City of Burlingame Community Center Facilities Master Plan Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting 02.20.2014
AGENDA 1. Introduction - Overview - Building Program - Parking Approach - BCCMP Statements 2. Master Plan Options - Site Options - Parking Options - Building Options 3. Design Values Exercise - Site Design Values - Landscape Design Values - Building Design Values 4. Report Back 5. Next Steps 2 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 4 B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N
BURLINGAME COMMUNITY CENTER PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE 2013 2014 AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY MAR - MAY JUNE JULY 1. PROJECT INITIATION T • Prepare draft project controls: schedule, directory, workplan • Review City provided documents • Collect project information & develop exhibit backgrounds • Prepare draft public outreach strategy & meeting schedule F 2. NEEDS ASSESSMENT & BUILDING PROGRAM • Analysis of existing programs, services, & facilities • Recreation space needs assessment • Revenue/operations/maintenance analysis • Recreation trends, uses, & priorities survey & service delivery alternatives • Recreation Center Kiosk A • Comparable communities (sf/cap) • Building & site program options • Online Community Survey 3. SITE PLAN OPTIONS R • Physical conditions, land use, circulation, • Anticipated parking demand; parking ratios; parking management strategies environmental • Existing parking analysis & available traffic data • Comparative cost & operational models • Bike & pedestrian paths & trails • Analyze each alternative based on • Site challenges & opportunities evaluation criteria D • Draft project goals & objectives — site & building • Prepare up to 4 site alternatives addressing combinations of highest & best uses for the site 4. DESIGN CONCEPT & IMPLEMENTATION PLAN • Integrate input from CAC & community input process • Circulation, access, and connectivity • General design/public realm concepts, goals, & strategies • Sustainability • Building form, orientation, scale, & compatibility w/ surrounding • Coordinate with staff & prepare neighborhood presentation & exhibits for public hearings • Sustainability, accessible design • Prepare final version of Master Plan • Implementation plan • Integrate input received from stakeholders, CAC, & community input process into the draft master plan • Planning Process • Preferred layout of proposed facilities & park amenities PROJECT PARTICIPATION FOCUS GROUPS & WORKSHOPS PROJECT TEAM MEETINGS COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (TOURS) (TBD) (TBD) COMMUNITY MEETINGS (TBD) (TBD) PRESENTATIONS & PUBLIC HEARINGS P+R (P.C., TBD) NEEDS COMMUNITY CHARRETTE COMMUNITY VISION 2 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 4 B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N
DRAFT RGCFP Funding Program Design Construction phase Master Plan & Concept Detailed Building Need Funding Analysis Building Program Schematic Design Bidding and Award Program Vision Capital Campaign Conceptual Design Design Construction Conceptual Design General Program Assessment Development Commissioning Opening!! Site Options Grants Assessment Construction tasks Parking Strategy Funding Strategy Documents Building Permit Design Values Ballot Measure Cost Planning Entitlements(CEQA) COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL Commissions + Voter Surveys Commissions + Commissions + public input LARC Foundations Advisory Advisory Focus Groups Other Committee Committee Community Mtgs Focus Groups Community Mtgs User Surveys Community Mtgs time 12 Months 6 Months 6 – ?? Months 6 – 9 Months 9 – 12 Months 12 – 15 Months current phase input process & duration of future phases to be determined by City Council 2 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 4 B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N
ROSE GARDEN CFP MASTER PLAN – ACTIONS Master Plan Components MASTER PLAN COMPONENTS Titles & Draft Statements NEED NEEDS ASSESSMENT COMMUNITY SURVEY VISION SITE PROGRAM SITE PROGRAM (components) Building Program ( CAC Recommended ) Building Parking Approach ( CAC Recommended ) Parking Site Amenities ( Ongoing Discussion with Community and Commissions) SITE PROGRAM, continued (components) SITE OPTIONS ( Ongoing Discussion with Community and Commissions) Option A Site Amenities Option B Option C SITE OPTIONS DESIGN VALUES ( Ongoing Discussion with Community and Commissions) Site DESIGN VALUES Landscape Site Building Vision Landscape Building 2 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 4 B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N
