madx sc development for booster simulations

MADX-SC Development (for Booster Simulations) Yuri Alexahin*, Frank - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MADX-SC Development (for Booster Simulations) Yuri Alexahin*, Frank Schmidt (CERN) IOTA Collaboration Meeting & High Intensity Beams in Rings Workshop 10-11 June 2019 Issues & Goals Qx/ Qy stage E_inj (MeV) Np/batch (e12)

  1. MADX-SC Development (for Booster Simulations) Yuri Alexahin*, Frank Schmidt (CERN) IOTA Collaboration Meeting & High Intensity Beams in Rings Workshop 10-11 June 2019

  2. Issues & Goals ∆ Qx/ ∆ Qy stage E_inj (MeV) Np/batch (e12) PIP-I 400 4.5 0.25/0.31 PIP-I+ 400 5.6 0.31/0.38 PIP-II 800 6.5 (0.36/0.44)* *) would be with 400MeV injection Losses at nominal (PIP-I) intensity were ~8%, can increase at high intensity operation Simulations goals: • understand experimental observations • make projection for high intensity Tools used: • Synergia (A. Macridin, E. Stern) • MADX-SC (Y.A., A. Valishev with a lot of help from F. Schmidt) 2 6/11/2019 Alexahin | MADX-SC Development IOTA & High Intensity Beams Workshop, Fermilab

  3. MADX with Space Charge (MADX-SC)* “Adaptive” SC simulations: • Beam shape is simplified (Gaussian for now) to use analytics for SC kick • Beam sizes are periodically updated (e.g. every turn) based on the ensemble evolution during tracking (c.o.m. position can be also updated). “Old” version: observation point, • 2D SC kick calculated using Erskine-Basetti ε m calculation formula – no associated longitudinal kick (no symplecticity). • Exponential fitting of 1-dimensional distributions in the transverse action variables beam-beam – requires stable closed optics which may not elements exist at strong SC • Periodicity of SC is imposed – particle-envelope resonance is suppressed = ∑ σ β ε = 2 , u x , y , z u um m m *) Important contribution was made by V. Kapin and A. Valishev 3 6/11/2019 Alexahin | MADX-SC Development IOTA & High Intensity Beams Workshop, Fermilab

  4. Old MADX-SC Benchmarking vs PS Data Q y 0 = 6.476, SC tuneshifts : ∆ Q x ≈ -0.05, ∆ Q y ≈ -0.07. Blowup at Q x 0 = 6.035 was understood as the statistical noise effect PS beam emittance evolution over 5 ⋅ 10 5 turns at 2GeV vs. Q x 0 . Dashed lines present experimental results, solid lines with dots present MADX simulations with adaptive SC. NB : good agreement for small SC does not guarantee validity for high SC 4 6/11/2019 Alexahin | MADX-SC Development IOTA & High Intensity Beams Workshop, Fermilab

  5. Booster “Flat” Optics Conundrum Old HEP optics model (MADX) confirmed by K-modulation measurements shows strong perturbation by the extraction dogleg. This perturbation can be corrected with tuning quads → “flat optics” 5 6/11/2019 Alexahin | MADX-SC Development IOTA & High Intensity Beams Workshop, Fermilab

  6. Optics Functions w/o SC Fourier Sectra of β -functions | F ( β )| Red: hor 400 β “HEP Optics” Blue: ver x 6 300 5 4 200 3 2 β 100 y 1 dogleg 100 200 300 400 s ( m ) 5 10 15 20 n | F ( β )| “Pseudo-Flat Optics 1” β x 6 80 5 60 4 3 40 2 β 20 1 y dogleg 100 200 300 400 5 10 15 20 s ( m ) n | F ( β )| “Pseudo-Flat Optics 2” β x 6 1 0 0 5 8 0 4 6 0 3 4 0 2 β 1 y 2 0 dogleg 100 200 300 400 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 n s ( m ) 6 6/11/2019 Alexahin | MADX-SC Development IOTA & High Intensity Beams Workshop, Fermilab

  7. Tracking Simulations Beam parameters (used by A. Macridin in Synergia simulations): Energy = 415 MeV ε ⊥ N (r.m.s.) =2.34 µ m ( ε ⊥ N (95%) =14 π mm ⋅ mrad) σ z = 0.831532m, σ p /p= 0.00185, Space charge tuneshifts to 0.24, 0.32 for Np=5.6e10/bunch Tracking 5k particles for 2000 turns at fixed energy → the effect of space charge (if any) is significantly exaggerated. 7 6/11/2019 Alexahin | MADX-SC Development IOTA & High Intensity Beams Workshop, Fermilab

  8. MADX-SC Simulations for HEP and “Flat” Lattice Loss %% Qy Qy Qx Qx Losses over 2000 turns as function of bare lattice tunes at nominal Np=5.6e10/bunch. At Qx=6.7, Qy=6.8: HEP → 3.8%, “flat” → 0% But operations showed no improvement with “flat” lattice! Is anything wrong with MADX-SC? 8 6/11/2019 Alexahin | MADX-SC Development IOTA & High Intensity Beams Workshop, Fermilab

