2 weeks ago we launched
Finserve believes business & financial services can be made simpler and easier We are here for you regardless of the geography you want to expand your business to.
But what about the individual?
We did not want to build a product that is a ‘me too’
So we asked ourselves. What matters most to us,
Health Keep In touch Future Kids School expenses Lifestyle Work wife
Internet Side Hassle Calls Social media Health Fees Land & Keep In Property touch Future Future Kids MBA Politics Church Entertainment School Car/House etc Football Newspapers expenses Lifestyle & TV Household Shares Insurance Investments Work Rent wife Money Men’s Salary Investment Club Own use Side Hassle Parents & Pension Health Advance In-laws Cover
We discovered our lives are not silos. They are a glorious, confusing, wonderful paradox of chaos and order
So So we s e set et out t to to build ld an an App p th that t tr truly y ref eflec ects ts wh who we e ar are.
We cam e came e up wi with th 3 b 3 bas asic c found undation tions to to build d on
#1 As Individuals, we are social first We want to communicate, speak and talk to each other in a language we all understand.
#2 As Individuals, we all want to prosper financially We want to know that what we do today counts for something tomorrow and our hard work gets rewarded.
#3 As Individuals, we crave convenience and a better lifestyle The so called ‘pursuit of happiness’
Social An app for us all Financial Lifestyle
soci cial al – finan ancial cial - lifes esty tyle A digital tal ban ank A so soci cial al net etwor ork A lifes esty tyle
But t we al e also wan ante ted d to to solve b e bas asic c user er exp xper erience ience chal alleng enges es.
Pi Pict cture e th this
The same applies to social media apps we use Social media is social but not sociable
It is difficult to send content across social media platforms
But they have one thing in common
Le Lets ts Tak ake e a L a Loo ook k @ mK mKey
Get ettin ting g St Star arted ted wit ith h mK mKey
Registering stering wi with th So Soci cial al
Se Set t up your mK mKey acc y account unt
Se Set t up your mK mKey acc y account unt
The e mKey Acc ccount unt
What t if you had ad an an ac acco count unt th that t char arts ts a j a journe rney for r you an and rewar ards ds you for r doing ing tr trans ansactions actions & drivi ving ng res espons onsibil bility ity The e an anti tithes thesis is of bet etting ting an and char arges es
Ch Char art t your r way to to financia ancial l free eedom dom
The e mKey finan ancial cial journe rney, sta tate tements ents & tr tran ansactions actions
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mKey Se Send Money Mobile le
mKey Se Send Money Mobile le
mKey Se Send Money Mobile le
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mKey Acc ccoun ount t Level els & R Rewar ards ds
mKey Acc ccoun ount t Level els & R Rewar ards ds Cl Clai aim Your r Rewar ard
The he mK mKey y Lo Loan an
Loans ans for an anyone one an and ever eryone one. . When en you nee eed it m t most t an and wh when en you nee eed d to to grow ow
Loan an Level els
Ch Chec eck your loan an limits ts
Get et a lo a loan an From Kes es 30 300 0 – 1, 1,00 000,0 0,000 00
The e mKey Groups ups
Ch Cham amas as, , Co Committees ttees, , WhatsA tsApp pp Groups ups an and so much h more
Cr Crea eate te your r group up
Per ersonaliz alize e your r group oup
Invite te your fam amily & f frien ends ds
Navigating ting Your ur Groups ups
Groups ups get et rewar ards ds to too!
Jib ibambe ambe: : Buy uy on on m-Key
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Sh Shop p on m-Key
Jibamb ambe: : News ws, Wea eath ther er, , Sp Sports ts, Busine iness, , YouT uTube ube
News ws, Wea eath ther er, , Sp Sports ts, , Busi siness ness
The e Keyboar ard
De Designed ed & en engineer ineered ed wi with th th the e en end-us user er in mind
The e mK mKey K y Keyb yboar ard d is a s an exp xpres ession sion of wh who we a e are
Loans & much more straight from your keyboard
As Africans we can be pretty expressive
It’s in the way we dress
It’s in the way we do up our hair
It’s in the way we move
Wrong way to point It’s in the way we communicate X
Right way to point It’s in the way we communicate √
Emojis just don’t cut it. They are not ours
Introducing Stickers, GIFs, Emojis For Us By Us
Stickers & Emojis
One More Thing Keyboard Themes
Local keyboard themes and much more
Finally ally
Se Secu curity ty & Pr Privac acy PC PCIDS DSS/ S/ ISO SO 27 2700 0001 01 GDP DPR/ / PS PSD2 D2 GSO SOC 24 x C 24 x7
youtube news payments yetumoji m-Key is an an open en platf tform orm app an and wi will rewards par artner tner wi with th ban anks, , te telco cos, , financia ancial l ser ervice ce Google provide viders, , fintec techs hs to to provide vide se servi vice ces s to to th thei eir r custo cu tomer mers. shopping account loans stars Groups GIFs
mKey y runs ns on cloud ud. Rapid id deploymen yment t and d minimal mal setu tup p Micr crosoft osoft – MFS – Visa a – Master tercar ard d – Equity ty Bank nk – Kilimall imall - Faiba ba
Diaspor spora a remitt ittanc ances es on mKey World ld Remit/ it/Jeng JengaAPI aAPI Septembe tember 2018 18 iOS will l be availa ilable le end d of November mber 2018 18 Build ld your r own n Yetumoji umoji Januar uary y 2019 19 8 Africa rica countries ntries by Decembe cember 2019 19
If you are e an artist, tist, a designe igner, , a developer eloper mKey y marketplac etplace will l crea eate te a platf tfor orm m for r you to build d widgets ts and d Yetumoji umoji packs s and monet netiz ize e them
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