maryland 4 h portfolio process

MARYLAND 4-H PORTFOLIO PROCESS The Maryland 4-H Awards and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MARYLAND 4-H PORTFOLIO PROCESS The Maryland 4-H Awards and Recognition Committee Major Out-of-State Trips National 4-H Congress National 4-H Conference West Virginia Older Members Conference Virginia 4-H Congress Camp

  1. MARYLAND 4-H PORTFOLIO PROCESS The Maryland 4-H Awards and Recognition Committee

  2. Major Out-of-State Trips  National 4-H Congress  National 4-H Conference  West Virginia Older Members’ Conference  Virginia 4-H Congress  Camp Miniwanca Number of Trips per 4-Her A 4-Her will be limited to two major trips during his/her 4-H career and no more than one trip per calendar year and a 4-Her can attend each trip only once. Only Senior 4-Hers age 14-18 as of January 1 st of current year are able to apply.


  4. Portfolio Components and Scoring  Application  Resume  Essay  Interview  Scoring:  Interview 40 Points  Resume 40 Points  Essay 20 Points Total 100 Points For National 4-H Congress-Each County Has One Slot but Youth Must Acquire a Minimum Total Score of 80%, Two Additional Slots are Reserved for State Public Speaking and Fashion Review Champions, and Depending on funding additional slots might be filled.

  5. Funding  The Maryland 4-H Foundation will provide funding for 75% of the costs for one National 4-H Congress delegate from each unit and for National 4-H Conference, Camp Miniwanca, Virginia 4-H Congress and West Virginia Older Member Conference delegates.  The additional 25% of costs are the responsibility of the delegate which may be covered by the local 4-H unit or other organizations.  A unit could receive additional scholarship(s) for additional delegates selected for major out-of-state trips.

  6. Deadlines  Application, Resume, and Essay for National 4-H Conference is October 15th in the Maryland 4-H Trip Portal  Application, Resume, and Essay for National 4-H Congress, Camp Miniwanca, West Virginia Older Members’ Conference and Virginia 4-H Congress is January 15 th in the Maryland 4-H Trip Portal

  7. The Resume  Focus:  Leadership  Citizenship  Life Skills  Length-no more than three pages  Single Spaced  Margins-no less than 1 inch  Font Size-no less than 12 point  Font Type-Times New Roman

  8. The Essay  Essay Topic: “Describe your most significant 4-H experiences and how they contributed to your personal growth as shown by attitude, insights, and life skills gained.”  Length-no more than two pages  Double Spaced  Margins-no less than 1 inch  Font Size-no less than 12 point  Font Type-Times New Roman

  9. The Interview  Focus  Leadership  Citizenship  Life Skills  Interview Tips Sheet

  10. Interview Dates and Locations 4-H Conference (Fall 2018)  Maryland 4-H Center, College Park  Maryland 4-H Volunteer & Teen Forum, Ocean City  4-H Congress, VA Congress, WV Congress & Camp Miniwanca (Winter 2019)  1 st Saturday in February, Queen Anne’s County Extension Office, Centreville, (Inclement Weather Date 3 rd Saturday in February)  1 st Tuesday in February, Maryland 4-H Center, College Park, (Inclement Weather Date 3 rd Tuesday in February)  2 nd Saturday in February, Carroll County Ag Center, Westminster, (Inclement Weather Date 4 th Sunday in February) (Youth Choose one of the three locations)

  11. Maryland 4-H Out of State Trips Portal


  13. Resume  An accumulation of what you have done throughout your 4-H career  Start with most recent and go to the oldest  Judging based on Leadership, Citizenship & Life Skills  Must be typed  Use bulleting, not paragraphs  Make no more than three pages  Single Spaced  Margins no less than 1 inch  Font Size no less than 12 point  Font Type-Times New Roman

  14. The General Format  Personal Information  Objective (Optional)  Skills and Accomplishments  Citizenship  Leadership  Life Skills  Education (Optional)  Employment (Optional)  Additional Personal Information

  15. A Little More Details  Personal Information  Complete Name  Address  Phone & E-mail  County and Club (Optional)  Objective (Optional)  To present my skills and accomplishments that I have acquired in 4-H so that I may be considered for a Maryland 4-H out-of-state trip.  To present my credentials in a way to support my skills and accomplishments acquired through 4-H membership for consideration for a Maryland 4-H out-of-state trip

