m2020 56 city of seattle funding agreement for madison brt

M2020-56: City of Seattle Funding Agreement for Madison BRT Board - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

M2020-56: City of Seattle Funding Agreement for Madison BRT Board of Directors 09/24/2020 Why we are here Motion M2020-56 would approve a funding agreement with the City of Seattle to reimburse the City for constructing the Madison BRT

  1. M2020-56: City of Seattle Funding Agreement for Madison BRT Board of Directors 09/24/2020

  2. Why we are here • Motion M2020-56 would approve a funding agreement with the City of Seattle to reimburse the City for constructing the Madison BRT project • Consider approval of motion 2

  3. Project Background – Madison BRT • City of Seattle project, through 90% final design • Madison BRT will be operated by King County Metro as RapidRide G • Connects Downtown, First Hill, Capitol Hill, Madison Valley • $133M total project cost including contingency • City applied for a $59.9M FTA Small Starts grant; completed FTA readiness review 3

  4. Funding Agreement Key elements • ST would reimburse the City of Seattle for expenditures accrued during construction of up to $29.5M, with $6.3M contingency • Agreement key element in support of FTA Small Starts grant application • Funded by ST3 4

  5. Illustrative - Not to Scale Rapid C and D: Authorized Project Allocation: $65M ALLOCATION $ COMMITMENTS Design Build $65M Proj. Dev. Today’s Action 5 Approved Future Action

  6. Illustrative - Not to Scale Rapid C and D: Board approves $35.8M for City of Seattle ALLOCATION $ COMMITMENTS Design Build $65M Proj. Dev. Today’s Action 6 Approved Future Action

  7. Thank you. soundtransit.org


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