mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms

Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms To appear in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms To appear in IPDPS 2009 Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss e,Yves Robert January 9, 2009 Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009

  1. Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms To appear in IPDPS 2009 Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert January 9, 2009 Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 1 / 42

  2. Introduction The problem: treatment of a data flow filter services with selectivity σ and cost c precedence constraints between services servers with speed s one-to-one mappings The objective: minimize the period minimize the latency Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 2 / 42

  3. Motivation For services of selectivity less than one grep web services Select-Project-Join query optimization ... Related problems: component testing unsupervised systems Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 3 / 42

  4. Framework 1 Period 2 General structure of optimal solutions Case of homogeneous servers NP-completeness of MinPeriod - Het Integer linear program Latency 3 General structure of optimal solutions Polynomial algorithm on homogeneous platforms NP-completeness of problem MinLatency - NoPrec - Het Integer linear program Bi-criteria problem 4 Heuristics 5 Experiments 6 Conclusion 7 Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 4 / 42

  5. The instances The problems depend on: the criteria: MinPeriod , MinLatency or BiCriteria the platform: Hom or Het the dependence constraints: NoPrec or Prec Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 5 / 42

  6. The instances The problems depend on: the criteria: MinPeriod , MinLatency or BiCriteria the platform: Hom or Het the dependence constraints: NoPrec or Prec The instances: A = ( F , G , S ) with: The services: F = { C 1 , C 2 , . . . , C n } The precedence constraints: G ⊂ F × F The servers: S = { S 1 , S 2 , . . . , S p } Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 5 / 42

  7. The problem Example for 3 independent services: The plan? C 1 C 1 C 2 C 3 C 3 C 2 C 1 C 3 C 2 C 2 C 1 C 3 The mapping? ( C 1 , S 2 ) , ( C 2 , S 1 ) , ( C 3 , S 3 ) ( C 1 , S 3 ) , ( C 2 , S 2 ) , ( C 3 , S 1 ) Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 6 / 42

  8. Example C 1 C 1 C 2 C 3 C 3 C 2 Figure: Chaining services. Figure: Combining selectivities � � � � c 1 s 1 , σ 1 c 2 s 2 , σ 1 σ 2 c 3 c 1 s 1 , c 2 s 2 , σ 1 σ 2 c 3 P = max P = max s 3 s 3 � � L = c 1 s 1 + σ 1 c 2 s 2 + σ 1 σ 2 c 3 c 1 s 1 , c 2 + σ 1 σ 2 c 3 L = max s 3 s 2 s 3 Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 7 / 42

  9. Example c 1 = 1, c 2 = 4, c 3 = 10 σ 1 = 1 2 , σ 2 = σ 3 = 1 3 s 1 = 1, s 2 = 2 and s 3 = 3 Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 8 / 42

  10. Example c 1 = 1, c 2 = 4, c 3 = 10 σ 1 = 1 2 , σ 2 = σ 3 = 1 3 s 1 = 1, s 2 = 2 and s 3 = 3 C 1 C 1 C 2 C 3 C 3 C 2 Figure: Optimal plan for period. Figure: Optimal plan for latency L = 13 P = 1 6 L = 5 P = 4 2 3 Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 8 / 42

  11. Framework 1 Period 2 General structure of optimal solutions Case of homogeneous servers NP-completeness of MinPeriod - Het Integer linear program Latency 3 General structure of optimal solutions Polynomial algorithm on homogeneous platforms NP-completeness of problem MinLatency - NoPrec - Het Integer linear program Bi-criteria problem 4 Heuristics 5 Experiments 6 Conclusion 7 Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 9 / 42

  12. General structure of optimal solutions The instance : C 1 , ..., C n , S 1 , ..., S n with σ 1 , ..., σ p ≤ 1 σ p +1 , ..., σ n ≥ 1 Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 10 / 42

  13. General structure of optimal solutions The instance : C 1 , ..., C n , S 1 , ..., S n with σ 1 , ..., σ p ≤ 1 σ p +1 , ..., σ n ≥ 1 C p +1 C λ (1) C λ (2) C λ (3) C λ ( p ) C n Figure: General structure Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 10 / 42

