malta s marine waters

Maltas marine waters Environment and Resources Authority October - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Marine environmental monitoring: towards effective management of Maltas marine waters Environment and Resources Authority October 2017 Maritime and Fisheries Operational Programme 2014-2020 Part-financed by the European Union European

  1. Marine environmental monitoring: towards effective management of Malta’s marine waters Environment and Resources Authority October 2017 Maritime and Fisheries Operational Programme 2014-2020 Part-financed by the European Union European Maritime and Fisheries Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union; 25% National Funds Investing in sustainable fisheries and aquaculture

  2. Marine environmental monitoring: towards effective management of Malta’s marine waters Project Objectives : • initiating and consolidating long-term monitoring processes in the marine environment; • addressing data or knowledge gaps/limitations to the extent possible; • achieving ongoing assessment of environmental status of the marine environment; • working towards effective management of the marine environment and achievement of Good Environmental Status (GES).

  3. European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (2014 – 2020): Grant Article 80.1(c) of Regulation 508/2014: “Improve the knowledge on the state of the marine environment, with a view to establishing the monitoring programmes and the programmes of measures provided for in Directive 2008/56/EC, in accordance with the obligations established in that Directive” Total public eligible: € 1,600,000 EMFF contribution: € 1,200,000 National Contribution: € 400,000 Grant Awarded: 31/10/2016 Project Duration: 2 years

  4. EMFF Operational Programme for Malta (2014-2020) Union Priority 6: Fostering the Implementation of the Integrated Maritime Policy Specific Objective: Development and implementation of the Integrated Maritime Policy Complementary Specific Objectives: Union Priority 3: Fostering the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy Specific Objective 3.1: Improvement and supply of scientific knowledge and collection and management of data

  5. EMFF Operational Programme for Malta (2014-2020) cont. Indicators Targeted Output Indicator: Number of projects on the protection and improvement of knowledge on marine environment Target: 1 Result Indicator : Development of a database on the marine environment Target: 1 The target will be achieved through completion of the project and the development of a comprehensive and integrated database on the marine environment

  6. The Operation Overview: Initiate and consolidate monitoring in the marine environment; Monitoring processes reported as part of the requirements of EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC), streamlining monitoring requirements emanating from other policies: Water Framework Directive, Habitats Directive & Ecosystems Approach under the Barcelona Convention;

  7. The Operation (cont.) Overview: Assessment of environmental status and proposals of environmental targets; Centralisation of monitoring data and relevant data from stakeholders: development of a marine database system.

  8. The Operation (cont.) Monitoring Themes: Marine ecosystems: • Seabed habitats (D1) • Water Column Habitats (D1) • Benthic species (D1) Physico-chemical parameters & Pressures: • Non-Indigenous Species (D2) • Nutrients (D5) • Hydrographical Conditions (part) (D7) • Contaminants (D8) • Marine Litter (D10)

  9. The Operation (cont.) Activities: Activity 1: Implementation and Updating of the Monitoring Programme Activity 2: Development of a Marine Database System Activity 3: Analysis of Monitoring Data, Assessment of Environmental Status and Proposals of Environmental Targets Activity 4 : Information and Publicity All the activities will be undertaken by engaged contractors in collaboration with the Environment and Resources Authority.

  10. Activity 1: Implementation & Updating of Monitoring Programme Coordinated implementation of monitoring processes; Updating of monitoring programme as necessary throughout implementation; Surveys at sea and analysis of monitoring data; Work to be undertaken through engagement of consultants demonstrating that they are fully equipped to undertake the necessary work at the required standards.

  11. Activity 2: Development of a Marine Database System Development of an INSPIRE compliant database system; Engagement of stakeholders; Housing data collected through the implementation of the monitoring programme and relevant data generated by Government bodies; Consideration of MSFD Article 19 requirements in terms of access to data by the European Union Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA).

  12. Activity 3: Analysis of Monitoring Data, Assessment of Environmental Status and Proposals of Environmental Targets Analysis of monitoring data collected throughout the duration of the project (Activity 1) and/or centralised within the database system (Activity 2); Interpretation of data in terms of environmental status on the basis of established criteria and indicators; Proposal of quantitative environmental targets as an initial step in bridging the monitoring data with management regimes (to the extent possible).

  13. Activity 4: Information and Publicity Development and implementation of a communication strategy; Organisation of stakeholder meetings for knowledge sharing and information exchange; Closing conference to disseminate information with respect to the outcome of the project and the use of the data platform; Press releases and updates on the progress of the project uploaded on ERA’s website.

  14. Activity 4: Information and Publicity (cont.)

  15. Activity 4: Information and Publicity (cont.)

  16. State of Play and Way Forward Ongoing discussions:  Update on monitoring processes;  Development of INSPIRE database system and providing a list of stakeholders to be approached;  Communication strategy related to Activity 4. Populated and certified database system by end of 2018.

  17. Thank you Maritime and Fisheries Operational Programme 2014-2020 Part-financed by the European Union European Maritime and Fisheries Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union; 25% National Funds Investing in Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture

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