lynn silver md mph alisa padon phd

Lynn Silver, MD, MPH Alisa Padon, PhD Senior Advisor Research - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lynn Silver, MD, MPH Alisa Padon, PhD Senior Advisor Research Scientist Public Health Institute Public Health Institute Director: Getting it Right from the Start Co-Director: Getting it Right from the Start We declare that we have no

  1. Lynn Silver, MD, MPH Alisa Padon, PhD Senior Advisor Research Scientist Public Health Institute Public Health Institute Director: Getting it Right from the Start Co-Director: Getting it Right from the Start

  2. We declare that we have no financial conflict of interest Support :

  3. Getting it Right from the Start: Our Mission To collaboratively develop and test models of optimal local marijuana policy with the goal of reducing harms, youth and problem use. These models will be based on the best scientific evidence and guided by the principles of protection of public health, social equity and safety.

  4.  California’s Prop 64 was a ballot initiative with scant attention to public health concerns  But it left broad leeway for local control, as did other states  Window of opportunity to get it right (or at least better)

  5. The Project is working in California through: Legal Analysis Qualitative Model Research Laws Building engagement Technical for action Assistance

  6. Local regulation of:  The retail interface with the population  Marketing  Taxation

  7. The regulatory spectrum Start large enough to shift market, but as small Economic as possible, Commercial 0pportunity Grudging with many constraints free for all with some toleration from start to limit harm. constraints Learn Free reign to the power and might of American Entrepeneurship and innovation Our Approach

  8.  Rapidly expanding panoply of harmful products driven by investors

  9.  Allow sales to reduce illegal market and drug related incarceration  Keep marijuana boring to reduce market growth/youth attraction  Correct false perceptions of harmlessness and fight “normalization”  Take steps to prevent expansion and diversification of the market - CA produces 10 million pounds and consumes 2 million - there will be huge interest in expanding consumption and hooking youth  Learn from tobacco and alcohol experience  Promote economic justice but recognize that this economic opportunity comes at a cost that may include negative social impacts in youth like not graduating or lower IQ.  Fully use local authority  Capture resources for prevention

  10. Price will be a major determinant of youth use in spite of <21 prohibition Vast evidence from tobacco and youth Consider:  Adopt bans on discounting/coupons/happy hour or 2 for 1’s etc., (already used for tobacco and in Sonoma for marijuana)  Taxation to increase price over time

  11. Taxation is allowed locally in CA, and will affect price and reduce youth use. It has been highly effective in tobacco control. And it raises money. Consider:  Local tax, whether city or county  Tax per mg THC  Using tax in whole or in part to finance Local Wellness Funds to support prevention and health equity or other social needs (especially given likely loss of federal prevention funding)

  12.  20% for regulation & enforcement  50% for public health  25% to a wellness fund  15% for equity oversight committee  10% for job training  5% for community development

  13.  Marijuana taxation is a viable and promising way to kickstart and sustainably fund local wellness funds and “backbones” for CACHI sites  Funding from other sources can be “braided”  It is a time limited opportunity that should be seized in the next few months, measures will be on ballot mostly next spring and November, some have passed already  Soda taxes continue to be an alternative approach but this year and next marijuana may be a winning strategy

  14.  Local marijuana taxes must go to the voters, but that will happen in most places in 2017-2018 that legalize regardless of what you do  If you want it to go to prevention, consider:  Mobilize partners to speak to your supervisors or city councils now  Create “citizen commissions”  Act like tobacco coalitions

  15.  A Board or Council lead initiative will need 66% to be dedicated in part or in whole to prevention  A citizen initiative placed on the ballot after a new court decision this month can probably be dedicated with only 50% of voters supporting  Board measures can also use the soda tax model: a general tax + advisory committee with a clear mandate, but dedicated is better

  16.  Ideally start low and raise over time. A ballot initiative may be able to authorize a higher cap of 10-15% after x years but assure that it will start lower, for example 4% in first years to achieve shift to legal market  Need to create a model for a wellness fund and clear statement of purpose and what it will cover  Use of revenue for prevention may be a point of agreement with the cannabis industry

  17.  We are hoping to have a model ballot initiative written in the next few months focusing on marijuana taxation to support prevention and upstream investments  The Getting it Right from the Start project and the California Alliance for Prevention Funding are collaborating on this issue and we hope to be able to provide TA

  18.  Be a voice in your community - Build a strong community consensus agenda for action  Build collaboration across public health, advisory bodies, community organizations, health providers, academia, and advocacy coalitions  Build coalitions to support efforts – quickly, modeled on tobacco action coalitions

  19. Lynn Silver, MD, MPH 917-974-7065 Alisa Padon, PhD Join our ListServ Contact us Also Tracey Rattray California Alliance on Prevention Funding


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