luxembourg freeport customs aspects

Luxembourg Freeport Customs aspects Marc Valette Managing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Luxembourg Freeport Customs aspects Marc Valette Managing Director, Centre Logistique de Bettembourg (CLB) and Lentz multimodal (LMM) 18 September 2014 Contents Introduction CFL Group and the Luxembourg Freeport CFL Fret strategy &

  1. Luxembourg Freeport Customs aspects Marc Valette Managing Director, Centre Logistique de Bettembourg (CLB) and Lentz multimodal (LMM) 18 September 2014

  2. Contents Introduction CFL Group and the Luxembourg Freeport CFL Fret strategy & Luxembourg Freeport objectives Process flows and customs impacts into the Luxembourg Freeport Advantages of Luxembourg Freeport on Customs and VAT perspectives • In comparison with other regimes • General overview • A concrete example Conclusion Team resumes Luxembourg Freeport - Customs aspects 2

  3. Introduction Success factors for Freeport users : 3 pillars Appropriate & secure Reliable & accurate Optimized transport storage solution and treatment of Customs facilities for efficient logistical tax and legal issues products & people services → Safe and stable local and political environment Different expectations Operation services & value Financial & risk creation management → Main challenges linked to customs aspects in the Luxembourg Freeport 3 Luxembourg Freeport - Customs aspects 3

  4. CFL Group and the Luxembourg Freeport CFL group (2013): • National railways in Luxembourg Groupe Fret • 4th industrial group in Luxembourg CFL Multimodal (2013): • 4 050 employees • Integrated supply chain solutions • 684 Mio € turnover • 1st multimodal operator in Luxembourg Multimodal freight Conventional Rail Freight • 355 employees Logistics services incl. Customs Agency Services • 48 Mio € turnover Values and project of CFL Fret • Interest in Luxembourg Freeport operations as an • High-performing logistics and transport actor committed actor in Luxembourg innovation & continuous improvement in logistics • Added-value logistics service • Highly proficient on customs operations enabling to • Serving respond to operators customs and tax issues − National and Regional Economy Selected and retained for providing − Sustainable development Luxembourg Freeport on-site customs services Luxembourg Freeport - Customs aspects 4

  5. CFL Fret strategy & Luxembourg Freeport objectives • Development of rail transport to lead Luxembourg to the heart of future rail motorways network • Development of special transport and logistics scheme integrating rail, fiscal representation, bounded warehouse and VAT advantages to promote Luxembourg place • Huge logistical projects in coming years Operational in 2016 New rail terminal in Bettembourg New centralized warehouse → Luxembourg Freeport, CFL projects & VAT environment are key to promote Luxembourg global attractiveness on supply chain operations 5 Luxembourg Freeport - Customs aspects 5

  6. Luxembourg Freeport stakeholders participating to customs process • Deliver (or cancel !) agreement to the logistic operators active in the Customs Freeport, autorities • Monitor the customs functionning of the Freeport • Notifications to customs Authorized • Goods accounting operator • Record of services provided • Customs declaration including transit, temporary admission,… Customs agent • Edition of VAT for non professional owner (exit process) • Collection of information regarding cycle life operations for declaration Luxembourg Freeport - Customs aspects 6

  7. Process flows and customs impacts into the Luxembourg Freeport For investors, reliability on inbound customs & tax processes are key to avoid “ BAD SURPRISES” at the end Product Product location ownership Transport to Outbound process Freeport • Evaluation of exit situation Freeport life • Estimation of exit value Inbound process • Customs declaration if Transport out of Storage, restoration, necessary • Evaluation of entrance situation Freeport exhibition, … • Validation by customs ‒ Nature of underlying Value evolution transaction (transfer, sale) ‒ Customs status of the Temporary Outbound Internal sales without exit valuables process of the goods • Organization of export ‒ VAT status of owner model Transport and ‒ Origin of products • Organization warranties Temporary output without return out (transit, carnet ATA,…) • Creation of declaration if sales of/into Freeport • Declaration if necessary necessary • Evaluation of exit value for Sales executed under customs perspective temporary output • Valuation & Insurance evaluation Luxembourg Freeport - Customs aspects 7

  8. Advantages of Luxembourg Freeport on customs & VAT perspectives In comparison with other regimes More flexibility for users especially in: • Facilitating the communication with authorities (notification oriented vs. declaration oriented) • Combining different special regime for VAT and customs on one place (operator agreement vs. customs authorization) Type 1 customs Free Zone VAT suspended regime Article 60 bis of the Luxembourg VAT law, Article 166 to 181 of European Regulation No 2913/92 and articles implementing the articles 154 to 163 of the 799 to 813 of the European Directive 2006/112/EC Regulation No 2454/93 Simplicity for investors Luxembourg Freeport - Customs aspects 8

  9. Advantages of Luxembourg Freeport on customs & VAT perspectives General overview AED : authorities in charge of VAT ADA ADA : customs authorities Luxembourg Freeport - Customs aspects 9

  10. Advantages of Luxembourg Freeport on customs & VAT perspectives A concrete example Italian gallery purchasing a art picture from Switzerland and selling to Chinese client with a doubling of price in three years Purchasing value : 1 Mio € Transport and safety : 1% Evaluation of situation related to entrance : Collection of information on client and product situation Entrance process  Entrance notification to customs by authorized Transport to Luxembourg Freeport via operator Luxembourg Airport  No customs declaration, no duties to pay EACH SITUATION IS  No VAT declaration, VAT suspended regime DIFFERENT Cycle life • Exhibition The authorized operator shall • Storage in Free port  Keep records of operations and costs • Special Insurance For customs agent,  Notify the sale to customs Hypothesis : 10 % of the entry value Evaluation of situation related to exhibition and sale • reliability of  No VAT declaration, VAT suspended regime • Sale to Chinese gallery information is crucial Hypothesis : 150% of the entry value Evaluation of situation related to exit : Collection of • to declare correctly information on client, product and cycle life events and appropriately Exit process Determination of current value of product Transport to China via Luxembourg Analyse of export condition for paper documentation airport  Exit notification to customs Hypothesis : 200 % of the entry value  Declaration to customs  VAT declaration, exempt transactions Luxembourg Freeport - Customs aspects 10

  11. Conclusion Luxembourg Freeport from customs perspectives • Huge advantages to simplify processes and reduce risks for owners, requiring: ‒ Smart and deep analysis at inbound stage ‒ Transparency on product life cycle within the Freeport ‒ Good assessment of exit constraints • Reduce administrative burden linked to indirect taxation • Appropriate place for safe management of valuables 11 Luxembourg Freeport - Customs aspects 11

  12. Team resumes CFL Multimodal – Customs agency services Marc Valette Gilbert FRASELLE Managing Director Responsable Agence Douane Luxembourg Luxembourg Centre Logistique de Bettembourg Lentz Multimodal (CLB) and Lentz multimodal (LMM) Karine Bellony Partenaire douane Luxembourg Lentz Multimodal (LMM) Luxembourg Freeport - Customs aspects 12

  13. CFL multimodal thanks you for your attention Luxembourg Freeport - Customs aspects 13

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