marcel dettling

Marcel Dettling Institute for Data Analysis and Process Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 Week 05 Marcel Dettling Institute for Data Analysis and Process Design Zurich University of Applied Sciences ETH Zrich, March 21, 2011 Marcel

  1. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Marcel Dettling Institute for Data Analysis and Process Design Zurich University of Applied Sciences ETH Zürich, March 21, 2011 Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 1

  2. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Basic Idea for AR-Models We have a time series where, resp. we model a time series such that the random variable depends on a linear combination of X 1 ,..., X the preceding ones , plus a „completely independent“   t t p term called innovation . E t       X X ... X E   t 1 t 1 p t p t p is called the order of the AR-model. We write AR(p). Note that there are some restrictions to . E t Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 2

  3. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 AR(1)-Model The simplest model is the AR(1)-model    X X E  t 1 t 1 t where    2 Var E ( ) is i.i.d with and E E E [ ] 0 t E t t Under these conditions, is a white noise process, and we E t additionally require causality , i.e. being an innovation : E t  X , s t E is independent of s t Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 3

  4. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Causality Note that causality is an important property that, despite the fact that it‘s missing in much of the literature, is necessary in the context of AR-modeling:  E is an innovation process all are independent E t t  All are independent E is an innovation E t t Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 4

  5. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Simulated AR(1)-Series Simulated AR(1)-Series: alpha_1=0.7 4 3 2 1 ts.sim 0 -1 -2 -3 0 50 100 150 200 Time Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 5

  6. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Simulated AR(1)-Series Simulated AR(1)-Series: alpha_1=-0.7 3 2 1 ts.sim 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0 50 100 150 200 Time Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 6

  7. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Simulated AR(1)-Series Simulated AR(1)-Series: alpha_1=1 -275 -280 ts.sim -285 -290 0 50 100 150 200 Time Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 7

  8. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Moments of the AR(1)-Process Some calculations with the moments of the AR(1)-process give insight into stationarity and causality Proof: See blackboard… Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 8

  9. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Theoretical vs. Estimated ACF True ACF of AR(1)-process with alpha_1=0.7 1.0 0.8 0.6 ACF 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 lag Estimated ACF from an AR(1)-series with alpha_1=0.7 1.0 0.6 ACF 0.2 -0.2 0 50 100 150 200 Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 9 Lag

  10. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Theoretical vs. Estimated ACF True ACF of AR(1)-process with alpha_1=-0.7 1.0 0.5 ACF 0.0 -0.5 0 50 100 150 200 lag Estimated ACF from an AR(1)-series with alpha_1=-0.7 1.0 0.5 ACF 0.0 -0.5 0 50 100 150 200 Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 10 Lag

  11. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 AR(p)-Model We here introduce the AR(p)-model       X X ... X E   t 1 t 1 p t p t where again    2 Var E ( ) is i.i.d with and E E E [ ] 0 t E t t Under these conditions, is a white noise process, and we E t additionally require causality , i.e. being an innovation : E t  X , s t E is independent of s t Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 11

  12. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Mean of AR(p)-Processes As for AR(1)-processes, we also have that:  ( X ) E X [ ] 0 is from a stationary AR(p) =>  t t T t    E X [ ] 0 Thus: If we observe a time series with , it cannot t be, due to the above property, generated by an AR(p)- process But: In practice, we can always de-“mean“ (i.e. center) a stationary series and fit an AR(p) model to it. Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 12

  13. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Yule-Walker-Equations On the blackboard… We observe that there exists a linear equation system built up from the AR(p)-coefficients and the ACF-coefficients of up to lag p. These are called Yule-Walker-Equations. We can use these equations for fitting an AR(p)-model: 1) Estimate the ACF from a time series 2) Plug-in the estimates into the Yule-Walker-Equations 3) The solution are the AR(p)-coefficients Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 13

  14. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Stationarity of AR(p)-Processes We need:    E X [ ] 0 1) t   ( ,..., ) 2) Conditions on 1 p All (complex) roots of the characteristic polynom        2 p 1 z z z 0 1 2 p need to lie outside of the unit circle. This can be checked with R-function polyroot() Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 14

  15. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 A Non-Stationary AR(2)-Process 1 1    X X X E is not stationary…   1 2 t t t t 2 2 Non-Stationary AR(2) 5 0 -5 -10 0 100 200 300 400 Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 15 Time

  16. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Fitting AR(p)-Models This involves 3 crucial steps: 1) Is an AR(p) suitable, and what is p? - will be based on ACF/PACF-Analysis 2) Estimation of the AR(p)-coefficients - Regression approach - Yule-Walker-Equations - and more (MLE, Burg-Algorithm) 3) Residual Analysis - to be discussed Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 16

  17. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 AR-Modelling 1 2 3 Identification Parameter Model of the Order p Estimation Diagnostics - ACF/PACF - Regression - Residual Analysis - AIC/BIC - Yule-Walker - Simulation - MLE - Burg Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 17

  18. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Is an AR(p) suitable, and what is p? - For all AR(p)-models, the ACF decays exponentially quickly, or is an exponentially damped sinusoid. - For all AR(p)-models, the PACF is equal to zero for all lags k>p. If what we observe is fundamentally different from the above, it is unlikely that the series was generated from an AR(p)-process. We thus need other models, maybe more sophisticated ones. Remember that the sample ACF has a few peculiarities and is tricky to interpret!!! Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 18

  19. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Model Order for sqrt(purses) 6 5 series 4 3 2 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Time 1.0 part. Autokorr Auto-Korr. 0.2 0.4 -0.2 -0.2 0 5 10 15 1 5 10 15 Lag k Lag k Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 19

  20. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Model Order for log(lynx) 9 8 7 series 6 5 4 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 Time part. Autokorr 0.5 Auto-Korr. 0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 5 10 15 20 1 5 10 15 20 Lag k Lag k Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 20

  21. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Basic Idea for Parameter Estimation We consider the stationary AR(p)             ( X ) ( X ) ... ( X ) E   t 1 t 1 p t p t where we need to estimate   1 ,..., model parameters p  2 innovation variance E  general mean Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 21

  22. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Approach 1: Regression Response variable: , t = 1,…,n X t Explanatory variables: , t = 2,…,n X  1 t , t = 3,…,n X  t 2 … X  , t = p+1,…,n t p We can now use the regular LS framework. The coefficient   estimates then are the estimates for . Moreover, we have 1 ,..., p   ˆ n p 1        2 2 0 and ˆ r        E i n 2 p 1 ˆ ˆ ˆ 1 ...  i 1 1 2 p Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 22

  23. Applied Time Series Analysis FS 2011 – Week 05 Approach 1: Regression Preparing the design matrix > d.Psqrt <- sqrt(Purses) > d.Psqrt.mat <- ts.union(Y=d.Psqrt,X1=lag(d.Psqrt,-1),X2=lag(d.Psqrt,-2)) > d.Psqrt.mat[1:5,] Y X1 X2 [1,] 3.162 NA NA [2,] 3.873 3.162 NA [3,] 3.162 3.873 3.162 [4,] 3.162 3.162 3.873 [5,] 3.464 3.162 3.162 Marcel Dettling, Zurich University of Applied Sciences 23


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