mapping the w words

Mapping the W Words Experimental visualizations of translation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mapping the W Words Experimental visualizations of translation structures between Ancient Greek and Classical Arabic Torsten Roeder (Berlin/Wrzburg) Yury Arzhanov (Bochum) Berlin, 19.01.2016 Prehistory: Graeco-Arabic glossaries Prehistory:

  1. Mapping the W Words Experimental visualizations of translation structures between Ancient Greek and Classical Arabic Torsten Roeder (Berlin/Würzburg) Yury Arzhanov (Bochum) Berlin, 19.01.2016

  2. Prehistory: Graeco-Arabic glossaries

  3. Prehistory: from glossaries to filecards

  4. Prehistory: The Greek and Arabic Lexicon

  5. Prehistory: the GALex

  6. GALex: scope أ - ب Vol. 1: Alif Vol. 2 (in fascicles): Bāʾ

  7. Beyond the scope of GALex

  8. From filecards to a database

  9. Glossarium Graeco-Arabicum is a project of Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Seminar für Orientalistik und Islamwissenschaft. From 1994 to 2006, it was supported by the German Research Foundation ( Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ). Since 2010, it has been established as a research unit of project "Greek into Arabic - Philosophical Concepts and Linguistic Bridges"), funded by the European Research Council, and directed by Cristina D'Ancona (University of Pisa).

  10. Dat atabas ase e – corpus of texts • search-engine • digital lexicon • tool for “digital humanities” •

  11. Database as text-corpus

  12. Database as a search-engine

  13. Database as a lexical tool • Bookmarks • Cumulative entry

  14. On the way to a digital humanities tool

  15. On the way to a new project: Hun@yn.Net

  16. Now online at…


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