Mahwah Public Schools District Testing Presentation 2017 Kevin Ulmer – Principal Dominick Gliatta – Director of Guidance
New w Jer erse sey S State Asses sessm smen ent Program 2 201 016-2017 017 • In 2015, New Jersey adopted the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) to replace HSPA and NJ ASK as the state standardized assessment in English Language Arts and Mathematics. • During the second year of the assessment PARCC was modified to have only one test replacing the previous Performance Based Assessment and End of Year Assessment. • Students in grades 3-11 participate in the PARCC assessment. • DFG comparison data for PARCC is not provided by the NJDOE. • Students in grades 4 and 8 participated in NJ ASK Science. • Students taking Biology at the HS participate in NJ Biology Competency Test. • Special Education Students with significant challenges participate in alternate assessments for English Language Arts, Math, and Science (DLM and APA). • Beginning with the Class of 2021 (current 9 th grade) students must pass: PARCC ELA Grade 10 and PARCC Algebra I.
NJ R Requ quired Standa dardized Assessments • PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) • NJ ASK SCIENCE • NJBCT (New Jersey Biology Competency Test) • APA (Alternate Proficiency Assessment) • DLM (Dynamic Learning Maps)
PARCC P Par articipating States 2016 2016-2017 2017 • Colorado • District of Columbia • Illinois • Louisiana • Maryland • Massachusetts • New Jersey • New Mexico • Rhode Island
PARCC Participation Rates 3-9 Grade Total Number of Students Number of Test Refusals Participation Rate 3 225 7 96.9 % 4 219 6 97.3% 5 228 8 96.5% 6 202 4 98.1% 7 247 12 95.2% 8 253 24 90.6% 9 246 2 99.9% Total Participation: 3-9 1620 63 96.2%
PARCC Participation Rates 10 -11 Grade Total Number of Number of Valid Participation Rate* Students Scores 10 208 164 78.8% 11 223 54 24.2% Total Participation: 431 218 50.6% 10-11 * Based off ELA participation
PARCC M Mathe hematics cs – Grad ades 3, 3,4, 4,5 5 Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Expectations 90 77 80 73 72 70 60 53 48 50 46 43 40 36 35 30 20 10 0 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Mahwah State Cross-State
PARCC M Mathe hematics cs – Grad ades 6, 6,7, 7,8 8 Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Expectations 80 67 70 58 60 50 44 40 39 40 32 28 28 30 26 20 10 0 Grade 6 Grade7 Grade 8 Mahwah State Cross-State
PARCC M Mathe hematics cs –Alg. g.I,Geo Geo.,Alg.I .II Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Expectations 80 76 68 70 61 60 50 42 40 36 32 30 27 27 30 20 10 0 Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Mahwah State Cross-State
Mahwah 2017 Spring PARCC Administration All Students - Grade Level Data Mathematics Count o of Not Y t Yet t Partia ially lly Approaching Me Meetin ing Exceeding District % % Valid lid T Test Meetin Me ing Me Meetin ing Expectat ations Expectat ations Expectat ations >= Lev >= evel el 4 4 Scores (Le (Level 1) 1) (Level 2) l 2) (Level 3) l 3) (Level 4) l 4) (Level 5) l 5) % % % % % % Gra rade 3 213 213 3 3 17 17 39 39 38 38 77 77 Gra rade 4 210 210 1 7 20 20 59 59 13 13 72 72 Gra rade 5 215 215 1 7 19 19 54 54 19 19 75 75 Gra rade 6 197 197 2 12 12 19 19 49 49 18 18 67 67 Gra rade 7 211 211 3 12 12 26 26 49 49 9 58 58 Gra rade 8 102 102 9 18 18 34 34 39 39 0 39 39 Algebra ra I 291 291 2 9 13 13 67 67 9 76 76 Geomet etry 185 185 3 9 27 27 49 49 12 12 61 61 Algebra ra II II 110 110 13 13 11 11 9 53 53 15 15 68 68
Mahwah 2017 Spring PARCC Administration Students with Disabilities (IEP) - Grade Level Data Mathematics Count o of Not Y t Yet t Partia ially lly Approaching Me Meetin ing Exceeding District % % Valid lid T Test Meetin Me ing Me Meetin ing Expectat ations Expectat ations Expectat ation >= Lev >= evel el 4 4 Scores (Le (Level 1) 1) (Level 2) l 2) (Level 3) l 3) (Level 4) l 4) (Level 5) l 5) % % % % % Gra rade 3 36 36 13. 13.9 13. 13.9 33.6 33. 27. 27.8 11. 11.1 38.9 Gra rade 4 33 33 3.0 3. 24. 24.2 42. 42.4 24. 24.2 6. 6.1 30.3 Gra rade 5 34 34 8. 8.8 26. 26.5 29. 29.4 29. 29.4 5. 5.9 35.3 Gra rade 6 21 21 19. 19.0 52.4 52. 14. 14.3 14. 14.3 0. 0.0 14.3 Gra rade 7 34 34 17.6 17. 52. 52.9 23. 23.5 5. 5.9 0. 0.0 5.9 Gra rade 8 20 20 35. 35.0 25. 25.0 20. 20.0 20. 20.0 0. 0.0 20.0 Algebra ra I I 27 27 14. 14.8 44. 44.4 18. 18.5 22. 22.2 0. 0.0 22.2 Geomet etry 31 31 9. 9.7 41.9 41. 32. 32.3 9. 9.7 6. 6.5 16.2 Algebra ra I II 25 25 48. 48.0 20. 20.0 12. 12.0 20. 20.0 0. 0.0 20.0