  14. Homogeneous case without precedence constraints The instance : C 1 , ..., C n with c 1 ≤ c 2 ≤ ... ≤ c p σ 1 , ..., σ p < 1 σ p +1 , ..., σ n ≥ 1 The matching: C 1 → C 2 → ... → C p Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 11 / 42

  15. Homogeneous case with precedence constraints Computing the optimal subgraph for C in the graph G : Let D = max i { log σ i } . We construct a network flow graph W with: a source s a node f i by service in G a sink node t an edge s − > f i with capacity + ∞ if C i is ancestor of C in G , D else an edge f i − > f j of capacity + ∞ if C j is an ancestor of C i in G an edge f i − > t with capacity D + log σ i The set of services on the side of s in a min-cut is the optimal subset of predecessors for latency. Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 12 / 42

  16. Homogeneous case with precedence constraints Computing the optimal subgraph for C in the graph G : Let D = max i { log σ i } . We construct a network flow graph W with: a source s a node f i by service in G a sink node t an edge s − > f i with capacity + ∞ if C i is ancestor of C in G , D else an edge f i − > f j of capacity + ∞ if C j is an ancestor of C i in G an edge f i − > t with capacity D + log σ i The set of services on the side of s in a min-cut is the optimal subset of predecessors for latency. Optimal algorithm: at each step place the available service with minimal possible period. Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 12 / 42

  17. Framework 1 Period 2 General structure of optimal solutions Case of homogeneous servers NP-completeness of MinPeriod - Het Integer linear program Latency 3 General structure of optimal solutions Polynomial algorithm on homogeneous platforms NP-completeness of problem MinLatency - NoPrec - Het Integer linear program Bi-criteria problem 4 Heuristics 5 Experiments 6 Conclusion 7 Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 13 / 42

  18. Proof: NP-completeness of MinPeriod - Het Problem ( RN3DM ) Given an integer vector A = ( A [1] , . . . , A [ n ]) of size n, does there exist two permutations λ 1 and λ 2 of { 1 , 2 , . . . , n } such that ∀ 1 ≤ i ≤ n , λ 1 ( i ) + λ 2 ( i ) = A [ i ] Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 14 / 42

  19. Proof: NP-completeness of MinPeriod - Het Problem ( RN3DM ) Given an integer vector A = ( A [1] , . . . , A [ n ]) of size n, does there exist two permutations λ 1 and λ 2 of { 1 , 2 , . . . , n } such that ∀ 1 ≤ i ≤ n , λ 1 ( i ) + λ 2 ( i ) = A [ i ] The associated instance : c i = 2 A [ i ] σ i = 1 / 2 s i = 2 i P = 2 Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 14 / 42

  20. Proof: NP-completeness of MinPeriod - Het Problem ( RN3DM ) Given an integer vector A = ( A [1] , . . . , A [ n ]) of size n, does there exist two permutations λ 1 and λ 2 of { 1 , 2 , . . . , n } such that ∀ 1 ≤ i ≤ n , λ 1 ( i ) + λ 2 ( i ) = A [ i ] The associated instance : c i = 2 A [ i ] σ i = 1 / 2 s i = 2 i P = 2 ∀ 1 ≤ i ≤ n , λ 1 ( i ) + λ 2 ( i ) ≥ A [ i ] � 1 � λ 1 ( i ) − 1 × 2 A [ i ] ⇐ ⇒ ∀ 1 ≤ i ≤ n , 2 λ 2( i ) ≤ 2 2 Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 14 / 42

  21. Inapproximability of MinPeriod - Het Proposition For any K > 0 , there exists no K-approximation algorithm for MinPeriod - NoPrec - Het , unless P=NP. Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 15 / 42

  22. Inapproximability of MinPeriod - Het Proposition For any K > 0 , there exists no K-approximation algorithm for MinPeriod - NoPrec - Het , unless P=NP. Reduction from RN3DM : c i = K A [ i ] − 1 σ i = 1 / K s i = K i P = 1 Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 15 / 42

  23. Integer linear program The variables: t i , u = 1 if service C i is assigned to server S u s i , j = 1 if service C i is an ancestor of C j M is the logarithm of the optimal period Anne Benoit,Fanny Dufoss´ e,Yves Robert () Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms January 9, 2009 16 / 42


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