Building Program Options Recap Small, Medium and Large Programs 2 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 4 B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N
PROGRAM OPTIONS - Option A, B + C A B C Department Space Total+SF Space Department Total+SF Space Department Department Total+SF 1+ Entry+ +1,700 1+ Entry+ +1,700 1+ Entry+ +1,700 2+ Activity+&+Meeting+Spaces+ +4,700 2+ Activity+&+Meeting+Spaces+ +5,880 2+ Activity+&+Meeting+Spaces+ +5,300 3+ Classrooms+ +3,800 3+ Classrooms+ +4,840 3+ Classrooms+ +3,800 4+ Multi-Gen+Activity+Rooms+ +2,850 4+ Multi-Gen+Activity+Rooms+ +2,850 4+ Multi-Gen+Activity+Rooms+ +2,850 5+ Technology/Media+Lab+ +1,040 5+ Technology/Media+Lab+ +1,040 5+ Technology/Media+Lab+ +1,040 6+ Visual+&+Fine+Arts+ 3,860 6+ Visual+&+Fine+Arts+ 3,860 6+ Visual+&+Fine+Arts+ 3,860 7+ Athletics+&+Fitness+ 2,070 7+ Athletics+&+Fitness+ 4,140 7+ Athletics+&+Fitness+++ +++10,820 8+ Staff+Spaces+ 2,250 8+ Staff+Spaces+ 2,250 8+ Staff+Spaces+ 2,250 9+ Support+Spaces+ 1,900 9+ Support+Spaces+ 1,900 9+ Support+Spaces+ 1,900 Subtotal+++ +++++++24,200 Subtotal+++ +++++++28,400 Subtotal+++ +++++++33,500 20%+Circulation+Factor++ +6,000 20%+Circulation+Factor++ +8,400 20%+Circulation+Factor++ +7,100 Total+Program+ ~ 30,200 sf Total+Program+ ~ 41,900 sf Total+Program+ ~ 35,500 sf • build new spaces for existing • build new spaces for existing • build new spaces for existing programs up to current standards programs up to current standards programs up to current standards + multi-generational+activity+rooms + + 500sf +larger+multi-purpose+room,+++++++++++++ + + divisible+gymnasium+&+lockers + w/ +raised+platform+ + small+group+meeting+rooms + + multi-purpose+room,+ w/ +raised+platform+ + + multi-generational+activity+rooms + + improved+storage + + multi-generational+activity+rooms + + small+group+meeting+rooms + + small+group+meeting+rooms + + additional+classroom + + improved+storage + + additional+exercise+room + + improved+storage + B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N
PROGRAM OPTIONS - Option B PROGRAM OPTIONS - Option A Spaces Total+SF 1+ Entry+ 1,700 • build new spaces for + ++++ Gallery existing programs up to 2+ Activity+&+Meeting+Spaces+ 5,880 current standards Multi-Purpose Room w/ Raised Platform @ 4,000 sf 3+ Classrooms+ 4,840 + +++ ++ 4 + Multi-use + Classrooms + + 4+ Multi-Gen+Activity+Rooms+ 2,850 + + 500+sf+larger+++ + + + + Large Activity Room + multi-purpose+room+w/++ + Small Activity Room + raised+platform 5+ Technology/Media+Lab+ 1,040+ + + multi-generational+++ + + 6+ Visual+&+Fine+Arts+ 3,860 + activity+rooms Art Room Craft Room + + small+group+meeting+rooms Studio Kiln Room + + + improved+storage 7+ Athletics+&+Fitness+ 4,140 + + 2+additional+classrooms + ++++ Dance Studio + + park restrooms 8+ Staff+Spaces+ 2,250 9+ Support+Spaces+ 1,900 Park Restrooms 500 Subtotal++ 28,400 6,600 + 20%+Circulation+Factor+ 7,100 Total+Program+ ~ 35,500 sf B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N
BURLINGAME COMMUNITY CENTER MASTER PLAN STATEMENTS BUILDING PROGRAM Provide a 35,500 square foot Community Center for the city of Burlingame Provide a two-story building to accomodate the larger building program on a smaller footprint PARKING APPROACH Provide 143 parking spaces for both Washington Park and the new Community Center per the ITE Parking Rate of 3.2 cars/1000SF of building area Provide a combination of surface and underground parking to meet minimum parking requirements If funding is available, utilize under-building parking to minimize surface parking within the park* Utilize off-site parking strategies for large events and peak use *CAC Supported maintaining flexibility on this decision. 2 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 4 B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N
Building Siting Options Locations along Burlingame Avenue 2 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 4 B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N
SITE GOALS Better building and site relationship, connect to the park Safe & convenient access: vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle Visibility from Downtown/ CalTrain Station Complement residential neighborhood, existing and proposed community uses Minimize traffic and parking impact to surrounding neighborhood Access to/ from outdoor activity areas Provide improved safety for playground 2 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 4 B U R L I N G A M E C C M A S T E R P L A N
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