manage access sustainable fisheries secure livelihoods

Manage Access: Sustainable Fisheries, Secure Livelihoods APAMO - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Manage Access: Sustainable Fisheries, Secure Livelihoods APAMO Symposium September 23, 2011 Presenter: Seleem Chan What is happening to fisheries in Belize? Ten-year trend shows a significant rise in the number of fishermen nationally.

  1. Manage Access: Sustainable Fisheries, Secure Livelihoods APAMO Symposium September 23, 2011 Presenter: Seleem Chan

  2. What is happening to fisheries in Belize?

  3. Ten-year trend shows a significant rise in the number of fishermen nationally. Increase in number of fishermen using Port Honduras Marine Reserve

  4. “I used to get 200 pounds of lobster in a day’s work, but now fishermen think 10 lobsters are good”. - Martin Reyes, PHMR Fishermen for 45 Years

  5. Impact of Open Access • More fishermen are chasing fewer and fewer fish, while demand for fish is increasing • There is a danger of overfishing, which is a major threat to fishermen livelihoods Conch fishermen at Glover’s Reef

  6. Is this status quo sustainable for fishermen? • An overall increase of 30% in the number of fishermen and 8% in the number of boats in the last five years • Total fisheries production volume is typically increasing by less than 5% year-to-year

  7. A Promising Policy for Belize: Managed Access / Catch Shares

  8. What are Catch Shares? Fishery managers establish the catch limit or area, and then allocate quota or fishing areas to fishermen based on criteria Participants can be individuals, a group, or a community. Fishers are held Innovative approach that protects accountable. our oceans and makes sure there are abundant fish to catch

  9. What is Managed Access? • Managed Access is a licensing system that will allow traditional fishermen access to fish within the General Use Area of marine reserves • Monitoring system to provide scientific, economic, and social data to inform decision making by fishermen and managers • Compliance and enforcement to reduce illegal fishing and protect Belizean fishermen

  10. Defining Managed Access • Establishes a licensing regime so fisheries in marine reserves are economically and biologically sustainable • Develops a rigorous system of data collection and analysis to inform management decisions and help fishermen improve their businesses • Creates an opportunity for fishermen to become partners in management of marine reserves in which they fish

  11. What makes Manage Access different? • Fishermen are responsible partners in management of fishery. • Fishermen who are good stewards are the fishermen who benefit from an improving fishery.

  12. Community Consultations Fisheries Department, EDF, WCS, and TIDE staff have held nearly 50 meetings with participation from 800 fishermen! Sarteneja Exchange, Nov. 2009

  13. Goals for Belize • Prevent decline in fisheries and increase abundance • Improved livelihoods and a prosperous industry • Collaboration between managers and fishermen • Improved management of fisheries

  14. Glovers Reef Marine Reserve Port Honduras Marine Reserve

  15. Stronger Enforcement Three- Strike Rule • First Violation - Warning • Second Violation - Suspension or other sanction depending on severity • Third Violation - Revocation Authorities will have discretion based on severity.

  16. Community Managed Access Committees • Community leadership to encourage collaboration and cooperation with authorities – Increase investment and stewardship from communities • Committees operate under agreement with the Belize Fisheries Department • Verify transparency in the process.

  17. Distribution of Licenses • Fill out application at Fisheries Office on announced dates • Bring verification documents – Documentation of residency including residency documents; – AND utility bills or letter from landlord. • Photograph will be taken • Tamper proof licenses will protect against corruption

  18. License Eligibility – Initial Issuance • All requirements of a typical commercial fishing license – Legitimate resident of Belize • Vetting by Community Managed Access Committees and background check by Fisheries Department to prevent illegitimate licensing • First Issuance – History of fishing in managed access area from 2009 and before – Past Infractions will not be considered in first issuance – No fee for first two issuances of licenses

  19. License Eligibility – Future Issuances • All requirements of a typical commercial fishing license – Legitimate resident of Belize • Vetting by Community Managed Access Committees and background check by Fisheries Department to prevent illegitimate licensing • Ongoing Issuance – Fishing in the managed access zone at least six times during the year – Provide proof of sale of product in Belize unless fisherman has an export licenses – Compliance will all rules and regulation – $50 after the first two years


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