ƒ ƒ ƒ User Surveys ƒ Community Mtgs ƒ time 12 Months 6 Months 6 – ?? Months 6 – 9 Months 9 – 12 Months 12 – 15 Months current phase input process & duration of future phases to be determined by City Council 2 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 4 B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N

  5. ROSE GARDEN CFP MASTER PLAN – ACTIONS Master Plan Components MASTER PLAN COMPONENTS Titles & Draft Statements NEED NEEDS ASSESSMENT COMMUNITY SURVEY VISION SITE PROGRAM SITE PROGRAM (components) Building Program ( CAC Recommended ) Building Parking Approach ( CAC Recommended ) Parking Site Amenities ( Ongoing Discussion with Community and Commissions) SITE PROGRAM, continued (components) SITE OPTIONS ( Ongoing Discussion with Community and Commissions) Option A Site Amenities Option B Option C SITE OPTIONS DESIGN VALUES ( Ongoing Discussion with Community and Commissions) Site DESIGN VALUES Landscape Site Building Vision Landscape Building 2 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 4 B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N

  6. Building Program Options Recap Small, Medium and Large Programs 2 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 4 B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N

  7. PROGRAM OPTIONS - Option A, B + C A B C Department Space Total+SF Space Department Total+SF Space Department Department Total+SF 1+ Entry+ +1,700 1+ Entry+ +1,700 1+ Entry+ +1,700 2+ Activity+&+Meeting+Spaces+ +4,700 2+ Activity+&+Meeting+Spaces+ +5,880 2+ Activity+&+Meeting+Spaces+ +5,300 3+ Classrooms+ +3,800 3+ Classrooms+ +4,840 3+ Classrooms+ +3,800 4+ Multi-Gen+Activity+Rooms+ +2,850 4+ Multi-Gen+Activity+Rooms+ +2,850 4+ Multi-Gen+Activity+Rooms+ +2,850 5+ Technology/Media+Lab+ +1,040 5+ Technology/Media+Lab+ +1,040 5+ Technology/Media+Lab+ +1,040 6+ Visual+&+Fine+Arts+ 3,860 6+ Visual+&+Fine+Arts+ 3,860 6+ Visual+&+Fine+Arts+ 3,860 7+ Athletics+&+Fitness+ 2,070 7+ Athletics+&+Fitness+ 4,140 7+ Athletics+&+Fitness+++ +++10,820 8+ Staff+Spaces+ 2,250 8+ Staff+Spaces+ 2,250 8+ Staff+Spaces+ 2,250 9+ Support+Spaces+ 1,900 9+ Support+Spaces+ 1,900 9+ Support+Spaces+ 1,900 Subtotal+++ +++++++24,200 Subtotal+++ +++++++28,400 Subtotal+++ +++++++33,500 20%+Circulation+Factor++ +6,000 20%+Circulation+Factor++ +8,400 20%+Circulation+Factor++ +7,100 Total+Program+ ~ 30,200 sf Total+Program+ ~ 41,900 sf Total+Program+ ~ 35,500 sf • build new spaces for existing • build new spaces for existing • build new spaces for existing programs up to current standards programs up to current standards programs up to current standards + multi-generational+activity+rooms + + 500sf +larger+multi-purpose+room,+++++++++++++ + + divisible+gymnasium+&+lockers + w/ +raised+platform+ + small+group+meeting+rooms + + multi-purpose+room,+ w/ +raised+platform+ + + multi-generational+activity+rooms + + improved+storage + + multi-generational+activity+rooms + + small+group+meeting+rooms + + small+group+meeting+rooms + + additional+classroom + + improved+storage + + additional+exercise+room + + improved+storage + B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N

  8. PROGRAM OPTIONS - Option B PROGRAM OPTIONS - Option A Spaces Total+SF 1+ Entry+ 1,700 • build new spaces for + ++++ Gallery existing programs up to 2+ Activity+&+Meeting+Spaces+ 5,880 current standards Multi-Purpose Room w/ Raised Platform @ 4,000 sf 3+ Classrooms+ 4,840 + +++ ++ 4 + Multi-use + Classrooms + + 4+ Multi-Gen+Activity+Rooms+ 2,850 + + 500+sf+larger+++ + + + + Large Activity Room + multi-purpose+room+w/++ + Small Activity Room + raised+platform 5+ Technology/Media+Lab+ 1,040+ + + multi-generational+++ + + 6+ Visual+&+Fine+Arts+ 3,860 + activity+rooms Art Room Craft Room + + small+group+meeting+rooms Studio Kiln Room + + + improved+storage 7+ Athletics+&+Fitness+ 4,140 + + 2+additional+classrooms + ++++ Dance Studio + + park restrooms 8+ Staff+Spaces+ 2,250 9+ Support+Spaces+ 1,900 Park Restrooms 500 Subtotal++ 28,400 6,600 + 20%+Circulation+Factor+ 7,100 Total+Program+ ~ 35,500 sf B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N

  9. BURLINGAME COMMUNITY CENTER MASTER PLAN STATEMENTS BUILDING PROGRAM ƒ Provide a 35,500 square foot Community Center for the city of Burlingame ƒ Provide a two-story building to accomodate the larger building program on a smaller footprint PARKING APPROACH ƒ Provide 143 parking spaces for both Washington Park and the new Community Center per the ITE Parking Rate of 3.2 cars/1000SF of building area ƒ Provide a combination of surface and underground parking to meet minimum parking requirements ƒ If funding is available, utilize under-building parking to minimize surface parking within the park* ƒ Utilize off-site parking strategies for large events and peak use ƒ ƒ *CAC Supported maintaining flexibility on this decision. 2 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 4 B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N

  10. Building Siting Options Locations along Burlingame Avenue 2 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 4 B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N

  11. SITE GOALS ƒ Better building and site relationship, connect to the park ƒ Safe & convenient access: vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle ƒ Visibility from Downtown/ CalTrain Station ƒ Complement residential neighborhood, existing and proposed community uses ƒ Minimize traffic and parking impact to surrounding neighborhood ƒ Access to/ from outdoor activity areas ƒ Provide improved safety for playground 2 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 4 B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N


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