  16. The Focus-Leadership  Leadership-indicate significant leadership roles and impacts  Samples:  Representative of X County as a member of the Maryland State Teen Council (2015-2017)  Served as President of the Country Clovers 4-H club (2013-2014)  Instructed new 4-Her on how to do a demonstration (2014-2016)

  17. The Focus-Citizenship  Citizenship-indicate significant citizenship efforts and impacts  Samples:  Shared crafts and games with residents of X nursing home (2009-2016)  Participated in X river cleanup on Earth Day (2010- 2016)  Served food on a monthly basis at the Helping Hands soup kitchen (2011-2016)

  18. The Focus-Life Skills  Life Skills-focus on knowledge and skills gained through 4-H involvement  Do not just list accomplishments and awards, we want to see life skills reached  4-Her can incorporate accomplishments in with life skills attained.  Samples:  Learned communications through participating with judging oral reasons and doing demonstrations at the club, county and state level. With my skills, I was able to earn a champion on the State level in 2016.  Learned personal responsibility by raising and caring for my animal projects. With my skills, I earned a champion rate of gain award for my hog in 2015.  Learned time management by deciding which project to carry and what activities I would be able to attend in my busy schedule.

  19. More on Life Skills  Managing-Keeping records, wise use of resources, planning/organizing  Thinking-Problem solving, critical thinking, decision making, learning to learn  Living-Disease prevention, personal safety  Being-Self responsibility, self discipline, character  Working-Teamwork, self motivation, contribution to group effort  Giving-Community service, leadership  Caring-Sharing, empathy, concern for others  Relating-Communication, cooperation, social skills, accepting differences

  20. A Little More Details  Education (Optional)  X High School, Expected graduation, June, 2017  Maintain a 3.9 GPA and am a Honor Roll Member  Member of National Honors Society, 2014-2017  Junior Class President, 2015-2016  JV Lacrosse Team, 2013-2014  Member of the High School Marching Band and Performing Orchestra, 2013- 2017  Employment (Optional)  Summer Lifeguard X Community Pool, 2016  Work Part-time on Family Farm, 2008-Present  Additional Personal Information  Family: Son of Dick and Jane; one brother Jack  Church: Member of the X Church, Youth Group Member  Affiliations: Member of the American and Maryland Angus Association  Hobbies: I enjoy dancing, horseback riding, and playing trivia games


  22. Before the Interview  Arrive at least 10 minutes ahead of time  Dress Professionally  Be Prepared  Remain Positive…Don’t Panic

  23. Arrive Early  Always make sure you arrive at least 10 minutes early but don’t arrive hours early  If you don’t know where you are going make a practice run  Have a contact number just incase of an emergency

  24. Dress Professionally  Always dress professionally regardless of what you think the dress code might be  Always dress conservatively with moderate styles  Better to be overdressed than underdressed

  25. Be Prepared  Know yourself  Research what you are interviewing for  Practice questions  Study your resume “Practice Makes Perfect!”

  26. Remain Confident  Remain calm, collected, confident and smile  Maintain eye contact  Make sure you shake interviewers hands and briefly introduce yourself before you start interviewing  Have a firm handshake  Have a positive attitude

  27. During the Interview  Be aware of your actions  Communication is KEY  It is OK to take a moment to think about your answers

  28. Be Aware of Your Actions  Listen attentively  Keep eye contact  Maintain your tone of voice  Sit up straight but not rigid  Remain still, not squirmy  Don’t overuse your hands  BE YOURSELF

  29. Communication is KEY  Speak clearly and concisely  Use proper grammar and a friendly tone  Sound positive and enthusiastic  Be careful of your words

  30. Common Interview Questions  Who knows what you might be asked but you surely will be asked questions like:  Tell Me About Yourself and What you do in 4-H?  Why are You Interested in Going on a Maryland 4-H Out-of-State Trip?  The interviewers will want to know about your strengths, weaknesses, skills, etc.…emphasize your best qualities

  31. Interview Conclusion  Don’t linger and sink…watch for cues that the interview is winding down  Thank the Interviewers  Shake hands firmly  Smile and Remain Positive


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