making customers happy

Making Customers Happy Stefan Jrgensen CEO, itembase, Inc. Viking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Making Customers Happy Stefan Jrgensen CEO, itembase, Inc. Viking picture 1 Customer Behavior Speakers Happy Customer Kitchenaid Speaker in living room Happy Customer Dont sell, advise. Listen and advise Be honest Hire the

  1. Making Customers Happy

  2. Stefan Jørgensen CEO, itembase, Inc.

  3. Viking picture

  4. 1 Customer Behavior

  5. Speakers

  6. Happy Customer

  7. Kitchenaid

  8. Speaker in living room

  9. Happy Customer

  10. Don’t sell, advise. • Listen and advise • Be honest • Hire the right people

  11. The hard things • Scaling • Fullfilment • Hiring the right people

  12. 2 Personas

  13. The eBay buyer • Price sensitive • Demanding • Loves the personal touch

  14. The Profesional Lamp buyer • Silent • Uncomplicated • Reacts based on external factors

  15. The Fashionista • Not price sensitive • Language • Geo-location

  16. 3 Structure Your Information

  17. Spain picture

  18. Invite a friend • Information, text and language details • Remove obstacles • Combine information

  19. Newsletters • It’s about the customer • It’s about the products • 60% Openrate, 6,5% CTR

  20. Customer Service • Know the customer history • Use photo’s  30% Less complaints • Combine all channels

  21. 4 Give Customers Control

  22. Berlin picture

  23. Archive picture

  24. Subscription Cancellation • Online instant subscription cancellation • Full customer control • 30% lower unsubscribe

  25. Shipping Tracking • Status tracking • Address control • Timing options

  26. Price Guarantee • People want to buy • Take away reasons to say no • Result tracking

  27. 5 Make it personal

  28. San Francisco

  29. Viking on stage picture

  30. Your Brand Matters • Be authentic • Let customers have fun • Let customers interact with people

  31. Community Building • Create incentives • Ask for help • Give people a meaning

  32. - Summary

  33. Old shop Remember when retailers knew their customers

  34. Summary • Customer behavior • Personas • Structure your information • Give customers control • Make it personal

  35. Thank You! Twitter: @stefbj Email:


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