richmon richmond brt d brt transit transit or orien iente

Richmon Richmond BRT d BRT Transit Transit-Or Orien iente ted - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Richmon Richmond BRT d BRT Transit Transit-Or Orien iente ted d Develop Developme ment nt Plan Plan City o ty of Richmond chmond Department partment o of Planning anning & Developm velopment R ent Review view Jul July

  1. Richmon Richmond BRT d BRT Transit Transit-Or Orien iente ted d Develop Developme ment nt Plan Plan City o ty of Richmond chmond Department partment o of Planning anning & Developm velopment R ent Review view Jul July 2015 2015 Dwig Dwight C. C. Jones Jones, Mayo Mayor Sele Selena Cuff Cuffee ee-Glenn, C Glenn, CAO

  2. Partner with State, RRPDC, & Stakeholders to Plan for Corridor  $150,000+/Budget City and DRPT  Revitalization Plan  Land Use Analysis & Recommendations  Zoning Implications & Changes  Urban Design Guidelines  Bike/Ped/Transit Connections  ¼ and ½ Mi. Radii from Stations

  3. Phase 1: Data & Analysis  Review of Exist’g Plans and Studies Along Corridor  Land Use  Real Estate  Demographic & Economic  Base mapping

  4. Phase 2: Engagement, Design, Implementation  Community Input & Feedback Process  Station Area Framework  Type. Form, Mix of uses  Development Opportunities  Potential  Est. of Costs/Benefits  TOD Strategy  Financing  Public Policy Changes, etc.  Corridor Urban Design  12 months to complete


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