  9. New algorithm • Gaussian fit of the Σ -matrix N 1 ∑ Σ = ζ ζ ζ = − ( ) k ( ) k ( ) k ( ) k , z z i j , i j N = k 1 • Σ -matrix propagation from observation point (1) to SC elements (2) using linear(ized) transport matrix T Σ = ⋅ Σ ⋅ t ( 2 ) ( 1 ) - does not require stable optics to exist, T T - allows for nonstationary distribution - envelope resonances! • Particle tracking with symplectic 3DoF SC kick (for Gaussian beam profile in all 3DoF for now) 9 6/11/2019 Alexahin | MADX-SC Development IOTA & High Intensity Beams Workshop, Fermilab

  10. Y.A. “Computing Eigen-Emittances Gaussian Fit from Tracking Data”, arXiv:1409.5483, 2014; NAPAC-2016-THPOA17 N 1 ∑ ∫ = − − δ ( ( ) k ) 2 n G z ( ) z z [ ( ) G z F z ( )] d z The rigorous minimization process for where 6D N = k 1 provides equation for fitted Σ - matrix which can be solved by η 1 ζ = − ζ Σ − ζ 1 F ( ) exp[ ( , )] π Σ n / 2 iterations 2 ( 2 ) det  η  N N 1 1 1 1 ∑ ∑ − − Σ = ζ ζ − ζ Σ ζ − ζ Σ ζ − ( ) k ( ) k ( ) k ( ) k ( ) k ( ) k 1 1 exp[ ( , )] /  exp[ ( , )]  + ij i j n /2 1   N 2 N 2 2 = = k 1 k 1 where n is the dimensionality of the problem (any, e.g. 6) and η is the fraction of particles in the core. It can be fitted in the process as well: n /2 N 2 ∑ 1 η = − ζ Σ − ζ ( ) k ( ) k 1 exp[ ( , )] N 2 = k 1 Problem: = − ζ Σ − ζ Effective weight provides too aggressive suppression of ( ) k ( ) k 1 W exp[ ( , ) / 2] k contribution of moderate amplitude particles → reduction in the effective number of macro-particles → higher statistical fluctuations, in particular “fake coupling” Solution: Introduce softer weights retaining the general form of the equation for fitted Σ 10 6/11/2019 Alexahin | MADX-SC Development IOTA & High Intensity Beams Workshop, Fermilab

  11. Introducing Weights for General Distribution We can define fitted Σ matrix using weight function W ( z ) as N 1 ∑ ( ) k ( ) k ( ) k z z W z ( ) i j N Σ = = (fit) k 1 ij N 1 ∑ − ( ) k W z ( ) p N = k 1 where the correction term p was introduced as it appears in the rigorous solution on the previous slide. To get the correct Σ matrix element for a sample realizing the distribution function F ( z ) ∫ ∫ ∫ = − n 2 n 2 n p W z F z d z ( ) ( ) z W z F z d z ( ) ( ) / z F z d z ( ) , i i Ω Ω Ω = − α ζ Σ − ζ For a n -dimensional Gaussian distribution F ( z ) and weight function 1 W exp[ ( , )] we get α 2 = p + α + 2 ) n 2 1 (1 With α =1/2 p =1/2 n /2+1 and we retrieve the “rigorous” result. A smaller value α =1/5 looks like the optimum. In principle, for every dimension we can use different F , W and p 11 6/11/2019 Alexahin | MADX-SC Development IOTA & High Intensity Beams Workshop, Fermilab

  12. Statistical Effects due to Small N Macroparticles The most annoying is “fake coupling “. β 12 Cross-plane beta-function β 12 can be considered as a measure of coupling. When reconstructed from a Σ -matrix obtained from particle distribution with equal emittances it does vanish for N →∞ Luckily, we are not using β 12 Correlation factor <R xy > N = 2 2 R xy / x y xy i.e. beam ellipse tilt, is vanishing as 1/N 1/2 , but is rather large for practical N. It can be suppressed by symmetry in the initial distribution but will likely reappear N 12 6/11/2019 Alexahin | MADX-SC Development IOTA & High Intensity Beams Workshop, Fermilab

  13. Sigma-Matrix Propagation N 1 ∑ Σ = ζ ζ ζ = − ( ) k ( ) k ( ) k ( ) k , z z i j , i j Two options implemented: N = k 1 • Periodic Σ mode (next slide) • Free Σ mode: fitted Σ -matrix propagated from observation point (1) to SC elements (2) around the ring using linear(ized) transport matrix T Σ = ⋅ Σ ⋅ ( 2 ) ( 1 ) t T T Linearization of the SC force: - averaging over transverse variables (Sacherer, 1971) gives factor 1/2 compared with small amplitudes in Gaussian beam, - averaging over longitudinal coordinate gives another factor 1/ √ 2 in the case of Gaussian profile. The total factor 1/2 3/2 makes the SC tuneshift of envelope oscillations in a Gaussian bunch much smaller than the tuneshift for small-amplitude particles weakening the effect of (Gluckstern’s) particle-envelope resonance. 13 6/11/2019 Alexahin | MADX-SC Development IOTA & High Intensity Beams Workshop, Fermilab


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