PARCC E English La Language Arts ts/L /Literacy Gr Grades es 3 3,4,5 Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Expectations 90 83 80 80 74 70 59 60 56 50 50 43 43 40 40 30 20 10 0 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Mahwah State Cross-State
PARCC E English La Language Arts ts/L /Literacy Gr Grades es 6 6,7,8 Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Expectations 90 77 77 80 73 70 59 59 60 53 50 45 43 40 40 30 20 10 0 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Mahwah State Cross-State
PARCC E English La Language Arts ts/L /Literacy Grad ades 9, 9,10, 10,11 Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Expectations 80 75 67 70 60 51 50 45 45 43 40 37 37 40 30 20 10 0 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Mahwah State Cross-State
Mahwah 2017 Spring PARCC Administration All Students - Grade Level Data English Language Arts Count o of Not Y t Yet t Partia ially lly Approaching Me Meetin ing Exceeding District % % Valid lid T Test Me Meetin ing Meetin Me ing Expectat ations Expectat ations Expectat ations >= >= Lev evel el 4 4 Scores (Le (Level 1) 1) (Level 2) l 2) (Level 3) l 3) (Level 4) l 4) (Level 5) l 5) % % % % % Gra rade 3 213 213 4 9 14 14 52 52 22 22 74 74 Gra rade 4 210 210 1 3 13 13 53 53 30 30 83 83 Gra rade 5 215 215 2 6 12 12 57 57 23 23 80 80 Gra rade 6 196 196 2 6 19 19 50 50 23 23 73 73 Gra rade 7 229 229 5 5 13 13 40 40 37 37 77 77 Gra rade 8 224 224 2 6 15 15 39 39 38 38 77 77 Gra rade 9 242 242 3 6 16 16 44 44 31 31 75 75 Gra rade 10 10 164 164 9 7 16 16 38 38 29 29 67 67 Gra rade 11 11 54 54 22 22 9 28 28 33 33 7 40 40
Mahwah 2017 Spring PARCC Administration Students with Disabilities (IEP) - Grade Level Data English Language Arts Literacy Count o of Not Y t Yet t Partia ially lly Approaching Meetin Me ing Exceeding District % % Valid lid T Test Me Meetin ing Me Meetin ing Expectat ations Expectat ations Expectat ation ( >= Lev >= evel el 4 4 Scores (Le (Level 1) 1) (Level 2) l 2) (Level 3) l 3) (Level 4) l 4) Lev evel el 5 5) % % % % % Gra rade 3 36 36 16. 16.7 33. 33.3 13. 13.9 33. 33.3 2. 2.8 36. 36.1 Gra rade 4 33 33 6. 6.1 9.1 9. 42. 42.4 36. 36.4 6. 6.1 42. 42.4 Gra rade 5 34 34 8. 8.8 29. 29.4 32. 32.4 29. 29.4 0. 0.0 29. 29.4 Gra rade 6 20 20 15. 15.0 10. 10.0 50. 50.0 20. 20.0 5. 5.0 25. 25.0 Gra rade 7 34 34 32.4 32. 23. 23.5 17. 17.6 20. 20.6 5. 5.9 26. 26.5 Gra rade 8 21 21 14. 14.3 28. 28.6 38. 38.1 19. 19.0 0. 0.0 19.0 19. Gra rade 9 28 28 17. 17.9 39. 39.3 17. 17.9 25.0 25. 0. 0.0 25. 25.0 Gra rade 10 10 31 31 29. 29.0 25.8 25. 22. 22.6 22. 22.6 0. 0.0 22. 22.6 Gra rade 11 11 24 24 29. 29.2 8. 8.3 33. 33.3 29. 29.2 0. 0.0 29. 29.2
Dyn ynamic Le Learning Maps (Studen udent P Partici cipa pation) n) Grade Level Number of Students 3 6 4 4 5 3 6 2 7 3 8 5 11 1
NJ A ASK SK Sc Science - Grades 4 & & 8 8 Percentage of Students Who Scored Proficient or Advanced Proficient 120 98.6 95.7 100 89.5 89.0 85.5 80 73.2 60 40 20 0 Grade 4 Grade 8 Mahwah State DFG
APA Science ce (St Student P Part rtic icip ipatio ion) Grade Level Number of Students 4 4 8 9 9 1 11 1
Ne New Jersey Biol ology ogy Competen ency T Test Percentage of Students Who Scored Proficient or Advanced Proficient 90 80.7 80 70 56.7 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 NJBCT Mahwah State
Mahwah Hi ah High S School G Grad aduation R Rate Sch chool Y l Yea ears 2 2014 th through 2 2017 Class Total Graduation Graduates Rate 2017 251 97.3% 2016 227 97.7% 2015 252 95.8% 2014 286 97.2%
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT Reasoning Testing) 2017 2016 2015 MHS Students Mathematics 606 578 528 NJ State Mean 537 514 500 MHS Students 588 538 563 Evidence-Based Reading & Writing (EBRW) NJ State Mean 539 495 521 MHS Students N/A 548 538 Writing NJ State Mean N/A 492 499 MHS Students 1190 1116 1091 Math and EBRW NJ State Mean 1076 1009 1021
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