mahwah public schools district testing presentation 2016

Mahwah Public Schools District Testing Presentation 2016 Kevin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mahwah Public Schools District Testing Presentation 2016 Kevin Ulmer Principal PARCC P Par articipating States 2015 2015-2016 2016 Colorado Massachusetts District of Columbia New Jersey Illinois New Mexico

  1. Mahwah Public Schools District Testing Presentation 2016 Kevin Ulmer – Principal

  2. PARCC P Par articipating States 2015 2015-2016 2016 • Colorado • Massachusetts • District of Columbia • New Jersey • Illinois • New Mexico • Louisiana • Rhode Island • Maryland

  3. PARCC M Mathe hematics cs Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Expectations 80 76 74 +24 70 66 +27 +20 60 52 47 50 46 44 38 37 40 30 20 10 0 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Mahwah State Cross-State

  4. PARCC M Mathe hematics cs Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Expectations 90 85 76 80 70 60 52 50 44 40 30 20 10 0 Grade 3 GW Mahwah State Cross-State

  5. PARCC M Mathe hematics cs Number of GW Students at Each Performance Level 20 18 18 16 15 14 12 10 8 6 4 3 3 2 0 Grade 3 Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

  6. PARCC M Mathe hematics cs Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Expectations 80 69 70 64 +21 58 60 +31 +32 50 43 38 40 34 31 29 30 26 20 10 0 Grade 6 Grade7 Grade 8 Mahwah State Cross State

  7. PARCC M Mathe hematics cs Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Expectations 80 73 70 61 +32 60 51 +34 50 +26 41 40 33 27 27 30 25 23 20 10 0 Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Mahwah State Cross-State

  8. Mahwa wah 2016 2016 Sprin ing P PARCC Admin inistratio ion All Studen ents - Grad ade L e Lev evel el D Data Mathem ematics Count unt o of Not Y Yet Parti tially Appr Approaching Meeting Exceedi ding ng District Valid Meeting Meeting Expe pectations ns Expe pectations ns Expe pectations ns % > >= Tes Test (Level evel 1) 1) (Level evel 2 2) (Level evel 3 3) (Level evel 4 4) (Level evel 5 5) Level vel 4 4 Scores % % % % % % Gra rade 3 207 207 1 7 16 16 50 50 26 26 76 76 Gra rade 4 216 216 3 10 10 21 21 59 59 7 66 66 Gra rade 5 191 191 1 10 10 15 15 55 55 19 19 74 74 Gra rade 6 226 226 4 9 23 23 48 48 16 16 64 64 Gra rade 7 194 194 1 7 23 23 59 59 10 10 69 69 Gra rade 8 136 136 7 12 12 23 23 55 55 3 58 58 Algebra ra I 226 226 4 9 15 15 59 59 14 14 73 73 Geomet etry 196 196 4 10 10 24 24 47 47 14 14 61 61 Algebra ra II II 152 152 9 17 17 22 22 42 42 9 51 51

  9. PARCC E English La Language Arts ts/L /Literacy Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Expectations 90 79 78 80 74 + 24 +21 + 32 70 60 54 53 47 50 44 42 40 40 30 20 10 0 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Mahwah State Cross-State

  10. PARCC E English La Language Arts ts/L /Literacy Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Expectations 100 90 90 76 80 70 60 52 50 44 40 30 20 10 0 Grade 3 GW Mahwah State Cross-State

  11. PARCC E English La Language Arts ts/L /Literacy Number of GW Students at Each Performance Level 25 20 20 15 15 10 5 2 1 1 0 Grade 3 Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

  12. PARCC E English La Language Arts ts/L /Literacy Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Expectations 100 89 87 90 +32 +31 80 +14 66 70 57 56 60 52 50 45 43 41 40 30 20 10 0 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Mahwah State Cross-State

  13. PARCC E English La Language Arts ts/L /Literacy Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Expectations 80 75 70 70 +27 64 +25 +27 60 48 50 43 40 39 39 39 40 30 20 10 0 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Mahwah State Cross-State

  14. Mahwa wah 2016 2016 Sprin ing P PARCC Admin inistratio ion All Studen ents - Grad ade L e Lev evel el D Data Englis glish L Language A Arts Count unt o of Not Y Yet Parti tially Approaching Appr Meeting Exceedi ding ng District Valid Meeting Meeting Expe pectations ns Expe pectations ns Expe pectations ns % > >= Test Tes (Level evel 1) 1) (Level evel 2 2) (Level evel 3 3) (Level evel 4 4) (Level evel 5 5) Level vel 4 4 Scores % % % % % Gra rade 3 207 2 6 13 60 19 79 Gra rade 4 212 1 8 13 46 32 78 Gra rade 5 190 1 6 19 55 19 74 Gra rade 6 228 4 6 25 48 18 66 Gra rade 7 213 1 4 6 35 54 89 Gra rade 8 228 1 4 8 48 39 87 Gra rade 9 207 1 8 16 46 29 75 Gra rade 10 10 190 9 7 14 41 29 70 Gra rade 11 11 164 9 10 17 46 18 64


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